School Counseling Field Site Supervisor Handbook

Department Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology College of Applied Studies Wichita State University

Last Updated: December 2022
Cover Letter

Dear Site Supervisor,

Thank you for agreeing to supervise Wichita State University Counseling students in your professional setting as they embark on their journey toward becoming professional school counselor. Your willingness to work with this candidate will help support the growth and development of a new professional as they transition into the counseling field.

The purpose of this manual is to familiarize you with the essential elements of a practicum/internship experience in counseling through Wichita State University. This manual is intended to guide the site supervisory process and clarify the roles and responsibilities of the student, the university, the university instructor, and site supervisor as required by the national accrediting organization, the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). An orientation/training in supervision is required of site supervisors and an on-line PowerPoint training is available.

Best practices in training counselors as well as accreditation and licensure standards require counseling students have experience in real life counseling situations. Students must also be supervised by qualified school counseling providers.

The counseling faculty appreciate your willingness to provide the opportunity for our students to gain real world experience and your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with our students. We hope in return; the students provide valuable service to your school.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions and we work continually to improve the quality of our program, the quality of field experiences, and the working relationship between us.


The Counseling Faculty at Wichita State University

Faculty and Staff

 Jody Fiorini, PhD, LCPC-S, LMHC, NCC, ACS
Full Professor & ISLE Department Head
316-978-6265 | 104B Hubbard Hall

Susan Bray, PhD, LCPC-S
Associate Professor
Play Therapy Center Director
316-978-6510 | 312 Hubbard Hall

Lyndsey Brown, PhD
Assistant Clinical Professor
School Counseling Coordinator
316-978-6069 | 321 Hubbard Hall

Claire Gregory, PhD
Assistant Professor
Addictions Counseling
316-978-6510 | 211 Ahlberg Hall

Christie Henderson, PhD
Assistant Clinical Professor
School Counseling
316-978-6510 | 312 Hubbard Hall

Jiaqi (Jason) Li, PhD, LPC, NCC
Associate Professor
Clinical Menatl Health Counseling
316-978-5107 | 315 Hubbard Hall

Mahsa Maghsoudi, PhD, NCC, LCPC
Assistant Professor
WISE Clinic Director
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
316-978-5327 | 211 Ahlberg Hall

Philip Mullins, PhD, LPC
Assistant Professor
Counseling Program Coordinator
316-978-5181 | 309 Hubbard Hall

Grant Seymour, MEd, LPC
Advisor, Recruiting, Retention Specialist
316-978-6159 | 104 Hubbard Hall

Introduction to Practicum and Internship

Practicum and internship courses are one of the primary training experiences received by counseling students in the counseling program. Practicum and internship courses allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have gained through academic study and training to the real world as the students develop as effective and professional counselors.

The site supervisor handbook serves as a resource for the field site experience. All forms required for practicum and internship are included in the appendices of this handbook. General syllabi are also available to supervisors upon request and provide information about broad requirements; however, individual instructors will provide specific information when necessary.

This manual is intended for the field site supervisors (practicum or internship supervisors) to help become familiar with the program policies and procedures. It should serve as a reference while supervising Wichita State Counseling Program practicum or internship students. The Wichita State University Graduate Catalog supersedes any information in this manual.

Practicum and Internship Coordinators

The Practicum/Internship Coordinators have clearly defined responsibilities that include: admissions to practicum and internships (checking pre-requisites and academic/personal status); overseeing practicum and internship policies, ethical practices, and adherence to CACREP standards; coordinating and approving practicum and internship site supervisors for students; coordinating and meeting with practicum and internship instructors; providing an orientation to new practicum students and professors; and coordinating and providing supervision training to site supervisors. The practicum and internship coordinators report to the graduate coordinator for the counseling program and to the department head of the CLES department.

Required Hours for Practicum/Internship

Completion of required practicum experience is a total of 100 hours, with a minimum of 40 of those hours being direct client contact hours. During the practicum experience, students focus on developing basic individual counseling skills learned in their counseling techniques and theories courses. Practicum students need to be at their practicum site a minimum of eight hours per week over the 16-week semester to meet this requirement. The practicum hours log form provides information regarding what types of experiences are considered direct and indirect experiences for practicum. In addition, practicum students are also required to complete a minimum of 1 hour of individual supervision with their site supervisor each week.

The internship courses require a total of 600 hours of experience, with 240 hours of this experience involving direct client contact hours. Most students take the internship course over two semesters with 300 total hours of experience required with 120 hours of direct client contact per semester. Students need to be at their internship sites a minimum of twenty hours per week over a 16-week semester to meet this requirement. Some students choose to complete the entire 600 hours of internship in one semester; however, this requires a commitment by the student to be at the site forty hours per week over the 16-week semester. The practicum/internship hours log form provides information regarding what types of experiences are considered direct and indirect experiences for practicum and internship. More types of experiences are considered direct hours in internship than in practicum. In addition, internship students are also required to complete a minimum of 1 hour of individual supervision with their site supervisor each week.

Required Supervisor Qualifications

Responsibilities of the Agency, Institution, or School Site

  1. The site supervisor shall provide orientation for the student in regard to site's purpose, function, and administrative procedures.
  2. The site supervisor shall be responsible for the assignment and administrative supervision of tasks within the student's capabilities which allows him/her to use and further develop her/his counseling knowledge, attitudes, values, and skills. This may include direct work with clients, relationships with staff and other agencies or schools, and attendance at staff meetings.
  3. The site will provide space, equipment, and supplies as needed by the student to carry out site assignments.
  4. The site supervisor will allow the student to gain a variety of supervised experiences.
  5. With written permission of the site and the clients involved, the site supervisor will allow the student to obtain audio and/or videotapes for supervision of the student’s interactions with clients. If video or audio recording is not allowed by the site, the student should notify the program who can arrange for other opportunities for students to record work with clients. Not allowing audio or video recordings, while not ideal, does not mean a site is excluded from being a student’s practicum or internship site.
  6. The assigned site supervisor will provide one hour per week of individual for the student(s) and be available for consultation.
  7. The site will be provided adequate informed consent documents to clients regarding their treatment related to student interns.

Responsibilities of the Site Supervisor

  1. A site supervisor must have a license as a professional school counselor. Supervisors must have a minimum of a master’s degree in counseling or a closely related profession, including appropriate certifications and/or licenses at the master’s level of licensure, and may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  2. The site supervisor is expected to have a minimum of two years of pertinent professional experience in the program area in which the student is completing clinical instruction.
  3. The site supervisor is expected to have knowledge of the counseling program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for students.
  4. The site supervisor is expected to be knowledgeable about counseling supervisory processes and practices.
  5. The site supervisor will orient the student to the site and specific duties.
  6. The site supervisor will provide students with the opportunity to lead or co-lead a counseling or psychoeducational group.
  7. The site supervisor will meet with the student one hour weekly, supervise the student's performance, and sign the student's weekly log.
  8. The site supervisor will provide supervision in accordance with the guidelines established by the site for all regular personnel and the guidelines for supervisors as recommended by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) located at
  9. The site supervisor will provide a mid-semester and final written evaluation of the student's knowledge, skills, and personal and professional development during each semester of the practicum and internship experience, using provided forms. The practicum or internship grade will reflect the evaluation of both the on-site and university supervisor, with the university supervisor having the final responsibility for grade assignment.
  10. The site supervisor is strongly encouraged to initiate contact with the university instructor, or Practicum and Internship Coordinator as soon as there are any questions or concerns regarding the student, expectations, or responsibilities.
  11. The site supervisor must be on site when the student is seeing clients. If the supervisor is off site there must be another licensed or responsible individual who can be available for the student if needed.

Responsibilities of the University

The WSU Counseling program will:

  1. Provide a handbook describing the specific practicum/internship requirements.
  2. Provide one hour of individual or triadic supervision each week for each practicum and internship student.
  3. Provide an average of 1.5 hours of weekly group supervision for practicum and internship.
  4. Provide additional experiences and resources including professional seminars, audio/videotaping, live supervision, and referral source information for client and student intern needs as appropriate.
  5. Provide opportunities for supervision training for site supervisors
  6. Maintain periodic contact with the site supervisor to discuss the student's progress, each semester by a university practicum and internship supervisor for the purpose of meeting with the site supervisor.
  7. Counsel, teach, train, and supervise using guidelines recommended by the American School Counseling Association (ACA) located at
  8. Maintain appropriate records for registration and grading.
  9. Ensure students are covered by professional liability insurance and have completed the any necessary verified background check required for students in the program.

Responsibilities of the Student

  1. The counseling student is responsible for working with the practicum/internship placement coordinator and following the counseling program’s procedures regarding contacting sites and securing a practicum/internship site.
  2. The student is responsible for making sure that the site supervisor has the necessary forms and that the forms are completed on time.
  3. The counseling student is responsible for securing professional counseling liability insurance that will remain in effect for the duration of the practicum and internship experiences.
  4. The counseling student is responsible for following site procedures regarding testing for tuberculosis (TB) and providing sites with copies of TB test results when requested.
  5. The counseling student is responsible for obtaining the program’s required background check and providing the results to the department according to established procedure.
  6. The student will be at the agreed upon location at times scheduled by the site supervisor and student.
  7. The student will fulfill assigned duties and responsibilities as agreed on by the student, site supervisor, and the university instructor.
  8. The student will attend an average of 1.5 hours of weekly group supervision meetings with the university instructor at WSU.
  9. The practicum student will attend minimum of one hour of weekly individual/triadic supervision meetings with university instructor or assigned supervisor at WSU.
  10. Both practicum and internship students are required to attend one hour of weekly individual/triadic supervision meetings with the site supervisor.
  11. The student will complete assignments as described in the class syllabus.
  12. The student will remain at the practicum or internship site the duration of the 16-week semester, even if the student has accumulated the required hours for the course.
  13. The student will keep a weekly log of time spent that will be reviewed and signed by site supervisor and university instructor.
  14. The student will read and use the ACA and ASCA Codes of Ethics as guides for ethical and professional practice.

Timeline of Activities for Site Supervisors

The practicum/internship student is responsible for knowing requirements and ensuring that all practicum and internship requirements are met, and procedures are followed.

The Semester Before Practicum/Internship is to Begin

  1. Consider prospective students to be placed in your site.
  2. Inform student of training, background checks, or other requirements they will need to complete prior to beginning their practicum/internship.

Before or Immediately upon Practicum/Internship Experience Beginning

  1. Sign Practicum or Internship Field Site Supervisor Agreement

During Practicum or Internship Experience

  1. Meet with the practicum/internship student weekly for individual supervision.
  2. Review and sign the intern's Weekly Log to verify hours and activities.
  3. At mid-semester and at the end of semester, complete, review with student, and sign MidSemester Evaluation of Practicum/Internship Student form to university instructor.
  4. Meet with the intern's university instructor for a brief conference either in-person, via technology, or by phone. If a meeting is requested, the university instructor will arrange this meeting.

At the Conclusion of Practicum/Internship

  1. Complete, review with student, and sign Final Evaluation of Practicum/Internship Student.
  2. Consult with university instructor about final evaluation as desired.
  3. Review and sign intern's final Weekly Log to verify cumulative hours and activities.

Supervision Training

The counseling program at Wichita State University provides a required supervision training for all site supervisors. This training is on-line and provided free of charge to supervisors. It is expected to take approximately one hour. All site supervisors must complete the training prior to the supervision of students.

Additional Information

While our counselors-in-training have all the necessary forms for site supervisors in their Practicum/ Internship Handbooks, they are included here, as well. At any time, a site supervisor can contact a counselor-in-training’s faculty instructor, or the Practicum or Internship Placement Coordinator, to discuss student issues.

Student Practicum/Internship Ethics and Professional Behavior Agreement

Student is to complete this form in duplicate and submit a copy of this agreement to the university practicum/internship instructor before beginning field experience.

Note: The attestation must be submitted by the student with the practicum/internship application. Applications are not complete until the form is submitted.

For the purposes of this document, pending or previous investigations or adverse findings refers to legal, ethical, or on-the-job circumstances that are or could reasonably be seen as related to counseling or educational practice.

Please check one of the following:

□ I attest that there are no pending or previous investigations or adverse findings regarding professional behavior related to counseling or educational practice.

□ I attest that there ARE pending investigations regarding professional behavior related to counseling or educational practice. I acknowledge that I must meet with the department chair and the coordinator of practicum/internship prior to being permitted to enroll or to remain enrolled.

□ I attest that there has been investigation in the past regarding professional behavior with adverse findings regarding professional behavior related to counseling or educational practice. I acknowledge that I must meet with the department chair and the coordinator of practicum/internship prior to being permitted to enroll or to remain enrolled.

Please check one of the following:

□ I have completed a criminal background check upon admission to the program.

□ I have NOT completed a criminal background check upon admission to the program

Signature _________________________________________  Date  ______________________________

Printed Name: ___________________________________________________________

WSU ID________________________________________________________________

 Practicum Field Site Supervisor Agreement

To Be Completed by Practicum Student and Site Supervisor:

I understand that I will need 100 total hours including at least 40 direct client contact hours in order to complete the minimum requirements for CESP 856 Counseling Practicum. I also understand that if I am teaching or am otherwise employed by the school district or agency in which I am completing the practicum requirements, that all arrangements for the practicum must be made so that my practicum requirements will not in any way detract from the work for which I am being paid.

In the space below, describe the time arrangements you are proposing for your practicum. Be specific concerning the 100 hours for practicum and your job requirements, if any.

Student Name:______________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

Phone number(s): ___________________________________________________________________

Email: ______________________________________________________________________________

WSU ID:_____________________________________________________________________________

Site Supervisor Name: _______________________________________________________________

Site Name: __________________________________________________________________________

Site Supervisor Phone: ___________________  Site Supervisor Email:_____________________

Practicum Student Signature ___________________  Date ___________________

Authorized Signature from Site Supervisor or School Official  __________________________       

                            Approved    Disapproved                           Date ___________________
                                     Circle One 

Practicum Instructor Signature _______________________________________________________       

                            Approved    Disapproved                           Date ___________________
                                     Circle One 

The School Counseling coordinator must receive this form before final arrangements for practicum will be made. Copies will be sent to all parties.

Return to:

School Counseling Coordinator Counseling, Educational Leadership, Educational and School Psychology Hubbard Hall 104 (Campus Box 142) Wichita State University Wichita, KS 67260-0142