Edit Your Profile

In the Ultra Base Navigation menu, select your name to access your profile. 

Here you will see the following:

  • Profile Picture
  • Basic Information and Contact Information , including your name, password, email address, address, and student ID.
  • System settings, including language, privacy settings, and Global Notification Settings. 

Profile Picture

Your profile picture appears on course content pages, conversations, messages, rosters, and discussions. 

To change your profile picture: 
  1. Select the pencil icon that appears when you scroll over the generic silhouette or your current profile picture.
  2. Select Upload new profile picture to browse your computer for your picture. You can also drag the file to the Upload area. 
  3. Select the image. It will save automatically. Close the panel to return to your profile page. 

Basic information

Your name, email address, address, and Student ID can not be edited, as they are sent to Blackboard from your student record. To change your password, click on change password and follow the instructions. 

Blackboard gives you the option to add pronunciation to your name. Click on Add pronunciation. In the side panel, click on the text box to add a phonetic spelling. Or click on Record name pronunciation to use your computer's microphone to record yourself pronouncing your name. 


System Settings

Langauge and privacy settings are set by the system and can not be edited. 

In Global Notification settings, you can change what notifications to get and how often you get them. 

  • Choose Stream Notifications to change which notications you will see in your Blackboard Activity Stream. 
  • Choose Email Notifications to choose which activities you would like emailed to you and whether you would like emails sent right away or once per day. 
  • Chose Push Notifications to choose which activities cause a notification from your mobile app. (Notifications for due dates always appear in the app.)