People + Skills + Technology


MID courses are designed to evolve your professional, and human centered innovation, digital, and leadership skills to make you more resilient in an ever changing digital world.

MID Skills by Course Chart

Globally in-demand skills.
“Employer expectations are shifting rapidly and college students must develop hard and soft
skills that will prepare them for workforce success.”
- Hanover Research


“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” 
Robert Greene

Innovation Design Skills Chart

As businesses of all sizes are embracing new technologies such as AI, digital twins, and blockchain the need for digital talent increases, as does the need for managers with a digital mindset. The managers of tomorrow will need an entrepreneur’s spirit and a digital mindset that blends professional, innovation, digital and leadership skills.

Skills development and upskilling will strengthen your viability today, but will also increase your adaptability to future technologies and opportunities.

The Master of Innovation and Design program starts by identifying your strengths and weaknesses and targets courses that emphasize growth in your gap skills and digital mindset development to increase your potential for a successful career.

The jobs of the future may not exist today, but more organizations are embracing the need for identifying talent with the skills that can adapt to an ever changing technology landscape.



MID group photo from Spring 2021 Graduation outside of Devlin Hall

Let's Chat

Send us a message if you want more information about collaborations or if you are interested in applying for the Master's of Innovation Design.



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