Feb. 28 Town Hall Meeting
The four value statements that have been formulated to date are:
- dynamic educational opportunities
- inter-professional collaboration;
- innovation and scholarly engagement; and
- excellence in teaching and public service.
Question 4: What would it actually look like if you were part of a university that actually lived out these values?
- Package critical thinking.
- Thriving and robust student body.
- Great leadership and community support will seem as one.
- Successful graduates will be diverse in scope and work and resemble more the community at large.
- We have a diverse community but not diverse graduates.
- Seamless transfer to WSU so the community is expanded to include the greater region of community colleges and technical schools and employers.
- Success would see students stay here and work and enrich the local economic industry/engine as well as be alumni.
- WSU would become part of the community seamlessly.
- Interdisciplinary research.
- Lean resources.
- High utilization of expensive equipment.
- A more robust economy.
- Better instruction from collaboration with the community.
- Cross-pollination.
- High return on investment.
- Having those community businesses on campus.
- More students on campus and more distance learning opportunities.
- More degrees.
- More interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Make it easier to utilize various universities to complete a degree.
- More community projects and collaboration where service is the focus.
- Ownership by all.
- Alignment from bottom up and outside in.
- Strong desirable leadership.
- Talking and doing on a world-class level.
- Inclusion and relation building.
- Skin in the game.
- MIT of the plains -- how do we compete with KU?
- University investment in the community and community investment in the university.
- A world-class university recognized by everyone around the globe.
- Jaws will be open!
- Asking, what's in it for us?
- I need to be asked to do things -- asked to be a part of things.
- Shift culture of "me" to "we" and how do we get everyone involved.