New postage rates set for January 27, 2019
New postage rates have been approved for the U.S.P.S. for 2019. To review all of the new proposed retail prices click here. For additional rate increase information about presorted, marketing, or parcel rates, please contact the Campus Post Office.
"Letters from Santa" now available at Wichita State's Campus Post Office
The holiday season is here again and once more, you can arrange for Santa to send a letter to good boys and girls who are waiting for his visit on Christmas Eve. But don't wait too long! Visit our Santa Letters page or the Campus Post Office in Morrison Hall by December 14 for more information.
UPS and FedEx Price Increase
UPS will increase prices by 4.9% on 12/24/2017
FedEx will increase prices by 4.9% on 1/01/2018