Wichita State students protest against the construction of the Wolf Creek Nuclear Power Plant in the 1970s. (file photo)
More than 100 years supporting free speech
Throughout our 125-year existence, Wichita State University has stood in strong support of freedom of expression in speech, thought and deed.
The Forum Board Lecture Series, originally established in 1937 as the Student Forum and discontinued in 2002, brought in over that time more than 500 nationally and internally known personalities and thought leaders, including major historical figures from all points on the political and academic spectrum. That legacy has been revived with the establishment of the Craig W. Barton Speaker Series, which debuts in April 2022.
Name | Academic Year |
Lecture Date | Lecture Series |
Marquis Childs | 1937 | 2/11/1937 | Student Forum |
Dr. William T. Foster | 1938 | 11/10/1937 | Student Forum |
Dr. Raymond Leslie Buell | 1938 | 11/17/1937 | Student Forum |
Dr. Edward C. Carter | 1938 | 12/1/1937 | Student Forum |
Elizabeth P. MacCullum | 1938 | 1/12/1938 | Student Forum |
Dr. Rupert P. Vance | 1938 | 1/26/1938 | Student Forum |
Maxwell Stewart | 1938 | 2/9/1938 | Student Forum |
Dr. David Bryn-Jones | 1938 | 2/23/1938 | Student Forum |
Dr. No Yong Park | 1938 | 3/9/1938 | Student Forum |
Arthur Kallet | 1939 | 11/16/1938 | Student Forum |
Christopher Mayhew | 1939 | 12/2/1938 | Student Forum |
Philip R. Noakes | 1939 | 12/2/1938 | Student Forum |
Carl Sandburg | 1939 | 1/18/1939 | Student Forum |
Ralph Hinman | 1939 | 2/2/1939 | Student Forum |
Paul Popenoe | 1939 | 2/23/1939 | Student Forum |
Maurice Hindus | 1939 | 3/23/1939 | Student Forum |
Maynard Krueger | 1939 | 4/20/1939 | Student Forum |
Pierre Van Paassen | 1940 | 11/1/1939 | Student Forum |
Vincent Sheean | 1940 | 11/23/1939 | Student Forum |
George J. Bean | 1940 | 12/4/1939 | Student Forum |
Victor Hugh Parkinson | 1940 | 12/4/1939 | Student Forum |
H.R. Knickerbocker | 1940 | 1/8/1940 | Student Forum |
Dr. George Earle Raiguel | 1940 | 3/7/1940 | Student Forum |
Dr. Howard Haggard | 1940 | 3/20/1940 | Student Forum |
Sigmund Spaeth | 1940 | 4/4/1940 | Student Forum |
Thomas Hart Benton | 1940 | 5/2/1940 | Student Forum |
Arnold Jones | 1941 | 10/9/1940 | Student Forum |
Maynard Krueger | 1941 | 10/9/1940 | Student Forum |
Orville McPherson | 1941 | 10/9/1940 | Student Forum |
Linton Wells | 1941 | 11/13/1940 | Student Forum |
Gordon B. Enders | 1941 | 12/2/1940 | Student Forum |
Will Durant | 1941 | 2/10/1941 | Student Forum |
Herbert Agar | 1941 | 3/26/1941 | Student Forum |
Louis Untermeyer | 1941 | 4/7/1941 | Student Forum |
Cornelius Vanderbilt IV | 1942 | 10/22/1941 | Student Forum |
Archduke Otto | 1942 | 11/6/1941 | Student Forum |
Dr. Albert E. Wiggam | 1942 | 12/4/1941 | Student Forum |
Kent Sagendorph | 1942 | 2/5/1942 | Student Forum |
Lew Sarrett | 1942 | 3/16/1942 | Student Forum |
Dr. Robert A. Millikan | 1942 | 4/22/1942 | Student Forum |
Dr. No Yong Park | 1943 | 10/26/1942 | Student Forum |
Maj. Alexander P. De Seversky | 1943 | 11/25/1942 | Student Forum |
Maynard Krueger | 1943 | 12/10/1942 | Student Forum |
Quincy Wright | 1943 | 12/10/1942 | Student Forum |
Henry Bloch | 1943 | 12/10/1942 | Student Forum |
Franklin P. Adams | 1943 | 4/4/1943 | Student Forum |
Louis Fischer | 1943 | 4/15/1943 | Student Forum |
Lewis Browne | 1944 | 10/27/1943 | Student Forum |
Sinclair Lewis | 1944 | 10/27/1943 | Student Forum |
Leland Stowe | 1944 | 11/22/1943 | Student Forum |
George Weller | 1944 | 2/25/1944 | Student Forum |
Carleton Smith | 1944 | 3/22/1944 | Student Forum |
Jan Struther | 1945 | 10/12/1944 | Student Forum |
Eliot Janeway | 1945 | 12/13/1944 | Student Forum |
Robert Boothby | 1945 | 2/20/1945 | Student Forum |
Edmund Stevens | 1945 | 3/8/1945 | Student Forum |
Dr. Hubert Herring | 1945 | 4/23/1945 | Student Forum |
Dr. Homer P. Rainey | 1946 | 10/16/1945 | Student Forum |
Mme. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit | 1946 | 11/19/1945 | Student Forum |
Sidney Montague | 1946 | 1/7/1946 | Student Forum |
Harrison Forman | 1946 | 2/14/1946 | Student Forum |
André Maurois | 1946 | 3/26/1946 | Student Forum |
George Moorad | 1947 | 12/11/1946 | Student Forum |
Norman Cousins | 1947 | 1/8/1947 | Student Forum |
Ellis Arnall | 1947 | 2/5/1947 | Student Forum |
Carl Van Doren | 1947 | 2/20/1947 | Student Forum |
John Mason Brown | 1947 | 10/20/1948 | Student Forum |
Robert St. John | 1948 | 10/6/1947 | Student Forum |
T.V. Smith | 1948 | 11/19/1947 | Student Forum |
Dr. Bernard Iddings Bell | 1948 | 2/3/1948 | Student Forum |
Stuart Chase | 1948 | 2/26/1948 | Student Forum |
B. Preston Schoyer | 1948 | 4/21/1948 | |
John Mason Brown | 1949 | 10/20/1948 | Student Forum |
Robert Magidoff | 1949 | 11/10/1948 | Student Forum |
Raymond Moley | 1949 | 1/12/1949 | Student Forum |
Archibald MacLeish | 1949 | 2/3/1949 | Student Forum |
Hamlet: Movie with Laurence Olivier | 1949 | 2/21/1949 | |
Clifton Fadiman | 1949 | 3/29/1949 | Student Forum |
Joseph Thanner | 1949 | 5/19/1949 | |
Gen. Leslie R. Groves | 1950 | 10/26/1949 | Student Forum |
Dr. C.J. Hambro | 1950 | 11/16/1949 | Student Forum |
Dr. John Ise | 1950 | 12/7/1949 | Student Forum |
Dr. Bharatan Kumarappa | 1950 | 1/18/1950 | Student Forum |
Homer P. Rainey | 1950 | 3/15/1950 | Student Forum |
Dwight Griswold | 1950 | 4/12/1950 | Student Forum |
Ogden Nash | 1950 | 5/2/1950 | Student Forum |
Adolphe Menjou | 1951 | 10/25/1950 | Student Forum |
Henry Hazlitt | 1951 | 11/16/1950 | Student Forum |
Sen. Estes Kefauver | 1951 | 11/29/1950 | Student Forum |
Bill Costello | 1951 | 2/13/1951 | Student Forum |
Richard Llewellyn | 1951 | 3/21/1951 | Student Forum |
Dr. Kurt Von Schushnigg | 1951 | 4/2/1951 | |
Lee Mortimer | 1952 | 10/24/1951 | Student Forum |
Helen Gahagan Douglas | 1952 | 11/28/1951 | Student Forum |
Bennett Cerf | 1952 | 1/29/1952 | Student Forum |
Leland Stowe | 1952 | 3/12/1952 | Student Forum |
Nicholas Nyaradi | 1953 | 5/15/1952 | |
Dr. You Chan Yang | 1953 | 10/21/1952 | Student Forum |
Dorothy Thompson | 1953 | 11/21/1952 | Student Forum |
Sen. Wayne Morse | 1953 | 12/17/1952 | Student Forum |
Charles Laughton | 1953 | 4/2/1953 | Student Forum |
Maurice Schumann | 1954 | 10/14/1953 | Student Forum |
Don Cossack Chorus | 1954 | 10/27/1953 | Student Forum |
Ernestine Gilbreth Carey | 1954 | 11/10/1953 | Student Forum |
Neal McNeill | 1954 | 2/8/1954 | Student Forum |
Agnes Moorehead | 1954 | 2/25/1954 | Student Forum |
Leon Pearson | 1954 | 3/10/1954 | Student Forum |
Trygve Lie | 1955 | 10/26/1954 | Student Forum |
Dr. Willy Ley | 1955 | 12/7/1954 | Student Forum |
Dr. Karl Gruber | 1955 | 2/16/1955 | Student Forum |
William L. Shirer | 1955 | 3/9/1955 | Student Forum |
Arthur Treacher | 1955 | 4/13/1955 | Student Forum |
Bill Costello | 1956 | Student Forum | |
Norman Cousins | 1956 | Student Forum | |
Henry Hull | 1956 | Student Forum | |
Dr. Frolick Rainey | 1956 | Student Forum | |
Gen. Carlos Romulo | 1956 | Student Forum | |
Herbert Morrison | 1957 | Nov. 1956 | Student Forum |
Rep. Walter Judd | 1957 | Student Forum | |
Ogden Nash | 1957 | Student Forum | |
Drew Pearson | 1957 | Student Forum | |
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt | 1957 | Student Forum | |
John Mason Brown | 1958 | 3/23/1958 | Student Forum |
Justice William O. Douglas | 1958 | 5/14/1958 | Student Forum |
Chet Huntley | 1958 | Student Forum | |
William Lawrence | 1958 | Student Forum | |
Vincent Price | 1958 | Student Forum | |
Albert Schlesinger | 1959 | 11/14/1958 | Student Forum |
Dr. Wernher Von Braun | 1959 | 4/17/1959 | Student Forum |
Clement Attlee | 1959 | Student Forum | |
Chet Huntley | 1959 | Student Forum | |
Emlyn Williams | 1959 | Student Forum | |
Earl Schaefer | 1960 | 3/15/1959 | Student Forum |
Bennett Cerf | 1960 | Student Forum | |
Dr. Arthur Larson | 1960 | Student Forum | |
Irving R. Levine | 1960 | Student Forum | |
Vance Packard | 1960 | Student Forum | |
Gen. A.C. Wedemeyer | 1960 | Student Forum | |
Musa Amalemba | 1961 | Student Forum | |
Bergen Evans | 1961 | Student Forum | |
Maj. John B. Medaris | 1961 | Student Forum | |
Eric Sevareid | 1961 | Student Forum | |
John Ciardi | 1962 | Student Forum | |
Agnes De Mille | 1962 | Student Forum | |
Katherine Ann Porter | 1962 | Student Forum | |
Rep. Henry Reuss | 1962 | Student Forum | |
Frederick L. Schuman | 1962 | Student Forum | |
Norman Dello Joio | 1963 | 3/18/1963 | Student Forum |
Dr. Colin Turnbull | 1963 | 3/21/1963 | Student Forum |
John D. Rockefeller IV | 1963 | 5/6/1963 | Student Forum |
Charles A. Siepmann | 1963 | 5/17/1963 | Student Forum |
Dr. Francis A. Richards | 1963 | Student Forum | |
Dr. S.Y. Tyree | 1963 | Student Forum | |
Karl Shapiro | 1964 | Student Forum | |
Alova Wehr | 1964 | Student Forum | |
Brand Blanshard | 1965 | 3/12/1965 | Student Forum |
Kurt Baier | 1965 | 5/21/1965 | Student Forum |
R.V. Cassill | 1965 | Student Forum | |
Langston Hughes | 1965 | Student Forum | |
Ashley Montague | 1965 | Student Forum | |
Michael Duffy | 1966 | 10/4/1965 | Student Forum |
Toronto Teach-In | 1966 | 10/9/1965 | Student Forum |
Theodore Sorensen | 1966 | 10/13/1965 | Student Forum |
Dr. Robert Presthus | 1966 | 10/22/1965 | Student Forum |
Inigo Bing | 1966 | 3/3/1966 | Student Forum |
Robert Marhall-Andrews | 1966 | 3/3/1966 | Student Forum |
Dr. Ralph Nichols | 1966 | 3/21/1966 | Student Forum |
Walter Judd | 1967 | 3/22/1967 | Student Forum |
Moshe Shamir | 1967 | 4/13/1967 | Student Forum |
Jacque Weil | 1967 | 4/26/1967 | Student Forum |
Kah-kyung Cho | 1967 | 5/10/1967 | Student Forum |
Sylvester Broderick | 1967 | 5/17/1967 | Student Forum |
Sen. Mark Hatfield | 1968 | 9/18/1967 | Forum Board |
Dick Gregory | 1968 | 10/2/1967 | Forum Board |
Dr. Dorothy Lee | 1968 | 10/16/1967 | Forum Board |
Paul Shyre | 1968 | 11/9/1967 | Forum Board |
Prof. William E. Miller | 1968 | 11/16/1967 | Forum Board |
Prof. W.H. Goetzman | 1968 | 12/1/1967 | Forum Board |
Dr. Albert Burke | 1968 | 12/7/1967 | Forum Board |
Harrison Salisbury | 1968 | 3/15/1968 | Forum Board |
Bill Sands | 1968 | 5/6/1968 | Forum Board |
Don Levy | 1968 | 5/14/1968 | Forum Board |
George Wallace | 1968 | Fall 1967 | Forum Board |
David Schoenbrun | 1969 | 9/9/1968 | Forum Board |
Esther Peterson | 1969 | 10/3/1968 | Forum Board |
Gordon D. Hall | 1969 | 10/14/1968 | Forum Board |
Frank Mankiewicz | 1969 | 3/18/1969 | Forum Board |
Julian Bond | 1969 | 4/15/1969 | Forum Board |
Scott Carpenter | 1969 | 5/8/1969 | Forum Board |
Sen. Edmund Muskie | 1970 | 9/15/1969 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Francis Beckett | 1970 | 11/7/1969 | Forum Board |
Alastair Finlayson | 1970 | 11/7/1969 | Forum Board |
Mino Badner | 1970 | 11/13/1969 | Forum Board Black Arts Series |
Sen. Barry Goldwater | 1970 | 11/17/1969 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Sen George McGovern | 1970 | 2/9/1970 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Wendell Brooks | 1970 | 2/16/1970 | Forum Board Black Arts Series |
Robert Goldwater | 1970 | 3/12/1970 | Forum Board Black Arts Series |
Sen. Fred Harris | 1970 | 3/19/1970 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
James Brewer | 1970 | 4/1/1970 | Forum Board Black Arts Series Symposium |
Odetta Holmes | 1970 | 4/1/1970 | Forum Board Black Arts Series Symposium |
Raymond Saunders | 1970 | 4/1/1970 | Forum Board Black Arts Series Symposium |
Rep. Gerald Ford | 1970 | 5/7/1970 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Robert Goralski | 1970 | 7/7/1970 | Forum Board |
Ramsey Clark | 1971 | 9/18/1970 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
M. Rasgotra | 1971 | 10/2/1970 | Wichita State University Library Associates |
Ralph Nader | 1971 | 10/16/1970 | Forum Board |
Stewart Udall | 1971 | 11/12/1970 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Carl Stokes | 1971 | 3/4/1971 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
John Tower | 1971 | 4/15/1971 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dr. Milton S. Eisenhower | 1971 | 4/20/1971 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Rep. Bella Abzug | 1971 | 7/12/1971 | Distinguished Speaker Series Summer Lecture |
Gloria Steinem | 1972 | 9/16/1971 | Forum Board |
Dr. W. Walter Menninger | 1972 | 10/2/1971 | Wichita State University Library Associates |
Robert Finch | 1972 | 10/13/1971 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
John Gardner | 1972 | 12/2/1971 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Rep. Pete McCloskey | 1972 | 2/7/1972 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
John Volpe | 1972 | 3/22/1972 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Ernest Dunbar | 1972 | 4/21/1972 | Forum Board |
Vernon Bellecourt | 1972 | ||
Rep. Shirley Chisholm | 1972 | Summer Lecture | |
Elizabeth S. Donno | 1972 | ||
Jose Guttierrez | 1972 | ||
Richard Hatcher | 1973 | 9/29/1972 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Vine Deloria | 1973 | 11/12/1972 | Forum Board |
Dr. Robert L. Green | 1973 | 1/19/1973 | Wichita State University Library Associates |
Frances "Sissy" Farenthold | 1973 | 1/30/1973 | Forum Board |
Sen. Thomas Eagleton | 1973 | 2/13/1973 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Amb. John Kenneth Galbraith | 1973 | 4/19/1973 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Raymond Bisplinghoff | 1973 | Forum Board | |
Sen. Joseph Montoya | 1973 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture | |
Daniel Schorr | 1974 | 10/1/1973 | Forum Board |
Maya Angelou | 1974 | 11/2/1973 | Forum Board |
Sen. Sam Ervin | 1974 | 1/28/1974 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Justice Arthur Goldberg | 1974 | 2/19/1974 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
John King Fairbank | 1974 | 3/8/1974 | Forum Board |
Caroline Bird | 1974 | Forum Board | |
Blackbear Bosin | 1974 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Sen. Edward Brooke | 1974 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Joyce Cavarozzi | 1974 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Norman Corwin | 1974 | Forum Board | |
Dr. Margaret Lindsey | 1974 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Billy Mills | 1974 | Forum Board | |
Richard Scammon | 1974 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
George Gallup | 1975 | 9/6/1974 | Forum Board |
Sen. Robert Dole | 1975 | 10/2/1974 | Forum Board |
Sen. Lowell Weicker | 1975 | 10/2/1974 | Forum Board |
Mulford Sibley | 1975 | 10/18/1974 | Wichita State University Library Associates |
John Dean | 1975 | 3/7/1975 | Forum Board |
Ada Deer | 1975 | 4/4/1975 | Forum Board |
Gene Rodenberry | 1975 | 4/7/1975 | Forum Board |
Don Lee | 1975 | 4/11/1975 | Forum Board |
Edith Green | 1975 | 4/15/1975 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Norman Mailer | 1975 | 4/21/1975 | Forum Board |
R. Buckminster Fuller | 1975 | 4/29/1975 | Forum Board |
Carl Albert | 1975 | 5/2/1975 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Edwin Ulrich | 1975 | 5/5/1975 | Forum Board |
Daniel Bell | 1975 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Rollo May | 1975 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Ermond Norrist | 1975 | Forum Board | |
Martha Peterson | 1975 | ||
Gerald Pomper | 1975 | ||
William Rusher | 1975 | ||
Dixy Lee Ray | 1976 | 9/4/1975 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Kate Millett | 1976 | 9/26/1975 | |
Abba Eban | 1976 | 10/16/1975 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Fergus Clydesdale | 1976 | 11/24/1975 | Forum Board |
Edith Green | 1976 | 12/9/1975 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Joe Black | 1976 | 1/29/1976 | Forum Board |
Nikki Giovanni | 1976 | 3/25/1976 | Forum Board |
Dick Gregory | 1976 | 4/8/1976 | Forum Board |
Dr. Duane T. Gish | 1976 | 4/22/1976 | Forum Board |
William Colby | 1976 | 6/16/1976 | Forum Board |
Pauline Frederick | 1976 | 7/19/1976 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series |
Dr. Stephen Kemp Briley | 1976 | Forum Board | |
Willard Gaylin | 1976 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Richard Gibb | 1976 | ||
Russell Means | 1976 | ||
James Nixon | 1976 | ||
Rep. Shirley Chisholm | 1977 | 6/10/1976 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Herbert Goldberg | 1977 | 6/12/1976 | Forum Board |
Jonathan Kozol | 1977 | 10/29/1976 | Forum Board |
Vincent Bugliosi | 1977 | 1/21/1977 | Forum Board |
Donald Bogle | 1977 | 2/4/1977 | Forum Board |
Brit Hume | 1977 | 3/31/1977 | Forum Board |
Owen K. Garriott | 1977 | 4/22/1977 | Forum Board |
Geraldo Rivera | 1977 | 4/29/1977 | Forum Board |
Jesse Lair | 1977 | 6/22/1977 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series |
Carl Bode | 1977 | Forum Board | |
Lynn Caine | 1977 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Philip Dacey | 1977 | ||
Ann Smith | 1977 | ||
Leslie Ullman | 1977 | ||
David Frost | 1978 | 10/5/1977 | Forum Board |
Jane Fonda | 1978 | 12/8/1977 | Forum Board |
Gordon Parks | 1978 | 2/2/1978 | Forum Board |
Sen. William Proxmire | 1978 | 2/15/1978 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Rep. John Conyers | 1978 | 2/20/1978 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Warren Farrell | 1978 | 4/21/1978 | Forum Board |
Sen. James Pearson | 1978 | 5/1/1978 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Sen. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. | 1978 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture | |
Barbara Brown | 1978 | Summer Lecture, Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Kenneth Cooper | 1978 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Rep. William David Ford | 1978 | Forum Board | |
Larry Shumaker | 1978 | ||
Chhang Song | 1978 | ||
Dr. Benjamin Spock | 1978 | Forum Board | |
Jane Trahey | 1978 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Steve Garvey | 1979 | 11/28/1978 | Forum Board |
William Sloane Coffin, Jr. | 1979 | 1/25/1979 | Forum Board |
Antonia Handler Chayes | 1979 | 2/12/1979 | Forum Board |
Benjamin Hooks | 1979 | 2/26/1979 | Forum Board |
Yitzhak Rabin | 1979 | 3/1/1979 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Les Whitten | 1979 | 4/11/1979 | Forum Board |
Dr. Helen Caldicott | 1979 | 4/21/1979 | Forum Board |
John Bergamo | 1979 | ||
Wallace Black Elk | 1979 | ||
Anne Davis | 1979 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Mayor Maynard Jackson | 1979 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture | |
Gentry Lee | 1979 | ||
Mark Loizeaux | 1979 | ||
Susan Slaughter | 1979 | ||
Billy Taylor | 1979 | ||
Sen. Birch Bayh | 1980 | 9/10/1979 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Gyorgy Kepes | 1980 | 10/11/1979 | Forum Board |
Betty Williams | 1980 | 10/19/1979 | Forum Board |
Frank Capra | 1980 | 10/25/1979 | Forum Board |
Sen. Nancy Kassebaum | 1980 | 11/26/1979 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Alger Hiss | 1980 | 12/5/1979 | Forum Board |
Maggie (Margaret) Kuhn | 1980 | 1/17/1980 | Forum Board |
William Rusher | 1980 | 1/21/1980 | Forum Board |
Dr. Fereydoon Hoveyda | 1980 | 1/30/1980 | Forum Board |
Amiri Baraka | 1980 | 2/4/1980 | Forum Board |
Dr. Gerald K. O'Neill | 1980 | 3/1/1980 | Forum Board |
Ronald Reagan | 1980 | 3/23/1980 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy | 1980 | 3/29/1980 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dr. Frances (Sissy) Farenthold | 1980 | 4/11/1980 | Forum Board |
Dr. Ben Finney | 1980 | 5/1/1980 | Forum Board |
Ben Fernandez | 1980 | 5/5/1980 | Forum Board |
Meridel Le Sueur | 1980 | 5/8/1980 | Forum Board |
Joyce Brothers | 1980 | Forum Board | |
Dr. John R. Coleman | 1980 | Forum Board | |
Michael Harrington | 1980 | Forum Board | |
Pierre Mornell | 1980 | Forum Board | |
Dr. Irving K. Zola | 1980 | ||
Sen. Strom Thurman | 1981 | 9/2/1980 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dr. Robert Heilbroner | 1981 | 9/8/1980 | Forum Board |
David Frye | 1981 | 9/23/1980 | Forum Board |
Nikki Giovanni | 1981 | 10/24/1980 | Forum Board |
Ken Wooden | 1981 | 11/21/1980 | Forum Board |
Michael Cooke | 1981 | 1/26/1981 | Forum Board |
Amb. Donald McHenry | 1981 | 2/23/1981 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dick Gregory | 1981 | 4/11/1981 | Forum Board |
Jean-Michel Cousteau | 1981 | 4/15/1981 | Forum Board |
Harlan Cleveland | 1981 | Forum Board | |
Michael Colgrass | 1981 | Forum Board | |
Roger Ebert | 1981 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Ellen Goodman | 1981 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Frank Mankiewicz | 1981 | Forum Board | |
Tom Parks | 1981 | Forum Board | |
Max Cleland | 1982 | 9/17/1981 | Forum Board |
George Sheehan | 1982 | 10/2/1981 | Forum Board |
Shannon Lucid | 1982 | 10/23/1981 | Forum Board |
Ralph Nader | 1982 | 11/18/1981 | Forum Board |
Jack Anderson | 1982 | 12/7/1981 | Forum Board |
Maya Angelou | 1982 | 2/7/1982 | Forum Board |
Judith Briles | 1982 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Elinor Lenz | 1982 | Summer Lecture Distinguished Speaker Series | |
Kelly Monteith | 1982 | ||
Mark Russell | 1982 | ||
Malcolm Toon | 1982 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture | |
Rep. Parren J. Mitchell | 1983 | 1/21/1983 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
George Plimpton | 1983 | 1/25/1983 | Forum Board |
Rep. Toby Moffett | 1983 | 2/21/1983 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dr. Alvin Poussaint | 1983 | 2/25/1983 | Forum Board |
Gordon Parks | 1983 | Nov. 1982 | Forum Board |
Tom Sullivan | 1983 | ||
David Toma | 1984 | 9/15/1983 | Forum Board |
Wolf Blitzer | 1984 | 10/3/1983 | Forum Board |
Mortimer Adler | 1984 | 10/17/1983 | Forum Board |
Billy Mills | 1984 | 1/27/1984 | Forum Board |
Joshua Logan | 1984 | 2/22/1984 | Forum Board |
Sen. Nancy Landon Kassebaum | 1984 | 3/5/1984 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dr. Micere Mugo | 1984 | 3/8/1984 | Forum Board |
Bella Abzug | 1984 | 3/21/1984 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Lerone Bennett | 1984 | 4/17/1984 | Forum Board |
Amb. Jean Gerard | 1984 | 4/19/1984 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Linus Pauling | 1984 | 4/23/1984 | Forum Board |
Judith Martin | 1984 | 4/25/1984 | Forum Board |
Carlos Fuentes | 1984 | 5/1/1984 | Forum Board |
Eric Sevareid | 1984 | 6/5/1984 | Forum Board |
John Anderson | 1984 | Jan. 1984 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Richard Reeves | 1985 | 9/11/1984 | Forum Board |
David Gergen | 1985 | 9/24/1984 | Forum Board |
Gloria Steinem | 1985 | 10/16/1984 | Forum Board |
Kurt Vonnegut | 1985 | 10/26/1984 | Forum Board |
Mary Berry | 1985 | 11/14/1984 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Patricia Schroeder | 1985 | 12/3/1984 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Ossie Davis | 1985 | 1/28/1985 | Forum Board |
Ruby Dee | 1985 | 1/28/1985 | Forum Board |
Donald Woods | 1985 | 2/6/1985 | Forum Board |
Arkady Shevchenko | 1985 | 4/3/1985 | Forum Board |
Joseph Heller | 1986 | 9/25/1985 | Forum Board |
Dr. Christian Barnard | 1986 | 10/21/1985 | Forum Board |
Richard Leakey | 1986 | 10/30/1985 | Forum Board |
Stella Nowicki | 1986 | 10/30/1985 | Forum Board |
G. Gordon Liddy | 1986 | 11/19/1985 | Forum Board |
Bob Edwards | 1986 | 1/29/1986 | Forum Board |
Gov. John Carlin | 1986 | 2/20/1986 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Randall Robinson | 1986 | 2/24/1986 | Forum Board |
Nikki Giovanni | 1986 | 3/3/1986 | Forum Board |
Paul Conrad | 1986 | 3/24/1986 | Forum Board |
Paul & Anne Ehrlich | 1986 | 4/11/1986 | Forum Board |
Mervyn Silverman | 1986 | 5/6/1986 | Forum Board |
William F. Buckley | 1986 | 12/4/1986 | Forum Board |
Facet Ensemble | 1986 | Forum Board | |
Jeff Greenfield | 1987 | 9/22/1986 | Forum Board |
Dith Pran | 1987 | 10/8/1986 | Forum Board |
Henry Cisneros | 1987 | 11/7/1986 | Forum Board |
John Van Doren | 1987 | 11/14/1986 | Forum Board |
Alain Robbe-Grillet | 1987 | 11/15/1986 | Forum Board |
Frances Moore Lappe | 1987 | 11/20/1986 | Forum Board |
Anne Burford | 1987 | 1/26/1987 | Forum Board |
The Rev. Leon Sullivan | 1987 | 2/9/1987 | Forum Board |
Susan Brownmiller | 1987 | 3/2/1987 | Forum Board |
Linda Ellerbee | 1987 | 4/20/1987 | Forum Board |
Louis L'Amour | 1987 | 6/17/1987 | Forum Board |
Dean Hargrove | 1987 | Forum Board | |
Bienvenido Santos | 1987 | Forum Board | |
David Eisenhower | 1988 | 9/28/1987 | Forum Board |
Clay Jenkinson | 1988 | 10/28/1987 | Forum Board |
Mel Kahn | 1988 | 10/28/1987 | Forum Board |
Dick Cavett | 1988 | 11/2/1987 | Forum Board |
Gov. Mike Hayden | 1988 | 1/25/1988 | Forum Board |
Julian Bond | 1988 | 2/16/1988 | Forum Board |
Sonia Johnson | 1988 | 3/7/1988 | Forum Board |
Jane Goodall | 1988 | 4/21/1988 | Forum Board |
Geraldine Ferraro | 1988 | 6/27/1988 | Forum Board |
Dan Glickman | 1989 | 9/16/1988 | Forum Board |
Thompson | 1989 | 9/16/1988 | Forum Board |
Jerry Bittle | 1989 | 10/14/1988 | Forum Board |
Arthur Schlesinger | 1989 | 11/18/1988 | Forum Board |
Alex Haley | 1989 | 2/1/1989 | Forum Board |
Betty Friedan | 1989 | 3/2/1989 | Forum Board |
Cokie Roberts | 1989 | 3/24/1989 | Forum Board |
Samuel Lewis | 1989 | 5/1/1989 | Forum Board |
Edwin Newman | 1989 | 6/13/1989 | Forum Board |
George McGovern | 1990 | 9/19/1989 | Forum Board |
Larry McMurtry | 1990 | 10/6/1989 | Forum Board |
Bob Blackwill | 1990 | 10/12/1989 | Forum Board |
Hasan Abdel Rahman | 1990 | 11/6/1989 | Forum Board |
Arthur Ashe | 1990 | 2/20/1990 | Forum Board |
Susan Sontag | 1990 | 3/26/1990 | Forum Board |
Beverly Sills | 1990 | 6/12/1990 | Forum Board |
Daniel Schorr | 1991 | 9/25/1990 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Louis Sturns | 1991 | 10/12/1990 | Forum Board |
Stephen Jay Gould | 1991 | 10/23/1990 | Forum Board |
Will Keim | 1991 | 11/12/1990 | Forum Board |
Andrew Young | 1991 | 1/25/1991 | Forum Board |
Shelby Steele | 1991 | 2/27/1991 | Forum Board |
Eugenie Clark | 1991 | 3/26/1991 | Forum Board |
Jaime Escalante | 1991 | 6/24/1991 | Summer Lecture |
Omali Yeshitela | 1991 | Forum Board | |
Kati Perry Haycock | 1992 | 9/20/1991 | Forum Board |
Amb. Carlos Fuentes | 1992 | 10/1/1991 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Thomas Farrar | 1992 | 10/17/1991 | Forum Board |
Jack Matlock | 1992 | 11/5/1991 | Forum Board |
Melor Sturua | 1992 | 11/8/1991 | Forum Board |
Yolanda King | 1992 | 2/5/1992 | Forum Board |
Robin Wright | 1992 | 3/16/1992 | Forum Board |
Charles V. Willie | 1992 | 4/10/1992 | Forum Board |
Baxter Black | 1992 | 6/18/1992 | Summer Lecture |
William Proxmire | 1992 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture | |
Robert MacNeil | 1993 | 10/25/1992 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Robert Kennedy Jr. | 1993 | 11/9/1992 | Forum Board |
Lu Li | 1993 | 1/29/1993 | Forum Board |
Sarah Brady | 1993 | 3/9/1993 | Forum Board Distinguished Speaker Series |
Duke Fergerson | 1994 | 2/3/1993 | Forum Board |
James Woolsey | 1994 | 2/7/1994 | Forum Board |
Robert T. Bakker | 1994 | 4/19/1993 | Forum Board |
Harvey Gantt | 1994 | 9/17/1993 | Forum Board |
Marlin Fitzwater | 1994 | 11/9/1993 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Helen Thomas | 1994 | 12/7/1993 | Forum Board |
Sharon Lund | 1994 | ||
Le Ly Hayslip | 1995 | 9/8/1994 | Forum Board |
Jerry Parr | 1995 | 10/18/1994 | Forum Board |
Andrei Codrescu | 1995 | 11/3/1994 | Forum Board |
Nathan McCall | 1995 | 2/7/1995 | Forum Board |
Taber MacCallum | 1995 | 3/30/1995 | Forum Board |
Jane Poynter | 1995 | 3/30/1995 | Forum Board |
Michael York | 1995 | 4/27/1995 | Forum Board |
Ernest Boyer | 1996 | 8/27/1995 | Forum Board |
Rawn Spearman | 1996 | 9/23/1995 | Forum Board |
Craig Miner | 1996 | 10/10/1995 | Forum Board |
Charles Murray | 1996 | 11/30/1995 | Forum Board |
Alvin Poussaint | 1996 | 11/30/1995 | Forum Board |
Joycelyn Elders | 1996 | 2/13/1996 | Forum Board |
Henry Louis Gates | 1996 | 3/10/1996 | Forum Board |
Barry Williams | 1996 | 4/13/1996 | Forum Board |
Dan Glickman | 1997 | 4/18/1996 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Doris Kearns Goodwin | 1997 | 10/15/1996 | Forum Board |
Spike Lee | 1997 | 2/6/1997 | Forum Board |
Robert Ressler | 1997 | 3/11/1997 | Forum Board |
Jeremy Rifkin | 1998 | 10/17/1997 | Forum Board |
Michael Eric Dyson | 1998 | 10/26/1997 | Forum Board |
Jean Kilbourne | 1998 | 11/10/1997 | Forum Board |
Jack Valenti | 1998 | 2/9/1998 | Forum Board |
Frank Deford | 1998 | 3/2/1998 | Forum Board |
Warren Faidley | 1998 | 4/8/1998 | Forum Board |
Jean-Michel Cousteau | 1999 | 9/22/1998 | Forum Board |
LouAnne Johnson | 1999 | 10/20/1998 | Forum Board |
Julie Nixon Eisenhower | 1999 | 3/30/1999 | Forum Board Eisenhower Lecture |
Dee Dee Myers | 2000 | 10/14/1999 | Forum Board |
Karla Burns | 2000 | 1/24/2000 | Forum Board |
Capitol Steps | 2001 | 11/8/2000 | Forum Board |
Soledad O'Brien | 2001 | 4/3/2001 | Forum Board |
Larry McMurtry | 2002 | 10/24/2001 | Forum Board |
Bob Edwards | 2002 | 5/7/2002 | Forum Board |
Robert Gates | 2022 | 4/27/2022 | Barton Speaker Series |
Cody Keenan | 2023 | 2/30/2023 | Barton Speaker Series |
Norah O'Donnell | 2024 | 3/21/2024 | Barton Speaker Series |