16.01 / Physical Plant Maintenance

  1. Policy

    The Physical Plant provides maintenance to all buildings and utilities to the point of connection of departmental equipment. This is accomplished by a staff of 216 full-time personnel, approximately 20 temporary personnel, and 20 students. Eighteen of the 216 positions are funded from restricted fee funds. People in these positions provide service to the academic community on a user-fee basis.

    The Physical Plant Department provides two types of services, routine maintenance service requests and departmental service requests. Service requests for routine maintenance service should be called into the Physical Plant service desk at 3444. When requesting these services the caller should indicate the building, department, room number, and nature of the maintenance service that is needed. All requests for routine maintenance are processed as received unless the request is of an emergency nature, and if so, will be given number one priority over routine maintenance requests.

    The service of departmental equipment is not provided from general use funds budgeted to the Physical Plant, thus, service of this type is accountable to departments on a user-fee basis. The income from these services is used to purchase the material required for the service and provide salaries for the restricted fee funded positions utilized for this service.