Ready Reference Contact Information

Below is a contact list of usefull veteran and military organizations.

Air Force Retiree Services: (800) 531-7502

Arlington National Cemetery: (703) 607-8000

Armed Forces Retirement Home: (800) 422-9988

Army & Air Force Exchange Service: (214) 312-2011

Army Retired Services: (703)325-9158

Burial at Sea Information: (866) 787-0081

Combat Related Special Compensation

DEERS: (800)-538-9552, Fax: (831) 655-8317

Defense Commissary Agency

DFAS Casualty Assistance Branch: (800) 321-1080 or (216) 522-5955; (For Reporting
a Retiree's death, option #3)

Fleet Reserve Association: (703) 683-1400

Gulf War homepage

I.D. Cards Benefits and Eligibility: (866) 827-5672

Internal Revenue Service: (800) 829-1040

Marine Corps Retired Affairs: (800) 336-4649; (Hover over “Marine Services” then click on “Retired Services”)

Medicare: (800) 633-4227. TTY: (877) 486-2048

Military Officers Assoc. of America: (800) 234-6622

National Burial Services: (800) 697-6940

NPC Navy Reserve Personnel Management (PERS 9): (866) 827-5672

Navy Casualty Assistance: (800) 368-3202

Navy Retired Activities Office: (866) U-ASK-NPC (866-827-5672),

Navy Uniform Shop: (800) 368-4088

Navy Worldwide Locator: (866) U-ASK-NPC (866-827-5672)

Reserve Component SBP: (866) 827-5672

Retiree Dental — Delta Dental: (888) 838-8737

Servicemembers Group Insurance (SGLI): (800) 419-1473

Naval Historical Center: (202) 433-2210

Social Security Administration: (800) 772-1213

Pay/SBP Questions

Pay inquiries and update of pay or SBP records in case of death, divorce or remarriage

Retiree: Defense Finance and Accounting Service, U.S. Military Retirement Pay, P.O. Box 7130, London KY 40742-7130 (800) 321-1080, (216) 522-5955

SBP/RSFPP annuitant: Defense Finance and Accounting Service, U.S. military Annuitant Pay, P.O. Box 7131, London KY 40742-7131 (800) 321-1080, (216) 522-5955


TRICARE North: (877) TRICARE (874-2273); CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VT, VA, WI, WV, some zips in IA, MO, TN

TRICARE South: (800) 444-5445; : AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, OK, SC, TN (except 35 TN zips near Fort Campbell), and TX (except the extreme SW El Paso area)

TRICARE West: (888) TRIWEST (874-9378); : AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, IA (except 82 zips near Rock Island), KS, MO (except St. Louis area), MN, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OR, DE, SW TX, UT, WA, WY

TRICARE Overseas: (888) 777-8343

TRICARE For Life: (866) 773-0404;

TRICARE mail order pharmacy: (877) 363-1303;


Regional offices: (800) 827-1000 (overseas retirees should contact the American Embassy/consulate), TDD (800) 829-4833

Insurance: VA Regional Office and Insurance Center, PO Box 7208 (claims inquiries) -ORPO or Box 7327 (loans) - or ORPO Box 7787 (payments), Philadelphia PA 19101 (800) 669-8477;

Burial information: (800) 827-1000;

GI Bill: (888) 442-4551;

Records: For replacement DD 214, service records, medical records, award information: Retired prior to 1995:

Retired after 1995: Navy Personnel Command, PERS-312E, 5720 Integrity Drive, Millington, TN 38055-3120 Fax requests to: (901) 874-2664
Gray-area reservists: (866) 827-5672

Navy recreation

Navy Gateway Inns & Suites


Service retiree publications:

Air Force Afterburner

Army Echoes

Coast Guard Evening Colors

Marine Corps Semper Fidelis: (hover over “Marine Services,” click on “Retired Services,” then hover over “Retired Activities” in the left menu and click

U.S. Navy Shift Colors