Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Institute for the Study of Economic Growth?

Q: How will the institute be funded?

Q: What is the institute’s mission?

Q: What is the institute’s vision?

Q: How will the institute be staffed?

Q: What will the institute’s research entail?

Q: How will outcomes of research be utilized?

Q: How does the institute differ from other entities like WSU’s Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR)?

Q: How is academic freedom incorporated into the institute's work?

Q: What is the Institute for the Study of Economic Growth?

Once established in Wichita State’s Barton School of Business, the institute will advance the teaching, research, and application of ideas about economic solutions to business, public policy and social issues. These initiatives will be focused on the role of businesses, markets, and innovative entrepreneurial activities in enhancing societal well-being.

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Q: How will the institute be funded?

The Institute for the Study of Economic Growth will be initially funded through a $3.64 million grant from the Charles Koch Foundation to the Barton School of Business. The grant will be paid out over 5 years in increasing amounts as the institute becomes more established. The institute will also seek additional external funding from other entities to leverage the support provided by the Charles Koch Foundation.

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Q: What is the institute’s mission?

In alignment with Wichita State University’s and the Barton School’s mission, the institute’s mission is to advance the teaching, research and application of innovative and entrepreneurial activities in a free enterprise economy to enhance societal prosperity through economic growth.

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Q: What is the institute’s vision?

To be a premier agent for the exploration of market and enterprise systems that have the greatest impact on the economic prosperity of society through economic growth.

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Q: How will the institute be staffed?

There will be an executive director, two doctoral faculty members, one faculty member at the lecturer rank, two graduate student institute fellows, two graduate assistants to assist faculty and appropriate support staff.

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Q: What will the institute’s research entail?

Research will focus on the interconnectedness of innovation, markets, entrepreneurship and institutions in society. Beyond this, the faculty will be free to decide specific research topics.

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Q: How will outcomes of research be utilized?

The research results will be disseminated through classroom instruction, symposia, debates, panel discussions, policy forums, and publications in academic and practitioner oriented journals.

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Q: How does the institute differ from other entities like WSU’s Center for Economic Development and Business Research (CEDBR)?

The institute’s mission and vision are distinct from those of the other centers in the Barton School. The main goal of the institute is to examine the role of entrepreneurship and innovation with an understanding of where economic growth comes from, what the drivers are and how we can solve some of our problems using economic theory and practice. There are likely to be opportunities to partner with the CEDBR through research.

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Q: How is academic freedom incorporated into the institute's work?

There is a shared understanding between Wichita State University and the Charles Koch Foundation that academic freedom is paramount. University process will be followed when decisions are made regarding the institute’s academic programming, curriculum and evaluation and recruitment of faculty and staff. Preserving academic freedom and following normal university processes are shared tenets of both the Charles Koch Foundation and WSU.

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