Description of Executive Committee Offices

Director - Publicity

Position Description:

  1. Set up an overall plan of publicizing ISU for academic year.
  2. Set up a standard plan that will serve to publicize each ISU activity, event and need of ISU.
  3. Customize standard publicity plan if and where necessary for each event.
  4. Execute and assess publicity plans.



  1. F-1 Visa Status with not more than 12 hours of enrollment (if undergraduate) or 9 hours of enrollment (if graduate).
  2. A minimum of 2.25 GPA (undergraduate) and 3.00 (graduate student).
  3. History of publicity experiance.
  4. Have a vision for how to publicize ISU activities to the campus and the community
  5. Availability to attend weekly ISU meetings on Fridays at 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.


  1. Strong oral and written communication skills.
  2. Active experience in a position of responsibility in a WSU student organization.
  3. Evidence of outreach, volunteer experiance.


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