Facilities Planning Initiative

The following proposals were developed by the academic deans and the Provost's office in response to President Beggs' request for the Provost to create a prioritized list of facilities needs within the division. Each college was allowed to present two proposals, and the narratives for each proposal could not exceed one page.

The proposals are being reviewed and evaluated by the members of two groups: the Academic Affairs Planning Group that is comprised of the Provost, the Associate Provosts and the academic deans, and the Faculty Senate Planning and Budget Committee.

The evaluation rubric and proposals are found here.

For questions about this process, please contact the Provost's office at 978-3010.

Evaluation Rubric and Final Scoring

New Construction

Wichita State University Learning Center
Repurposing and Expanding to Increase Teaching and Scholarship: COEd
New Business School Building
Community Health Science Campus
Construction of new addition to Duerksen Hall

Remodeling Projects

Ahlberg Hall: A Health Professions Learning Center
Research and Learning Collaboration Zone
Reconfiguration of Henrion Hall and McKnight Art Center
Repurposing Corbin and increasing teaching/student/faculty space: COEd
Group Study Rooms Enhancements

Additional Space for Research

Request for facilities space expansion, Dept. of Psychology
Excellence in Experiential Engineering Education: Short-term Requirements
Request for Expansion, Dept. of Biological Sciences
Excellence in Experiential Engineering Education: Long-term Requirements