2017 Sport Management Summer
Course Offerings





Can be used in lieu of:

SMGT 446 31740 Online Preinternship Seminar Required U/G course prior to internship
SMGT 520 31796 Hybrid Sport Tournament and Event Mgmt Required U/G course, graduate student elective
SMGT 540 31787 Hybrid Business Analytics in Sport Elective (grad, U/G) or used in lieu of SMGT 800
SMGT 750D 30814 Online Sociology of Coaching Elective (grad, U/G)
SMGT 711 30574 Online Structuring/Scheduling Sports Tourn Elective (grad, U/G)
SMGT 750G 31746 Online Public Relations in Sport Management SMGT 426, SMGT 822
SMGT 750I 30815 Online Sociocultural Dimensions of Sport SMGT 475, SMGT 811
SMGT 750J 30954 Hybrid Technology in the Sport Industry SMGT 300, SMGT 809
SMGT 750L 31496 Hybrid Personnel Mgmt in Sport SMGT 444, SMGT 801
Arrow Courses for undergraduate and graduate students
Arrow Many courses can be used as electives and in some cases substituted for required/core classes
ArrowQuestions? Contact your advisor to make sure these courses fit with your plan of study