Doctor of Education: Educational Leadership



The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership is an innovative program premised on the belief that theory and practice must be combined in a "hands-on" learning environment that focuses on "learning by doing." This degree program is intended for practicing professionals in K-12, higher education, and other educational organizations who wish to further develop and enhance their leadership capacity. Rather than the typical lecture classroom, seminars are held in a setting where faculty and students meet as equals and share ideas and presentations. While course instructional methods are often flexible, in-person attendance is a requirement for a number of courses; this program cannot be completed entirely online.

Degree Requirements

WIchita State University Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership consists of 55 graduate hours. The courses include:


Admission Requirements

When applying for admission to the Doctorate in Educational Leadership program, you must submit to the Graduate School:

You must also submit the following items to the Department:

  • At least three letters of recommendation from supervisors and/or professional peers that attest to the applicant's potential for success as an educational leader.
  • Evidence of three years of formal experience in P-12, higher education, or other educational organizations.
  • A current resume or vita of educational and professional experience.
  • A sample of academic writing (such as a published article or a paper written for a graduate level course).
  • A statement of professional goals.

We will begin review of applications in November, but will continue to accept applications until May 1**.


Application Process
You can view the progress of your admission status by navigating to Step 5 hereClick here for information on how you will be notified of your admission decision.

Background Check Requirement

Upon admission and prior to their first semester, all students admitted to the Educational Leadership program must clear a criminal background check. Click here for instructions.