Dr. Marlene Schommer-Aikins
Ph.D. Educational Psychology
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in 1989.
Concentration: Cognitive Psychology with focus on learning, memory, metacognition
and instruction.
Dissertation: Identification of students' epistemological beliefs and the relationship of these beliefs to aspects of comprehension.
M.S. Educational Psychology
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee in 1984.
Concentration: Cognitive Psychology with focus on learning, memory and metacognition.
Thesis: Comprehension monitoring failures in skilled adult readers.
B.S. Psychology
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee.
Graduated With Distinction in 1978.
Concentration: General Psychology
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2016). Teaching educational psychology in cross-disciplinary courses: A case study of teaching engineering students. In C. M. Smith (Ed.), Challenges and Innovations in Educational Psychology Teaching and Learning (pp. 97 -106). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. 2
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2011). Spontaneous cognitive flexibility links to epistemological beliefs. In J. Elen, E. Stahl, G. Clarebout, & R. Broom (Eds.) Links Between Beliefs and Cognitive Flexibility (pp. 61-77).New York, NY: Springer.
Schommer-Aikins, M., Bird, M., & Bakken, L. (2010). Manifestations of epistemological beliefs in Pre-K - 12 Classrooms. In L. D. Bendixen & F. C. Feucht (Eds.), Personal Epistemology in the Classroom: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice (pp.31–54). New York,NY: Cambridge University Press.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2008). Applying the theory of an epistemological belief system to the investigation of students’ and professors’ mathematical beliefs. In K. Myint Swe (Ed.), Knowing, Knowledge and Beliefs: Epistemological Studies Across Diverse Cultures (pp. 303-323). Netherlands: Springer.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2002). An evolving theoretical framework for an epistemological belief system. In B. Hofer & P. Pintrich (Eds.), Personal epistemology: The psychology of belief about knowledge and knowing (pp. 103-118).Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Schommer, M. (1998). The role of adults’ beliefs about knowledge and learning in school, work, and everyday life. In M. C. Smith & T. Pourchot (Eds.), Adult learning and development: Perspectives from educational psychology (pp. 127-143). Hillside, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Schommer, M. (1994). An emerging conceptualization of epistemological beliefs and their role in learning. In R. Garner & P. Alexander (Eds.), Beliefs About Text and About Text Instruction (pp. 25-40). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
Instrument Publication
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2012). Table 9.1, Schommer’s Epistemological Questionnaire (Second Draft) (2012). In C.P. Veenstra, F. F. Padro & J. A. Furst-Bowe (Eds.), Advancing the STEM Agenda, p. 129.
Publications (Refereed)
Schommer-Aikins, M. & Easter, M. (2017). Linking ways of knowing and cognitive flexibility to a critical controversial issue: Guns on campus. International Journal Advances in Social Sciences and Humanities, 5, 38-44. www.ijassh.com
Bray, S. S., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2016). Health professions students’ ways of knowing and social orientation in relationship to poverty beliefs. Psychology Research, 6, 579-589.
Schommer-Aikins, M. & Easter, M. K. (2016). Epistemic beliefs and cognitive flexibility among students from emerging markets. Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences 23rd Annual Conference, USA. NUMBER ISSN: 1935-0583
Schommer-Aikins, M. & Easter, M. K. (2015), Epistemic Processing of Communication and Openness to Diversity Preparing Students for a Global Society. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences eJournal, 11, 114-121. NUMBER 1 ISSN 1557-5004
Schommer-Aikins, M., Unruh, S., & Morphew, J. (2015). Epistemological belief congruency in mathematics between vocational technology students and their instructors. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 3, 137-145. Doi: 10:11111/jets.v3i4.xx
Bray, S. S., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2015). School Counselors’ Ways of Knowing and Social Orientation in Relationship to Poverty Beliefs. Journal of Counseling and Development, 93, 312-320. Doi: 10.1002/jcad.12029
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2014). Cultural values at the individual level and the malleability of ways of knowing. Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology, 34(2), 171-184. DOI:10.1080/01443410.2013.785057
Prezas, R. F., Hodson, B. W., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2014). Phonological assessment and the analysis of bilingual preschoolers’ Spanish and English words productions. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 23, 176-185. DOI: 10.1044/2013_AJSLP-12-0132
Schommer-Aikins, M, Duell, O. K. (2013). Domain Specific and General Epistemological Beliefs. Their Effects on Mathematics. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 31 (2), 317-330. doi.org/10.6018/rie.31.2.170911
chommer-Aikins, M. Beuchat-Reichardt, M. & Hernández-Pina, F. (2012). Creencias epistemológicas y de aprendizaje en la formación inicial de profesores. Anales de Psicología, 28(2), 465-474. dx.doi.org/10.6018/analesps.28.2.125341 [Title translation: Epistemological and learning beliefs of trainee teachers studying Education]
Magnus, L. C., Hodson, B. W., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2011). Relationships of speech-related and nonspeech variables to speech intelligibility of children with palatal and lip anomalies. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, 35 (1), 32-39.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2009). Ways of knowing and willingness to argue. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 143(2), 117-132. DOI: 10.3200/JRLP.143.2.117-132
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2008). Epistemological beliefs’ contributions to study strategies of Asian Americans and European Americans. Journal of Educational Psychology, 4, 920-929. DOI: 10.1037/0022-0663.100.4.920
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2006). Ways of knowing and epistemological beliefs combined effect on academic performance. Educational Psychology, 26, 411-423.
Brewer, W. F., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2006). Scientists are not deficient in mental imagery: Galton revised. Review of General Psychology, 10, 130-146.
Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., & Hutter, R. (2005). Epistemological beliefs, mathematical problem solving beliefs, and academic performance of middle school students. Elementary School Journal, 105, 289-304.
Swanson, T. J., Hodson, B. W., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2005). An examination of phonological awareness treatment outcomes for seventh-grade poor readers from a bilingual community. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 36, 336-346.
Easter, M., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2004). Applying educational psychology to business communication: An initial model of cultural, epistemological, and relational views. The Communication Journal of New Zealand, 5(1), 41-62 .
Bajaj, A., Hodson, B., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2004). Performance on phonological and grammatical awareness metalinguistic tasks by children who stutter and their fluent peers. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 29, 63-77.
Schommer-Aikins, M.(2004).Explaining the epistemological belief system: Introducing embedded systemic model and coordinated research approach. Educational Psychologist, 39, 19- 29.
Easter, M., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2003). Business communication and classroom performance based on social perceptions and beliefs. In C. Muier (Ed.), Refereed proceedings of the Association for Business Communication: The worlds within the words: Business practice in plain language (53-55).
Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., & Barker, S. (2003). Epistemological beliefs across domains using Biglan’s classification of academic disciplines. Research in Higher Education, 44, 347-366.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2002) Epistemological World Views: A concept that is useful beyond the classroom. Issues in Education: Contributions from Educational Psychology, 2, 229-232. (Actually published late and came out in 2003)
Neber, H., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2002). Self-regulated learning with highly gifted students: the role of cognitive, motivational, epistemological, and environmental variables. High Abilities Studies, 13, 59-74.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Hutter, R. (2002). Epistemological beliefs and thinking about everyday controversial issues. The Journal of Psychology, 136, 5-29.
Duell, O. K., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001). Measures of people's beliefs about knowledge and learning. Educational Psychology Review, 13, 419-449.
Schommer-Aikins, M., Mau, W., Brookhart, S., & Hutter, R. (2000). Understanding middle students’ beliefs about knowledge and learning using a multidimensional paradigm. Journal of Educational Research, 94 120-127.
Schommer, M. (1998). The influence of age and schooling on epistemological beliefs. The British Journal of Educational Psychology, 68, 551-562.
Schommer, M., & Dunnell, P. (1997). Epistemological beliefs of gifted high school students. Roeper Review, 19, 153-156.
Schommer, M., Calvert, C., Gariglietti, G., & Bajaj, A. (1997). The development of epistemological beliefs among secondary students: A longitudinal study. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89, 37-40.
Schommer, M., & Walker, K. (1997). Epistemological beliefs and valuing school: Considerations for college admissions and retention. Research In Higher Education, 38, 173- 186.
Schommer, M. (1996). Beliefs about knowledge: Invisible bridges to academic success for all ages. Journal of Mid-America Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personal, 8, 70- 82.
Schommer, M., & Walker, K. (1995). Are epistemological beliefs similar across domains? Journal of Educational Psychology, 87, 424-432.
Schommer, M. (1994). Synthesizing epistemological belief research: Tentative understandings and provocative confusions. Educational Psychology Review, 6, 293-319.
Schommer, M., & Dunnell, P. A. (1994). A comparison of epistemological beliefs between gifted and non-gifted high school students. Roeper Review, 16, 207-210.
Schommer, M. (1993). Epistemological development and academic performance among secondary students. Journal of Educational Psychology, 85, 406-411.
Schommer, M. (1993). Comparisons of Beliefs About the Nature of Knowledge and Learning Among Postsecondary Students. Research in Higher Education, 34, 355-370.
Chinn, C., Waggoner, M., Anderson, R. C., Schommer, M., & Wilkinson, I. A. G. (1993). Situated actions during reading lessons: A microanalysis of oral reading error episodes. American Educational Research Journal, 30, 361-392.
Schommer, M., Crouse, A., & Rhodes, N. (1992). Epistemological beliefs and mathematical text comprehension: Believing it is simple does not make it so. Journal of Educational Psychology, 4, 435-443.
Schommer, M. (1990). The effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge on comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 498-504.
Schommer, M. (1990). The effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge on comprehension: A summary of DISSERTATION OF THE YEAR. Reading Research Quarterly, 25, 340-341.
Anderson, R. C., Nagy, W., Schommer, M., Scott, J., & Stallman, A.(1989). Morphological families and word recognition. Reading Research Quarterly, 24(3), 262-282.
Wodtke, K. H., Harper, F., Schommer, M., & Burnelli, P. (Fall 1989). How standardized is school testing? An exploratory observational study of standardized group testing in kindergarten. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 11(3), 223-235.
Gaskins, I. W., Downer, M. A., Benchmark School, Anderson, R. C., Cunningham, P. M., Gaskins, R. W., & Schommer, M. (1988). A metacognitive approach to phonics: Using what you know to decode what you don't know. Remedial and Special Education, 1(1), 36-41.
Vosniadou, S. & Schommer, M. (1988). Explanatory analogies can help children acquire information from expository text. Journal of Educational Psychology, 80(4), 524-536.
Schommer, M., & Surber, J. (1986). Comprehension monitoring failures in skilled adult readers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 78(5), 353-357.
Corrigan, R. & Schommer, M. (1984). Form versus function revisited: The role of social input and memory factors. Child Development, 55, 1721-1726.
Invited (reviewed) Publications
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2017). Web of concepts critical to today’s world: Epistemological beliefs, cognitive flexibility, and balance. Psychology and Behavioral Science International Journal, 7(5). 555724. DOI: 10.19080/PBSIJ.2017.07.555724
Contributing Editor
Schommer, M. (1996). Voice in education: Critical issues in K-12 education. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 9(2), 42-44.
Schommer, M. (1996). Voices in education: The Bell Curve. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 9(1), 34-35.
Schommer, M. (1995) Voices in education: Issues on Authentic Assessment. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 8(2), 13-14.
Schommer, M. (1994). Voices in education: Qualitative research. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 7(4), 35-36.
Schommer, M. (1994). Voices in education: Junior faculty. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 7(2), 39-40.
Schommer, M. (1994). Voices in education: Doctoral programs. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 7(1), 41.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2018, March). Cognitive flexibility, procrastination, and need for closure linked to online self-directed learning among students from emerging markets. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV (national/international)
Exline, K., Bernstorf, E., Schommer-Aikins, M., Oare, S., & Lemoine, C. (2018, February). Music teacher beliefs and classroom environments. Presentation at the Kansas Music Educator Association, Wichita, KS (regional).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2017, April). Cognitive flexibility theory and initial investigation. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX (national/international).
Chen, K., Hodson, B…… Schommer-Aikins, M. (2017, November). Phonological systems and intelligibility of Mandarin-Speaking 4-year olds in Taiwan. Presentation at the American Speech and Hearing Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA (national/international).
Marble-Flint, K. Strattman, K. … Schommer-Aikins. (2017, November). Comprehension scores among young typically developing children & children with autism: Traditional & tablet-based storybooks. Presentation at the American Speech and Hearing Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA (national/international).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2016, February). Epistemic beliefs and cognitive flexibility among students from emerging markets. Annual ASBBS Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (national/international)
Chen, K-M., Hodson, B., Strattman, K. DiLollo, A., Schommer-Aikins, M., & Mau, W-C. (2016, November). Phonological systems of Mandarin-speaking children in Taiwan. American Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA. (national/international)
Marble-Flint, K, Strattman, K., Self, T., DiLollo, A. Scherz, J., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2016) iCan answer questions: Young children with autism & iPad. Presented at the American Speech –Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (national/international)
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2015, April). Teaching educational psychology in cross-disciplinary courses. Book panel discussion at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (national/international).
Morphew, J., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2015, April). Nature of Science Beliefs of Graduate Students in Research Apprenticeships. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (national/international).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2015, February). Epistemic communication in a world of emerging countries. Presented at the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2014, April). Epistemically processing communication and valuing diversity. Presented at the National Consortium for Instruction and Cognition, Philadelphia, PA.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2012, April). Connected knowing for an out-group may depend on cultural values. Poster presentation at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (national/international).
Easter, M., Schommer-Aikins, M., & Vitale, R. (2012, February). iWin2: Developing a culture of professional use of technology in the on-ground classroom. Presented at the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, NV.
DiLollo, A., Moya, L., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2012, November). The role of personal epistemology in selection of stuttering treatment. Presented at the American Speech and Hearing Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2011, November). Knowledge, knowing, & beliefs in STEM. Session Leader and Facilitator at the Conference of Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education .
Ellis, C., Hodson. B. W., Dilollo, T., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2011, November). Head Start children’s communication skills: Intelligibility, phonology, & language. Poster presentation at the American Speech –Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA (national/international).
Prezas, R., Hodson. B. W., Strattman, K., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2011, November). Word emphasis: A contributory variable of foreign accent modification. Poster presentation at the American Speech –Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA (national/international).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2011, April). Ways of knowing malleability across social contexts. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA (national/international).
Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., Easter, M. (2010, April). Adjusting study time based on course difficulty: The role of epistemological beliefs. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO (national/international).
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2009, April). Epistemological beliefs and cultural values: Predictors of classroom expectations. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA (national/international conference).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Duell, O. K. (2009, April). Students’ epistemological beliefs about their academic major versus their belief about their least –liked academic domain. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA (national/international conference).
Adibelli, E., Yilmaz-Tilman, O., Teksoz, G., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2009). Comparison of omniscient authority epistemological beliefs across environmental sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Presented at the 16th International Conference on Learning (international).
Jones, M., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2008, March). Epistemological and mathematical beliefs of students in a culturally diverse institution. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY (national/international conference).
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2007, November). Measuring epistemic beliefs within the context of science. Featured Participant at the Conference of Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education .
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2007, November). Personal epistemology and methods. Featured Discussant at the Conference of Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2007, November). Belief, acceptance, and understanding. Featured Participant at the Conference of Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education.
Franklin-Guy, S., Scudder, R., Apel, K., Schommer-Aikins, M., Strattman, K., & McDowell, K. (2007, November). The interrationships among written language ability, self-concept, and epistemological beliefs. Presentation at the annual American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Boston, MA.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2007, April). Epistemological beliefs, Learning Beliefs, and Argument. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (national/international conference).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2007, April). Comparing epistemological beliefs and study strategies of Asian Americans and Euro-Americans. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL (national/international conference).
Kelman, M., Hodson, B., Strattman, K., Schommer-Aikins, M., McDowell, K. Coufal, K., & Scudder, R. (2006, November). An investigation of preschool children’s primary literacy skills. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Miami, FL. (national conference).
Scott, C, Strattman, K., Hodson, B., Schommer-Aikins, M., Scudder, R., & Coufal, K. (2006, November). A comparative analysis of atypical & typical spelling ability. Presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Miami, FL. (national conference).
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Duell, O. K. (2006, April). General and mathematical epistemological beliefs and problem solving. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2005, April). Ways of Knowing: Similar epistemological beliefs but different strategic emphasis. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Schommer-Aikins, M., Hopkins, L., Anderson, C., & Drouhard, B. (2005, April). Epistemological beliefs and need for cognition of traditional and non-traditional students. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Abram, J., Mehta, Z., Schommer-Aikins, M., & Stakiw, D. (2005, November). Clients as partners: An auditory rehabilitation protocol. Presented at the American Speech- LanguageHearing Association Convention, San Francisco.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2004, April). Relationships among ways of knowing, epistemological beliefs, and academic performance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego.
Tirre, W. C., Schreiber, J. B., Chambers, E., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2004, May). Self-reported cognitive failures are predicted well by personality factors. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., & Hutter, R. (2003, April). Epistemological beliefs as predictors of mathematical problem solving beliefs. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Easter, M., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2003, December). A new light on student performance: Integrating business communication and educational psychology. Paper presented at the Association of Business Communication in Auckland, New Zealand.
Easter, M., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2003, April). Business communications and classroom performance based on social perceptions beliefs. Paper presented at Association for Business Communication in Toronto, Canada.
Whiting, E. M., Hodson, B. W., Strattman, K., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2003, August). Enhancing Head Start children’s emergent literacy skills. Poster presented at the American Speech and Hearing Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2002). Schommer-Aikins in an interactive mode: Interactive symposium on personal epistemology. Interactive symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Neber, H., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001, August-September). Self-regulated science learning with highly gifted students: The role of cognitive, motivational, epistemological, and environmental variables. Paper presented at the 9th European Conference for Research on Leaning and Instruction, Switzerland.
Magnus, L., Hodson, B. W., Westby, C. Kallail, K. & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001, November). Speech of children born with lip and palatal anomalies: Relationships of speech and nonspeech variables to listener ratings. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association, New Orleans.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001, April). The second decade for an epistemological belief system: An intimate dance with a multitude of conceptual partners. Invited Symposium presented at the American Educational Research Association, Seattle.
Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O. K., & Barker, S.(2001, April). Domain generality of epistemological beliefs: It’s a matter of degree. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Seattle.
Duell, O. K., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001, April). How epistemological beliefs are measured: A review of instruments. Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Seattle.
Schommer, M. (2000, March). Getting the most from our minds: The influence of metacognition and epistemic beliefs on practice. Invited address at the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association, San Diego.
Schommer, M., & Duell, O. K. (2000). Relational views: Factors in cooperative learning, debate, and more. Presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Schommer, M., & Bakken, L. (1999). Intimacy and relationships in education. Round Table paper presented at the annual conference of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer, M., & Duell, O. K. (1999). Relational views: Instrument development and implications for teacher-student interactions. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer, M. (1999, April). Implications of epistemological beliefs for educating adults. Contribution to a symposium presented at that annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.
Duell, O. K., & Schommer, M. (1999, April). Mental representations: Can they be classified as knowledge, beliefs, or faith? Contribution to a symposium presented at that annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada. (Note: Changed title of paper for the actual presentation to Acknowledge, Beliefs, and Teaching Controversial Issues@)
Schommer, M., Mau, W., & Brookhart, S. (1999, April).Middle school students’ beliefs about knowledge and learning. Paper presented at that annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada.(Note: Changed titled for actual presentation to Identifying the Structure of Middle School Students’ Beliefs About Knowledge and Learning)
Schommer, M. (1998, October). Examining epistemological beliefs across domains with a novel assessment approach. Contribution to a symposium presented at that annual conference of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer, M. (1998, April). Comparing professors and students on their epistemological beliefs. Contribution to a symposium presented at that annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA.
Schommer, M. (1997, October). Epistemological beliefs’ role study strategy choices. Contribution to a symposium presented at that annual conference of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer, M., Ohtsuka, K. Mallamace, J., Milonas, M., & Scicluna, A. (1997, October). Replicating an American epistemological belief structure With Australian students. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer, M.(1997, April). The development of epistemological tutoring: Case studies. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M.(1997, April). Exploring minds for epistemological beliefs in the physical sciences Contribution to a poster-symposium presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M., Dunnell, P., & Rhoads, J. (1997). Variability of epistemological beliefs among high school students. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Prater, M., Scudder, R. R., Hyter, Y. D., & Schommer, M. (1996, November). Children’s repair behaviors: Comparison across income levels. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Seattle, WA.
Schommer, M., Bajaj, A., & Bakken, L. (1996, Chicago). The relationship between the development of epistemological beliefs and moral reasoning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M. (1996, April). The development of epistemological beliefs among secondary students: A longitudinal study. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.
Schommer, M. (1996, April). Conceptualizing epistemological beliefs: A theory building process. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York.
Schommer, M., & Walker, K. (1995, October). Epistemological beliefs and valuing school: Touching the heartstrings of learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M., & Hutter, R. (1995, April). The relationship between epistemological beliefs and controversial day-to-day Issues. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Schommer, M., & Walker, K. (1994, October). Comparing epistemological beliefs about mathematics and social sciences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association.
Schommer, M. (1994, April). Are epistemological beliefs domain independent? Paper presented at the meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Schommer, M. (1994, April). Beliefs about knowledge and learning. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans.
Schommer, M. (1993, October). Searching for the big picture of epistemological beliefs: The first town meeting. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M. (1993, October). Demonstrating the utility of research-based theory to pre-service teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M. (1993, April). Epistemological belief development and its influence on secondary students' academic performance. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta.
Schommer, M. (1992, October). Predictors of epistemological beliefs: Comparing adults with only a secondary education to adults with post-secondary education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M. & Dunnell, P. A. (1992, April). Epistemological beliefs among gifted and nongifted students. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Schommer, M., Rhodes, N., & Crouse, A. (1992, April). University undergraduates epistemological beliefs and their effects on statistical text comprehension. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Schommer, M. (1991, October). The relationship between students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge and academic Experiences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M. (1991, April). Living and teaching in a multicultural society: An interview with Los Angeles teachers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Consortium of Cognition and Instruction, Chicago.
Brewer, W, F., & Schommer, M. (1991, March). Imagery reports in scientists and nonscientists on an autobiographical memory task: Galton's Breakfast Questionnaire Revised. Paper presented at the International Conference on Memory, Lancaster University, England.
Schommer, M. (1990, October). The relationship between beliefs about the nature of knowledge and comprehension: A preview of cultural differences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Chinn, C. A., Waggoner, M., & Schommer, M. (1990, December). Oral reading errors and teachers' reactions to them. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami.
Gaskins, R. W., Schommer, M., Gaskins, I. W., Benchmark School, Gaskins, . C., & Fayette County Public Schools. (1990, December). An analogy approach to teaching decoding. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, Miami.
Schommer, M. (1990, April). Outstanding Dissertation: The effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge on comprehension. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Reading Association, Atlanta.
Schommer, M. (1989, April). The effects of beliefs about the nature of knowledge on comprehension. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Francisco.
Schommer, M. (1988, April). Dimensions of tacit epistemology and comprehension. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New Orleans.
Nagy, W., Scott, J., Schommer, M., & Anderson, R. C. (1987, December). Word schemas: What people know about words they don't know. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Nagy, W., Schommer, M., Scott, J. Stallman, A., & Anderson, R. C. (1987, December). Morphological relatedness and the frequency effect. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Reading Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Vosniadou, S., & Schommer, M. (1986, April). Effects of analogy on young children's recall. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
Wodtke, K. H., Harper, F., Schommer, M., & Burnelli, P.(1985, April). The mismeasure of young children: Is there malpractice in early school testing? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.
Schommer, M., & Surber, J. R. (1984, April). Comprehension monitoring failures of skilled adult readers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association ,New Orleans.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2013, April). Day-Long Provocations on Teachers’ Beliefs about Educational Activity April 26, 2013, San Francisco, pre-session to AERA. Invited debate by The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Vu, S. K., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2003). A closer look at advisors’ perspectives on resiliency: Is there a variable worth investigating? McNair Journal of Research Reports, 7, 33-37.
Paul, C., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2001). How a person’s beliefs about the nature of knowledge affect receptiveness to complementary/alternative health care. McNair Journal of Research Reports, 6,31-32.
Hwa-Froelich, D., Westby, C., & Schommer-Aikins, M. (2000, December). Assessing language learnability. Communications Disorders and Sciences in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations, 46, 2-6.
Chinn, C., Waggoner, M., Anderson, R. C., Schommer, M., & Wilkinson, I. A. G. (1993). Situated actions during reading lessons: A microanalysis of oral reading error episodes. Tech. Rep. No. 582). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Schommer, M. (1989). Students' beliefs about the nature of knowledge: What are they and how do they affect comprehension?. (Tech. Rep. No. 484). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Vosniadou, S., & Schommer, M. (1989). Explanatory analogies can help children acquire information from expository text. (Tech. Rep. No. 460). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Nagy, W., Anderson, R. C., Schommer, M., Scott, J., & Stallman, A. (1989). Morphological families in the internal lexicon. (Tech. Rep. No.450). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Gaskins, I. W., Downer, M. A., Anderson, R. C., Cunningham, P. M., Gaskins, R. W., Schommer, M., & Teachers of Benchmark School. (1988). A metacognitive approach to phonics: Using what you know to decode what you don't know (Tech. Rep. No. 424). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Center for the Study of Reading.
Schommer-Aikins, M. (2007). Epistemological Beliefs and Their Relationship to Motivation and Study Strategies Between and Within Cultures. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.
Schommer, M. (1998). Teachers’ and Students’ Epistemological Beliefs About Mathematics. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Schommer, M. (1995). The Multiple Roles of Epistemological Beliefs in Cognition Inside and Outside the Classroom. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Schommer, M. (1993). Belief Systems in Relation to Other Aspects of Cognition. Symposium presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Atlanta.
Schommer, M. (1992). Epistemological Beliefs Among Learners of Different Ability, Expertise, and Domains. Symposium to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
2012 to present
Professor of the Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology Department -- Wichita State University. I teach Introduction to Educational Research, Introduction to Educational Statistics, Learning Theory and Instruction, and Learning Theory and Instruction for Engineers.
I am the Educational Psychology Graduate Coordinator and oversee the operations of the Educational Psychology program. I serve as thesis chair and academic advisor to Educational Psychology students. I serve on doctoral dissertation committees and thesis committees for other departments.
2007 to 2012
Professor and Chair (2008-2012) of the Counseling, Educational and School Psychology Department -- Wichita State University. I oversee three graduate level programs. I teach Introduction to Educational Statistics, Learning Theory and Instruction, and Learning Theory and Instruction for Engineers.
I serve as thesis chair and academic advisor to Educational Psychology students. I serve on doctoral dissertation committees and thesis committees for other departments.
2001 to 2007
Professor --The Wichita State University, Department of Administration, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology. I teach graduate courses that serve the majority of departments in the College of Education, including Introduction to Educational Research, Introduction to Educational Statistics, and Learning Theory and Instruction. I have taught for a number of years an undergraduate course entitled, Learning & Evaluation, a teacher preparation course. From time to time, I co-teach a graduate course entitled, Experimental Design in Educational Research, that guides students into advance statistics and use of statistical programs on computers. On a rotation schedule I teach a Seminar in Research Problems, a graduate course that guides students to outline the first three chapters of their master’s thesis and helps them understand the overall process of the thesis. I also serve on Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertation Committees for Education and Psychology students either as a committee member or as Chair.
1995- 2001
Associate Professor --The Wichita State University in the Department of Administration, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology.
1990- 1995
Assistant Professor -- The Wichita State University in the Department of Administration, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology.
1989- 1990
Assistant Professor -- California State University, Los Angeles. Taught Courses in Psychology of Learning, Introduction of Educational Research, and Seminar in Learning Theory.
Thesis Chair:
- Holthaus, Gretchen (2015) (Ed. Psych.)
- Greene, Jamie (2015) (Ed. Psych.)
- Marzolf, Brady (2015) (Ed. Psych.)
- Harkness, Tina (2014) (Ed. Psych.)
- Compton-Rumback, Erica (2013) (Ed. Psych.)
- Morphew, Jason (2012) (Ed. Psych.)
- Bustamante, Stephanie (2012) (Ed. Psych.)
- Bird, Tera (2012) (Ed. Psych.)
- Phillips, Margaret (2010) (Ed. Psych.)
- Cernik, Karen (2010) (Ed. Psych.)
- Price, T. (2006) (Ed. Psych.)
- Kennell, B. (2006) (Ed. Psych.)
- Bird, M. (2005) (Ed. Psych.)
- Anderson, C. (2005) (Ed. Psych.)
- Winters, C. (2004) (Ed. Psych.)
- Drouhard, B. (2004) (Ed. Psych.)
- Harris, L. (2003)(Ed. Psych.)
- Taylor-Nelson, R. (2002) (Ed. Psych.)
- Walters, R. (2000) (Ed. Psych.)
- Hutter, R.(1999) (Ed. Psych.)
- Barker, S.(1998) (Ed. Psych.)
- Peterson, J. L.(1998)(Ed. Psych.)
- Young, Y. (1998) (Ed. Psych.)
Masters Thesis Committee Memberships:
- Exline, Caitlin (in progress) (MUSIC)
- Oliver, Jenny (in progress) (C&I)
- Jamison, Mark (in progress) (C&I)
- Addis, Joel (in progress) (C&I)
- Whitson, Don (in progress) (C&I)
- Davis, Lauren (in progress) (CSD)
- Palmer, Kelly (2013) (C&I)
- Dean, Amanda (2013) CSD
- Lewis, Teresa (2013) (C&I)
- Kerbs-Jackson, S (in progress) (Ed. Psych.)
- Woolery Moyer, Loni (2012) CSD
- Melinda Mueller (2012) (CESP)
- Crevoiserat, Peter (2012) (C&I)
- Vargas, Julie (2011) (C&I)
- Schreiner, Joanna Katie (2010) (CESP)
- Walter, Ben (2009) (Ed. Psych.)
- McCloud, S. (2009) (C&I)
- Peck, Rachel (2008) (Ed. Psych.)
- Hulsey, C. (2008) (Ed. Psych.)
- Peck, Rachel (2007) (Ed. Psych.)
- Dugan, Amy (2006) (Ed. Psych.)
- Gegen, S. (2006) (C&I)
- Dunlap, J. (2006) (C&I)
- Martin, C. (2005) C&I)
- Summers, B. (2006)( Ed. Psych.)
- Hall, T. (in progress) (C&I)
- Vogler, J. (2003) (Ed. Psych.)
- Perry-Martin, A. (2003) (Ed. Psych.)
- Davis, Deanne. (2000) (C&I)
- Hoffman, H. (1999) (C&I)
- Bitner, L. (1999) (C&I)
- Bagby, S. (1998) (Ed. Psych.)
- Calvert, C. (1997) (Counseling)
- Hoffman, A. (1997) (Ed. Psych.)
- Foresburg, K. (1997) (C&I)
- Freund, D. (1997) (C&I)
- Spohn, J. (1997) (C&I)
- Bush, P. J. (1996) (Sch. Psych.)
- Yoder, D. (1996) (C&I)
- Prater, W. (1995) (CDS)
- Pfannenstiel, S. L. (1994) Ed. Psych.)
- Lorenson, C (1993) (C&I)
- Sawyer, F.M. (1992)(Psych.)
Master’s Portfolio Committee Member:
Lu, H. (1998) (C&I)
Dissertation Committee Member:
- Stiener, Holli (in progress CSD)
- Heddin, Charla (in progress EL)
- Farrell, Sherry (2017) ( EL)
- Marble, Karissa (2017) (CSD)
- Janis Stucky (in progress) (CLES)
- Chen, Kai-Mei (2016) (CSD)
- Carter, Todd (EL) (2015)
- Al-Sabatin, Hala (EL) (2015)
- Carlson, Tara (in progress) (CSD)
- Cardwell, J. (in progress) CSD
- Hargrove, Penny (2014) (EL)
- Ellis, Carol (2012) (CSD)
- Eubank, Heather (2012) (EL)
- Surland, Robin (2010) (EL)
- Maeda, Masako (2010) (CSD)
- Perez, Raul (2008) CSD
- Scott, C. (2007) CSD
- Whiting, Emily (2006) CSD
- Franklin-Guy, S. (2006) CSD
- Kelman, M. (2006) CSD
- Fenske, Mary Ann (2003) (CDS)
- Cripps, J. (2003) (CDS)
- Magnus, L. (2000) (CDS)
- Froelich, D. (2000) (CDS)
- Smartt, J. (1998) (CDS)
- Bajaj, A. (1997) (CDS)
- Brorson, K. (1996)(CDS)
- Swanson, T. (1996) (CDS)
Committee Work and Local Community Activities:
- TOP (The opportunity project-early childhood education sponsored by Barry Downing) data analyst (2015-2017)
- Educational Psychology Graduate Coordinator (2004-2007, 2010 - ongoing)
- Educational Psychology Program Committee Chair (2004-2007, 2010 - ongoing)
- CESP Graduate Faculty Status Committee member (2003-ongoing)
- McNair’s Scholars Program- Preliminary Research Proposal Seminar (1999 - 2017)
- COE Advanced Program Committee member (2014-2016)
- COE Faculty Personnel Committee Chair (2012 – 2014, Stand-in 2015, 2017 ongoing)
- COE Accreditation Steering Committee member (2007 – 2016)
- University Online Advisory Committee member—Graduate Council Representative (2015-2016)
- COE Mentor for new faculty (2013-2016)
- University Tenure & Promotion Committee member (2012 – 2014)
- University Tenure & Promotion Committee Chair (2014)
- Graduate Council Committee Member (2005 - 2017)
- Educational Psychology Search Committee Chair (2014)
- COE Mentor for New Faculty (2012- 2015)
- KSDE Report for Educational Psychology (2013 – 2015)
- COE Dean Search Committee member (2013-2014)
- CLES Counseling Faculty Search Committee member (2013 – 2014 and a second search in this time)
- Workshop for College of Engineering: Teaching in Higher Education (2011)
- Undergraduate and Initial Licensure Teaching Program Committee (2010 – 2012)
- Advanced Program Committee (2010 – 2012)
- Co-Developer of the Teaching Engineering Certificate (2010)
- College Fee Committee (2010)
- Supporter for WSU-COE Approved Play Therapy Center (2010)
- College Joint Appointment Committee (2010)
- Kansas Board of Regents Reports, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology (2010)
- NCATE Current Student Program Evaluation (2010)
- Member of Panel Discussion on Understanding Cultural Differences: University-Wide Brown Bag Lunch (2009)
- Consultant to Educational Leadership on questionnaire development (2009)
- Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee Member (2005 - 2006)
- University T&P Committee (2003-2005)
- CESP Faculty Review Committee (2005 - 2009)
- COE Professor Incentive Review Committee, Chair (2006)
- COE (C&I) Department Review Committee (2006, 2007)
- Member of School Psychology Program Committee (2004-ongoing)
- Educational Psychology Writing Exam Coordinator (2005-ongoing)
- Chair of College Faculty Personnel Committee - Chair & ACES Member (2003-2005)
- Chair of Committee to Review Dean Engelhardt (2005)
- Department of ACES Review Committee (2003-2004)
- Member of Teacher Work Sample Assessment Committee (2004-2005)
- Coordinator of Educational Psychology Comprehensive Exams (2003-2005)
- Member of School Psychology Writing Committee for KSDA Licensure (2003, 2004)
- NCATE Current Student Program Evaluation analyst (2003- ongoing)
- NCATE Program Assessment Plan Co-Writer (2003, 2004)
- NCATE Teacher Education data gathering committee -- CESP 433 FERs (2003)
- NCATE Teacher Education Program Professional Course Outlines (2003)
- Member of C& I Search Committee (Fall 2003)
- College Personnel Committee - ACES Alternate Member (2000-2003)
- McNairs Scholars Program- Faculty Mentor for Student AShadow@ Carey Paul; Salyi Vu (2001 - 2003); Jason Wares (2008-2010)
- Member of ACES Travel Committee (1996-2003)
- Presentation to CDS Proseminar Series (2002)
- Member of School Psychology Re-licensure Working Group (2002-2003)
- Member of Faculty Senate Executive Committee (2001-2002)
- Faculty Senator at Large (2001-2001)
- Faculty Senator for College of Education (Dept. of Administration, Counseling, Educational and School Psychology) (1994-2000)
- Chair of Block II COE Teacher Education Program (1999, 2001, 2002-Spring only)
- Graduate Student Awards Committee (1999 - 2001)
- Graduate School Awards Committee (Dora Wallace and Delano Maggard Awards (1998 - 2001)
- COE Integration of ISTE (technology) Standards, Team III (Fall 2001)
- COE Block II Coordinator (2001-2002).
- ACES Department Evaluation of Promotion Committee, Chair (2001, 2002)
- Presentation to Site-Based Master’s class (C&I) (2000)
- Coordinator of Educational Psychology Comprehensive Exam (2000)
- Member of Core Values Committee, representing department of Educational Psychology (2000)
- Member of Screening Committee for WSU Vice President of Academic Affairs and Research (2000)
- Presentation to Kansas State Board of Education (Mary Brown) (1999)
- Screening Committee for Vice President of Academic Affairs and Research (1998 - 1999)
- Dept. of ACES Faculty Review Committee (1998)
- College of Education Mission Statement Task Force (1998-2000)
- WSU Search Committee for the Dean of Graduate School (1997-1998)
- Presidential Scholars Luncheon (1998, 1999)
- Kansas State Fair WSU Representative (1995-1997)
- Researcher/Collaborator with Derby Middle School (1997)
- Big Sister for Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Sedgwick County (1997)
- Member of ACES Doctoral Proposal Committee (1997-1998)
- Member of College of Education Block II Committee (1997-2001)
- Block Head for Block II Teaching (1998-1999)
- Guest Instructor for Student Support Services (1996-1997)
- Member of Search Committee for Dean of the WSU Graduate School (1997-1998)
- Member of WSU Grievance Committee (1997-1999)
- Member of Graduate Faculty Committee (1996-1998)
- Member of University Curriculum Committee (1995-1997)
- Member (1994-1996) and Acting Chair (1996) of Professional Development Committee HPE Tenure & Promotion Committee (1995)
- ACES Tenure & Promotion Committee (1995)
- Chair of Educational Psychology Self-Evaluation Committee (1995)
- Member of CESP Student Recruiting Task Force (1994-ongoing)
- Member of Brooks Middle-Magnet School/WSU Cooperative Partnership (1994-1996)
- Judge for WSU Distinguished Scholarship Invitational (1993, 1994)
- Judge for Golden Apple Award--Elementary Schools, Wichita KS (1994)
- Search Committee member for Associate Professor of Communicative Disorders and Sciences (1993)
- Curriculum Development Committee member for WSU Teacher Education Program (1993)
- Faculty Reviewer for Center for Educational Testing Evaluation-- University of Kansas Teacher Education Admissions Test (1993)
- Guest Lecturer for North High School A.P. Chemistry Class (1993)
- Association Council Member for the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (1993- 2001)
- Judge for the International Reading Association DISSERTATION OF THE YEAR AWARD (1991 and 1992)
- Wichita State University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (1991)
Service to the Profession
- Editorial Board Member for Educational Psychologist (2017 – ongoing)
- Editorial Board Member for Journal of Educational Psychology (2007- ongoing)
- Reviewer for the Journal of Educational Psychology (1990-ongoing)
- Editorial Board Member for Contemporary Educational Psychology (1995-ongoing)
- AERA Discussant for paper session Epistemic Education and Learning (2017)
- Reviewer for Asian Pacific Education Review (2017)
- Reviewer for Higher Education (2017)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychology (2017)
- Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (2014, 2017)
- External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion to Full Professor of Florian Feucht at the University of Toledo (2017)
- Discussant for American Educational Research Association on Epistemic Education and Learning (2017)
- Reviewer for Journal of Writing Assessment (2016)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychologist (2016)
- Reviewer for American Journal of Psychology(2015)
- Reviewer for Computers & Education (2015)
- Reviewer for Frontline Learning Research (2015)
- Judge for AERA – Div. C, Early Career Award Committee Reviewer for Learning and Instruction (2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychology Review (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013)
- Reviewer for European Journal of Psychology in Education (2012, 2013, 2014)
- Reviewer for Metacognition and Learning (2008, 2013)
- Reviewer for Psychological Reports (2008, 2010, 2013, 2016)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychology (International) (2014)
- Reviewer for Computers & Education (2014)
- Reviewer for Composition Studies (2014)
- Reviewer for Instructional Science (2013)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychology (International) (2013)
- Reviewer for Educational Research Review (2013)
- Reviewer for National Science Foundation Grant Proposal (2013)
- External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor of Florian Feucht at the University of Toledo (2013)
- External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor of Denise Winsor at The University of Memphis (2013)
- Reviewer for Metacognition (2010, 2011)
- Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (2011, 2012, 2014)
- Reviewer for International Journal of Educational Research (2011, 2012)
- Review for Journal of Educational Research (2012)
- Review for The Elementary School Journal (2004, 2012)
- Reviewer for Educational Researcher (2012)
- Member of an international thesis committee (Turkey) 2009-2010
- Reviewer for Social Psychology of Education (2010)
- Reviewer for Psychology of Music (2009, 2010)
- Reviewer for Sex Roles: A Journal of Research (2009, 2011)
- Reviewer for Review of Psychology and Philosophy (2009)
- Reviewer for The Spanish Journal of Psychology (2009)
- Editorial Board Member of Educational Psychology Review (2001-2007).
- Reviewer for American Educational Research Association Annual Conference (1993, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2016, 2017)
- Reviewer for the Mid-Western Educational Research Association Annual Conference (1991, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)
- Reviewer for The Journal of Early Adolescence (2007, 2008)
- Reviewer for Cognition and Instruction (2008, 2009)
- Reviewer for Higher Education (2008, 2009, 2010)
- External Reviewer for Promotion to Full Professor of Dr. Michelle Buehl at George Mason University
- External Reviewer for Promotion to Full Professor of Michael Crowson at The University of Oklahoma (2012)
- External Reviewer for Promotion to Full Professor of Lisa Bendixen at The University of Las Vegas, Nevada (2012)
- External Reviewer for Promotion to Associate Professor of Dr. Megan Hennessey at The University of Oklahoma (2012)
- External Reviewer for Promotion to Full Professor of Dr. Terri DeBacker at The University of Oklahoma (2011
- Reviewer for Asian Pacific Education Review (2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011)
- Reviewer for Learning and Instruction (2005, 2006)
- Reviewer for grant application for UK Economic and Social Research Council (2005)
- Reviewer for grant application for Austrian Science Fund (2005)
- Reviewer for Kluwer Academic Publishers - The Netherlands (1996, 2003, 2004)
- Reviewer for the British Journal of Educational Psychology (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2010)
- Reviewer for American Educational Research Journal (2006)
- Reviewer for Perceptual Motor Skills (2006)
- Reviewer for Higher Education Research & Development (2006)
- Grant Reviewer for Old Dominion University Research Foundation (2006)
- External Reviewer for the University of Akron (2006)
- Reviewer for European Journal of Psychology of Education (2004)
- Reviewer for Psychological Reports: Perceptual and Motor Skills (2003, 2004)
- Reviewer for European Journal of Psychology of Education (2004)
- Reviewer for Physics Education Research: A Supplement to the American Journal of Physics (2003)
- Reviewer for the Italian (MUIR) Ministry for Education University and Research (2003)
- Reviewer for Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies (2003)
- Reviewer for Journal of Instructional Science (2002, 2003)
- Reviewer for Physics Education Research: A Supplement to the American Journal of Physics (2003)
- Reviewer for Review of Educational Research (2003)
- External Reviewer for T&P at Southern Illinois University (2003)
- Reviewer for Asian Pacific Education Review (2001)
- Reviewer of prepublication textbook, AIntroduction to Educational Research 5/E@ by Ary, Jacobs, & Razavieh from Harcourt Brace College Publishing. (Compensated) (1999)
- Association Council Member for the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (1993- 2001)
- Schommer-Aikins, M. (2009, April). Discussant for session entitled Conceptualizing and Measuring Motivation-Related Constructs. Discussant for the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA (national/international).
- Schommer-Aikins, M. (2009, November). Facilitator for session entitled Informed Citizenship and the Role of Personal Epistemology: A Working Session. Facilitator for the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education Third Biennial Conference, Las Vegas, NV (national/international).
- Schommer-Aikins, M. (2009, November). Facilitator for session entitled Classroom Epistemic Culture: Model Building. Facilitator for the Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education Third Biennial Conference, Las Vegas, NV (national/international).
- Schommer-Aikins, M. (2009, November). Discussant for session entitled Beliefs and Conceptual Change. Discussant for the Southwest Consortium for InnovativePsychology in Education Third Biennial Conference, Las Vegas, NV (national/international).
- Chair of Division C for Mid-Western Educational Research Association (1997)
- Co-Chair of Division C for Mid-Western Educational Research Association (1996) Reviewer for the American Psychological Association Conference (1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2002)
- Reviewer for Educational Psychology Review (1997)
- Reviewer for Developmental Psychology (1997, 1998, 2000)
- Expert Dissertation Committee Member for the University of Queensland, Australia ($200.00, Australian dollars remuneration) (1997)
- Expert Dissertation Committee Member for the University of Texas at Austin (1998-1999)
- Expert Dissertation Committee Member for Virginia Commonwealth University (1999-2000)
- Discussant for the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association on Individual Differences (1995, 2000)
- utside Evaluator for tenure and promotion to associate professor of a faculty member at Bucknell University (1995)
- Discussant for the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association on Information Processing and Study Skills (1994)
- Reviewer for Mid-Western Educational Researcher Journal (1994)
- Reviewer for Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1994)
- Reviewer for Learning and Individual Differences (1993)
- Reviewer for Journal of Teacher Education (1993)
- Reviewer for American Educational Research Journal (1993, 1995, 1996)
- Discussant at Midwestern Educational Research Association session on Text Processing Strategies and Textual Manipulations: Differences Between Good and Poor Readers (1992)
- Reviewer for the National Reading Conference (1991)
- Reviewer for the North Carolina Board of Science and Technology (1990)
- Discussant at American Educational Research Association session on Text Design and Learner Strategies (1990)
- Reviewer for Contemporary Educational Psychology (1990-1994)
National Science Foundation: Psychological Impact of Research-Based Assessment Method in Undergraduate Research and Self-Directed Learning Readiness (2017). Authors: Nair, R, Yihun, Y, Gupta, D. Rahaman, Schommer-Aikins, M, & Herron, J.
National Science Foundation: Psychological Impact of Research-Based Assessment Method in Undergraduate Research and Self-Directed Learning Readiness. (revised and resubmitted, 2017). Authors: Y. Yihun, R. Nair, M. Rahaman, M. Schommer-Aikins, & J. Herron.
National Science Foundation: Psychological Impact of Research-Based Assessment Method in Undergraduate Research and Self-Directed Learning Readiness. (2016). Authors: Y. Yihun, R. Nair, M. Rahaman, M. Schommer-Aikins, & J. Herron.
Foundation United Bank of California. (2002). Authors: M. Easter & M. Schommer-Aikins. The Wichita State University Multidisciplinary Research Project Grant. (2001). (Funded $5,000) Authors: M. Alagic, R. Langrall, & M. Schommer-Aikins
The Wichita State University Research/Creative Projects Award: Epistemological Beliefs Among Secondary Students: Comparing Regular, Transfer, and Dropout Students. (1995) Author: Marlene Schommer (Funded $4,500)
National Academy of Education--Spencer Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Understanding the Nature of Epistemological Beliefs: Testing the Assumption of Domain Independence. (1994) Author: Marlene Schommer
National Academy of Education--Spencer Post-Doctoral Fellowship: Epistemological Beliefs: Are They Domain Independent or Domain Specific? (1993) Author: Marlene Schommer
The Wichita State University Summer Grant: Investigating the Nature of Epistemological Beliefs (1993) Author: Marlene Schommer (Funded $3,000)
National Academy of Education--Spencer Post-Doctoral Fellowship: The Effects of Epistemological Instruction on Students' Academic Performance (1992) Author: Marlene Schommer
The Wichita State University Grant: College Freshmen's Beliefs About the Nature of Knowledge: What Are They? and Do They Predict Freshmen's Academic Performance (1990) Author: Marlene Schommer (Funded $4,500)
Teaching Educational Psychology (AERA Special Interest Group) (2012 - present)
Southwest Consortium for Innovative Psychology in Education (2006 - present)
EARLI: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (2003 - present)
Study of Learning Environments (AERA Special Interest Group) (1999 - present)
American Educational Research Association (1983-present)
American Psychological Association--Ed. Psych. Div. (1985-present)
American Psychological Society (1990-present)
International Reading Association (1985-present)
Midwestern Educational Research Association (1990-present) (Association Council Member 1993-1995, 1999-2001)
National Reading Conference (1986-present)
National Consortium for Instruction and Cognition (1986-present)
Society for the Scientific Study of Reading (1995-1997)
Scholarships, prizes, honors or other recognition:
ASBBS 2018 Award for Best Paper in Marketing/Business Practices in Emerging Markets track.
Schommer-Aikins, M., & Easter, M. (2018, March). Cognitive flexibility, procrastination, and need for closure linked to online self-directed learning among students from emerging markets. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV (national/international)
Featured researcher on an online Learning Magazine in 2017 : https://www.learningsolutionsmag.com/articles/2434/nuts-and-bolts-learner-beliefs-aboutlearning
Bender of the Twigs, 25 years at Wichita State University (2015)
Awarded 2011 Distinguished Alumni Award from University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Awarded 2010 San Jose State University Provost’s Outstanding Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Honorable Mention Award
Nominated for 2009 Academy for Effective Teaching Award
Nominated for 2008 Academy for Effective Teaching Award
Nominated for the 2007 Academy for Effective Teaching Award
Awarded Kansas Board of Regents Excellence in Teaching Award 2006
Awarded the 2005 WSU Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi Faculty Scholar Award
Nominated for Academy for Effective Teaching Award 2005
Awarded College of Education Teaching Award 2004
Honorable Mention for San Jose State University Award for Research on College Teaching & Learning 2004
Nominated for the 2003 Academy for Effective Teaching award
Nominated for the 2002 Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching and Academy of Effective Teaching Awards
Nominated for the 2002 College of Education Personnel Teaching Award.
Nominated for the 2001 Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching and Academy of Effective Teaching Awards
Nominated for COE Teaching Award in 2000
Nominated for the 2000 Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching and Academy of Effective Teaching Awards
Awarded Outstanding Research Award by WSU College of Education (1999)
Nominated for the 1999 Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching and the Academy of Effective Teaching Awards (1999)
Nominated for College of Education Teaching Award (1999)
Nominated of College of Education Research Award (1998)
Nominated for Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award (1998)
Nominated for the WSU Academy of Effective Teaching Award (1998)
Awarded sabbatical leave, Wichita State University (Spring, 1997)
Listed as the 10th most productive educational psychologist between the years of 1995 to 1997. [See Smith, C. M., Locke, S G., Boisse, S. J, Gallagher, P. A, Krengal, J. E., Kuczek, J. E, et al., (1998). Productivity of educational psychologists in educational psychology journals, 1991-1996. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 23, 173-181.)
Nominated for 1997 Board of Trustees Excellence in Teaching Award
Nominated for the 1997 Academy of Effective Teaching Award
Nominated for Wichita State University Young Faculty Scholar Award (1994, 1995)
Selected for Scholar Development Program by the National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellowship Selection Committee (1994)
Awarded College of Education Outstanding Researcher 1993
Nominated by Wichita State University students for university teaching award 1993
Nominated by Wichita State University students for university teaching award 1992
Nominated by Wichita State University students for university teaching award 1991
Awarded OUTSTANDING DISSERTATION by the International Reading Association in May 1990
Awarded Graduate College Travel Support Grant in April 1989.
Awarded Department of Educational Psychology Conference Travel Grant in March 1989.
Awarded Graduate Conference Travel from Center for the Study of Reading in November 1988 Reached finalist status in national competition for the 1988 Spencer Foundation competition from the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation March 1988
Awarded Graduate Conference Travel from Center for the Study of Reading in March 1988
Elected as student member of Executive Committee at the Center for the Study of Reading (1987-1988)
Won University Fellowship for Academic Year 1987-88
Won University Fellowship for Summer 1987
Awarded Graduate Conference Travel from Center for the Study of Reading in September 1987
Awarded Graduate Conference Travel Grant from University of Illinois in April 1986
I received numerous Volunteer Awards and was honored with a Community Service Award from the Milwaukee Council on Alcoholism for my lectures on the prevention of alcohol abuse 1980- 1984.
While in high school I competed at the state-level and received top awards for public speaking for two consecutive years.
Bachelors of Psychology was awarded With Distinction
Membership in honor societies:
Phi Beta Kappa
Psi Chi
Phi Delta Kappa
Phi Kappa Phi
Chair of CESP 2008-2012
Major categories of responsibilities that I have carried out over the year.
- Schedule Building: Spring, Fall, Summer
- Budget: Monitored budget spend down at the end of the fiscal year. Continue to carefully consider classes being taught, adjunct hires, etc.
- Reports to the Dean in early June: recruitment, adjunct hires, student advisement, complaints, and any other reports requested by the Dean.
- Recruitment efforts: Sent out a new Power Point to undergrad psychology and education majors. Ed. Psych new enrolled students when for 5 a year to 12 a year. Worked on our website for recruitment for all programs. Visited CESP 433 for personal presentations for all department programs. Also, sent Enrollment Management Plan for FY 2009 to Graduate School.
- Reports for Programs: conducted and analyzed data for each program including advising survey, current student feedback survey, and one year post graduate student feedback survey.
- Department guidance and support: monthly department meetings, occasional department social gatherings, open door policy in order to make faculty to feel free to come to me with concerns.
- Addressing Controversial Issues: Dealt with one student complaint, dealt with room issue quandaries, dealt with adjuncts suddenly not able to teach, participated in a university level Grievance Committee issue.
- Training Sessions: Attended Chair Meeting with Ravi Pendse, Attended training for dealing with difficult faculty, Blackboard, copyright laws, WSU Policy & Procedure, Budget Information & Enterprise Reporting, Emergency Building Coordinator, and Schedule Building Refresher.
- Critical Meeting attendance and contributions. Member of COE Leadership Team, COE Meetings. Graduation ceremonies.
- KSDE/NCATE: NCATE Steering Committee. Support for KSDE Rejoinders. Anticipate many more hours to pour into these accreditations.
- Student Support: Open door policy for students concerns. Make sure classes are offered as promised. Provide quality workshops. Monitor quality of teaching. Monitor curriculum. Encourage recruitment and retention via advise to faculty and office staff.
- Office Support: Monitor office staff, office supplies, technology, room availability, and student assistants.
- Faculty Support: Tried my best to get a hire for School Psychology. Attended Advisory Councils and Program meetings for Counseling, School Psychology, and Education Psychology. Nominated faculty for COE awards.
- Policy & Procedure Monitoring and Revision: With faculty input the CESP Goals were re-aligned with COE Goals and Conceptual Framework. With faculty input, policy for annual merit review was revised.
Chair of CESP Fall 2007
Since this is a reflection of my first administrative duties as Chair, it reflects the beginning of a huge learning curve.
- Training for Schedule Building • Training for Graduate Applications and Inquires
- Training for Processes and Forms
- Built Spring 2008 Schedule
- Built Summer 2008 Schedule
- Developed Summary of Robert’s Rules for department meetings
- Developed Needs Assessment Table for faculty input Developed Chair – fourth week teaching assessment for new department faculty
- Guided Enrollment Management Plan for FY 2008
- Developed case for the need of School Psychology Faculty Search
- Member of NCATE Steering Committee
- Member of COE Leadership Team
- Conducted an analysis of credit hour load expectations for Dennis Kear
- Conducted an analysis of Variability in Graduates for CESP Programs over the last 10 years
- Part of Interview Team for the NCATE Liaison Position
- Engaged in Search for new Administrative Assistant for the my department (CESP)
- Enhance department ambience with Puzzler 2007 and Motivation Speech at department Christmas Party
- Met with new faculty at the beginning of the semester and oriented them to teaching, FARs, NCATE expectations, safety tips, mandatory meetings, and department collegiality.
- Met with a group of students who had complaint about adjunct. Met with the adjunct for corrective feedback.
- Administered Advising Survey in order to assess the quality of advising students are receiving from faculty.
- Distributed COE Tracking sheets in order to update the COE Assessment System.
- Learned to override Banner for students trying to enroll in closed classes.
- Met with or talked with prospective students interested in our programs. Some of these prospects did eventually apply to our programs.
- Attended Chairs meeting in November.
- Attended Hooding Ceremony and Commencement in December.
- Met with new faculty and oriented them to FAR preparation.
- Monitored office staff work flow and ambience.
- Monitored office supplies and equipment needs.
1989 to 1990
Assistant Professor--California State University, Los Angeles. Taught three graduate courses in a multicultural university and began to explore epistemological beliefs as they relate to cultural identity.
1986 to 1989
Research Assistant--University of Illinois Center for the Study of Reading- -assisting in the development of a research program on vocabulary acquisition, analyzing decoding instruction, developing and conducting studies of reading groups using "microanalysis", that is, the meticulous study of behaviors of the reader, teacher and other students during each reading turn.
Research Assistant--University of Illinois Center for the Study of Reading--analyzed data for the effect of a decoding program on at risk children.
Research Assistant--University of Illinois Center for the Study of Reading--analyzed data concerning children's use of analogies in learning.
Project Assistant--University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Urban Research Center--prepared a survey for the Internal Revenue Service; Literature review on Israeli Senior Civil Servants; Project Coordinator in the development of Drug Screening Instrument
Research Assistant--University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Educational Psychology--experimenter and assistant in data analysis on the study of language development
Project Assistant--University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee Educational Psychology--detailed ethnographic observations in classrooms and data analysis
Undergraduate Research Assistant--University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee-- experimenter in early childhood development study
Research Assistant--DNR Publications, Milw. WI--library research for a book on Laetrile
Undergraduate Research Assistant--University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee-- experimenter in a study investigating the relationship between sex and verbal/spatial abilities
1989 to 1990
Assistant Professor--California State University, Los Angeles, Department of Education, Division of Educational Foundations and Interdivisional Studies. Courses taught include Psychological Foundations of Education, a teacher preparation course; and two graduate courses, Advance Study: Learning Theory and Education and Educational Research and Decision Making. My classes were composed of adults from at least five different cultures. These adults were teaching in multicultural classrooms themselves.
1980 to 1984
Lecturer--Milwaukee Council on Alcoholism--taught grade school, high school, college and adult groups about prevention of alcohol abuse and the signs of alcoholism.
Tutor--Youth Development Center, Milw. WI--tutored high school students in Algebra
Tutor and Proctor--University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee--tutor in psychology 101
Instructor--Milwaukee Free University--taught Public Speaking
California State University, Los Angeles School Level--Instructional Policy Committee (1989-1990)
California State University, Los Angeles Division Level-- Instructional Policy Committee (1989-1990)
Center for the Study of Reading--Executive Committee (1988)
Service to the Profession:
Reviewer for Center for the Study of Reading Technical Reports (1984-1989)
Office of Educational Research and Improvement: Field-Initiated Studies (1990)
California State University, Los Angeles Work Station Grant Proposal (1990)
Affirmative Action Faculty Development Program (1989)