4.12 / Teaching Loads

  1. Initiating Authority

    The Faculty Senate serve as the initiating authority.

  2. Purpose

    1. Faculty work in three areas: student-centered work (e.g., teaching), disciplinary/professional- centered work (e.g., research/scholarship), and community-centered work (e.g., service). These are referred generally as the following three categories: (1) TEACHING; (2) RESEARCH, SCHOLARSHIP, OR CREATIVE ACTIVITY; AND (3) SERVICE.
    2. Workload refers to total professional effort, which includes the time (and energy) devoted to class preparation, student work, curriculum and program deliberations, scholarship/research, participation in governance activities, and a wide range of community services.
  3. Policy

    The standard teaching load normally shall be no more than the equivalent of a 12-credit hour maximum per semester, with no more than three (3) different course preparations (based on a three (3) credit hour course).

  4. Administrative Procedure

    1. More than three different course preparations should be considered exceptional. Equivalency standards for comparison between a normal three-credit hour course and non-standard teaching activities, like badge courses and graduate supervision, should be determined at the department level. Workload in the areas of: (1) research, scholarship, or creative activity, and (2) service are based on a faculty member’s position/role.
    2. Faculty members are to discuss workload expectations with their Chair and/or Dean at least annually in conjunction with the standard annual review and whenever revisions are made. The Chair or Dean should provide a written summary of decisions concerning the faculty member’s workload expectations.