9.05 / University-Supported Grants

  1. Policy

    The University supports faculty research, scholarship and creative activity with resources made available for allocation through the Faculty Support Committee, a committee of the Faculty Senate. This committee is composed of graduate faculty members representing each of the eight faculty divisions and Academic Services, the Provost and the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer.

    Two competitive grant programs are available for tenured and probationary faculty members. The University Research/Creative Projects Award (URCA) program is intended to assist new probationary faculty in initiating research and other faculty in re-establishing a productive research agenda. Up to $4,500 may be granted for a successful proposal. Summer support is possible through the Award for Research/Creative Projects in Summer (ARCS) program, which provides a stipend of $3,000 to enable faculty to devote full-time for two consecutive summer months to pursue research. Both grant programs are meant to stimulate the development of proposals for external funding in appropriate disciplines. Complete information on these programs, including material to be submitted and deadlines, can be obtained from the Office of Research and Technology Transfer (RTT). Awards are made by the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer based on recommendations from the Faculty Support Committee and are subject to the availability of funds.

    All University-supported research projects are administered in accordance with established fiscal procedures and research policies, including those relating to patents, animal care, hazardous materials and human subjects. RTT provides necessary management assistance and related services for University grant recipients.