Laser Laboratory Design Guide LBNL Laser Safety Program- V1-2012 Things to consider & avoid
The opportunity to set up one�s lab is always a great occasion. In doing so, there are items one can easily overlook. The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance, reminders and explanations of items for you to consider in establishing or retrofitting your lab. Some items will be repeated from different vantage points within the guide.
Please send any comments or suggestion for the guide to the laser safety officer (LSO). A major tenet of the Laser Safety Program is to keep looking for ways to improve service to you the laser user.
Principal author: Ken Barat Intern: Justine Woo
Table of Contents
Access Control/Controlled Entry 5
The Optical Table is in Place 9
Which Way are the Beams Pointing? 9
Section 3A Environmental Factors: 12
Temperature Control/Chillers 13
Section 3B Interior-Institutional Items: 16
Space Around Electrical Panel 16
Storage (Chemicals, Flammable Liquids, Gases) 16
Section 5,,Abbreviated Checklist 21
Appendix A: Laboratory Lessons 24
Section 1 Exterior Design
This section details items to consider, when setting up your lab, that are on or related to the exterior of your lab. Remembering your lab is not just the inside.
Access Control/Controlled Entry:
Class 3B & Class 4 laser labs require access control. The laser chapter of Pub 3000 and the laser ANSI standard (Z136.1 & Z136.8), allow for a wide range of access controls. The three most common are: door interlock systems; an electronic lock; and/or posting. The system that should be chosen depends on how well the laser beams are contained. The LBNL LSO needs to be consulted to help make this determination. If a laser interlock system is required, it must be such that the interlock must be armed first to allow the laser to be turned on. An interlocked system is not always the best solution. Most importantly it does not protect the users, only those who should not be entering. Interlock systems must only cause the laser beam to become safe when tripped. This is often achieved by dropping a shutter or causing the laser to lose power (least favored approach).
Door Interlock System
The interlock must be armed to allow the laser to be turned on
An interlock system is not always the best solution
Non-defeatable door interlock is not a viable option. This type of system is designed to block the beam or drop power every time the door is opened.
Defeatable door interlock is set with an access device on the outside (i.e. key pad or card key reader) that allows authorized staff to enter. Triggering the device sets a pre- determined (15-30 second) bypass where the door can be open and the laser will stay on. Exiting is best controlled by a crash bar which triggers a pre-timed bypass.
Electronic Lock
Cipher lock with key override: this approach provides secure access but has no effect on laser operation. The key override is for first responders only, not housekeeping.
Posting Only-Administrative Access Control
Can be allowed if the Class3B & or Class 4 laser system is in normal operation operating in a Class 1 or near Class 1 system configuration
Door Notes
Standard door safety requirements
Self-closing device on door a must for laser labs
Standard keyed lock, should not be used, too many people have �master keys�
Doors to lab should not be fire-rated unless necessary
Fire resistant doors should have magnetic hold-open features
Door will close in event of an alarm
Egress doors
Crash-bar for easy egress
36� or 42� wide doors
Doors opening onto exit corridors must swing with exit egress
Minimum clearance if 32� when door is open 90 degrees
Lab benches, equipment, furniture, etc. cannot be placed within 5� of egress
Doors within interior partitions must be self-latching
Illuminated Warning Sign
It is preferred that laser labs that contain a Class 3B or Class 4 laser have a visual indicator that the laser is in use. Once again, a review of beam containment during normal operation may void this requirement. The illuminated warning sign can be of several variations. The sign can solely indicate the laser is powered up or multi-modes such as safe, laser on, and beam accessible.
Figure 1: Laser Warning Sign Too High and Not Informative
Sign Conditions
Posted at eye level (60� or 152 cm above the floor) to the side of the entryway, not above the door frame
Low voltage rather than 110 Volts
LED light source rather than standard bulbs
A red light or non-descriptive sign is not sufficient
The illuminated sign is required for each doorway that is accessible
Illuminated whenever the laser is energized and capable of producing a beam
Automatic light, light turn off/on based on when the laser is on/off
If light manually controlled, light switch shall be located in a convenient position near the laser control
Eyewear Storage
A critical element of laser safety is laser protective eyewear; hence, the storage and protection of that eyewear is very important. Laser eyewear can be stored inside or outside of the laser use area or at both locations. The storage device must protect the physical integrity of the eyewear and be easily accessible to the
Storage Considerations
Figure 2: Eyewear Being Stored on Interior of Door
The storage device must protect the physical integrity of the eyewear, protect from scratches and stored in clean and sanitary �Ready for use� condition, keeping away from dust, dirt or other contaminants.
Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation can degrade laser protective eyewear, in particular laser eyewear with high optical densities.
Remove damaged eyewear from storage holder i.e. broken temples, scratches that would render it unsafe to use, burn marks, etc.
Eyewear with worn off labeling is not allowed to be used; it is advisable to replace
manufacturer labeling with one�s own or post image of eyewear and labeling at storage location.
Store in a way to avoid confusing different types of eyewear that may be used
A good practice is to store alignment eyewear separately from other eyewear at the lab
Store separately standard non laser safety glasses to ensure they are not confused with laser protective eyewear,
Wall pouch holder, can be obtained from LSO as well as vendor list of commercial eyewear holders.
As a rule, windows into the typical laser lab are not a good idea and doors should not be equipped with such. If doors are equipped with windows, the following needs to be considered:
Window panels in doors should be covered with an permanent opaque material
If windows are required for non-laser use periods, then shades or removable covers for laser operation need to be available
Electronic shutter windows can be used in some circumstances
Windows can be covered with optical density acrylics to provide protection and viewing. Such acrylics must be labeled with wavelength and optical density.
Portals/viewing windows must be designed to prevent any exposure above the maximum permissible exposure value.
Wall windows should be treated the same as door windows.
Door Postings
Any laboratory using a Class 3B and or Class 4 laser is required to have a hazard communication posting. This can be a sole ANSI laser warning sign or the ANSI warning sign in combination with the standard chemical hazard communication sign. Each can be obtained from the LSO or appropriate Division Safety Coordinator.
The ANSI required warning information must be on the posted sign:
Highest class laser in use
Signal word (Warning or Danger)
Wavelengths in use
Optical Density for wavelengths
The door posting should also contain the following:
Alert of hazards
List of authorized users and emergency contact numbers
Instruction on entry
Emergency Crash-Off Switch
LBNL policy does not require a button (commonly seen as red mushroom button) for a Class 3B or Class 4 lab. It is suggested by the ANSI standard; equivalent devices are acceptable, such as posting the location of the circuit breaker box that controls the lasers or the location of the laser power supplies in the room. Most commercial
interlock systems include this crash off device. Some labs locate this switch inside the lab or both inside & outside.
Figure 3: Labeled Emergency Stop
Section 2 Interior Layout
This section details interior items to consider when setting up your lab. There is more to consider than where the wine rack or cappuccino machine goes.Remember it is best to have all room construction completed before the optical table is put into place.
Optical Table
The optical table is the place where your experimental action will take place and how it is laid out is of extreme importance to you because it directly affects your success. While your mind is spinning experimentally, there are additional items to consider.
Scanning the floor: get scanned for wires and cables under and within the floor (remember floor scanning results are only good for so long before they expire).
Penetration permit will be required to install table legs
Contact Riggers to schedule installation
Consider seismic system for the table:
Can this be provided by the vendor or will it have to be LBNL engineered?
Determine how much power you will need for experimental equipment
See Section 3 Environmental Factors:
How tables will fit into the room, when you consider institutional clearance from electrical panels, etc See Section 3A & 3B for details
Will shelves be required above the optical table?
If yes, make sure equipment fits under the shelves. Determine height of equipment including addition of cameras, and then determine height of shelves over table.
Laser Exclusion zone (laser free area)
Some users set up a curtained or blocked off area right inside the entry point of the lab. This establishes a laser-free zone. LBNL laser safety program protocol is no optics can be seen from open doorway.
The Optical Table is in Place
OK, the table(s) has arrived and has been put into place, now you have to consider
Seismic Bracing � anchor, support, brace
to building structure: will it be obtained from the vendor or lab designed, built and installed?
The tables will need to be grounded
Laser exclusion zone
Figure 4: Flat Screen Hanging from Over Table Shelf
Some users set up a curtained or blocked off area right inside the entry point of the lab; this establishes a laser-free zone
LBNL laser safety program protocol states no optics shall be seen from open doorway.
Which Way are the Beams Pointing?
A good practice in laser safety is to not have the beam path pointing towards doorways.
This can be implemented with the use of barriers around the optical table or at the end facing the entry way.
Can the laser set up be positioned towards the back of the room, rather than right near the entry way?
The LBNL standard approach is for one not to be able to see optics from outside the doorway. Many types of enclosures can provide compliance with this approach. Types of enclosures close to beam or optical path that provides the best protection are listed below.
Depending on the experimental set up, several means of beam containment are open to the user. One is walls around the set up. The enclosure needs to be at least several inches higher than intended beam path:
Perimeter Guard
Plastic Laser Enclosures
Figure 5: Cover Optics and Beam Tubes
These should be rated for your wavelengths and required optical density Have a diffuse interior surface to promote diffuse reflections from any stray beams.
Available from a number of vendors as kits
Can be self-tested, using spectrometer/power meter
Plastic laser enclosure covers
Covers will provide a cleaner work area
Contain reflections
Negative impact: can quickly become a shelf and maybe be difficult to remove
Metal Laser Enclosures- Wavelength & optical density determination not a concern
Should have an diffuse pattern on the inside surface
Beware of the intensity of your beams, metal coatings can be ablated off, yielding a specular surface.
Commercial units generally come in 12� and 18 � heights
Homemade enclosures have no such limitation, but often need to be anodized (which LBNL can do for you)
Metal laser enclosure covers
Covers will provide a cleaner work area
Contain reflections
Negative impact: can quickly become a shelf and maybe be difficult to remove
Complete Table Barriers
These units are 80/20 frames or uni-strut that stand a few inches off from the optical table and have a track for panels (most commonly sliding panels). Frame can be equipped with HEPA Filters, lights or no roof at all.
Figure 6: Complete Table Barrier 10
Around entire table or portion of it
Can be open or closed on top
May need task lighting
Items stored on top must be seismically braced
Local Blocks- Beam Blocks
Even with the use of perimeter guards and other barriers, the use of beam blocks is recommended. It is an absolute must when the table is an all open beam path. Their function is to block stray reflections/beams.
Beam Path Management
Enclosures should be compatible with laser wavelength and beam power.
Laser enclosures, beam stops, beam barriers and other exposed surfaces shall be diffusedly reflective at laser wavelength used
Surfaces that create specular reflection cannot be used
Materials used for beam stops or beam barriers shall not off-gas or be combustible at the beam power used