The Summer Residential Component, known as “The Galaxy Experience,” comprises a non-bridge component for students entering grades nine through twelve and a bridge experience for those program participants that have completed high school and are ready to enter college.
The Summer Residential Component is a six-week program that simulates a college-going experience. Upward Bound Math and Science Regional Center provides a well-rounded and balanced array of services and activities for students. Students attend classes tailored to meet their academic needs. They receive personal and academic counseling and tutoring as well as career and cultural enrichment. All classes and activities are designed to enhance the students' preparation and exposure to educational opportunities. The students are housed in the Residence Halls on the WSU campus where the residential staff has the primary responsibility of providing the students with supervision, counseling, and tutoring.
Evening Activities
Each evening during the summer component, a different activity is scheduled for student academic or social development. The standard rotation is as follows:
Monday: Floor Meeting
Tuesday: Cultural Arts Workshop
Wednesday: Career and Research Exploration
Thursday: Social/Cultural Activities
Friday: Free Night
Weekend Activities
Students typically have one weekend event planned and paid for by the program. Other activities and outings are at the discretion of the residential staff and students. Events that typically take place are:
- Swimming
- Trips to the mall
- Music theatre
- Art museums
Academic Field Trips
Group outings focused on academic pursuits are often scheduled to augment the classroom experience. Past outings have included
- Exploration Place
- The Sedgwick County Zoo
- Geological fossil finds
- The WSU cadaver Lab, and more
Research Projects
- Each UBMS student must prepare a scientific research project for competition.
- Each project must be completed by a group of at least 3 students.
- Student groups present their findings at the Annual Research Symposium and
- Receive awards at the End of the Summer Banquet for their project based on:
- Research merit
- Information merit
- Experimental design
- Overall presentation