Admission Requirements

Thank you for your interest in the Ph.D. in EECS Program. Admission to the program depends on multiple factors and/or scores. Please note that satisfying the minimum requirements do not guarantee the admission to the program. Each applicant is evaluated individually. The following are minimum requirements for admission:

  1. A completed bachelor's or master's degree, with a grade point average of at least 3.250 in electrical engineering, computer science or a related field.
  2. Official GRE General (Aptitude) test scores. There are no minimum scores as part of the admission requirements. The average scores for admitted students in the previous semesters are approximately: Quantitative 164; Verbal 148, with standard deviation of 1.9 for quantitative and 3.4 for verbal.
  3. Two letters of recommendation and a statement of purpose are strongly recommended. 
  4. vidence of ability to carry out independent research and present it in written English is highle desirable.
  5. In addition, applicants with a bachelor's degree will only be admitted if an EECS faculty member judges them as exceptional, and is will it be their PhD advisor from the beginning of the program. 

 Helpful hints 

  • Please use email for any communication. All general inquiries should be mailed to If you have specific questions about your admission you can email the Graduate Coordinator. Please note, response via might be faster than contacting the graduate coordinator.
  • Students are encouraged to review the faculty expertise and identify up to three faculty members who could potentially serve as an advisor.
  • Please do not contact faculty members if you do not have a similar research interest. Since we are a diverse department not all faculty members would be able to serve as your advisor.
  • When you contact a faculty member show evidence that you have similar interest. Share your goals in a standout form. Please remember, each faculty member will receive several such requests. If you want to be in their radar, show relevance, keep our email short, do not include PDFs of publications, but a proper citation will help and a CV with the necessary information. Don’t be afraid to email faculty members, the worst thing that can happen is you may not receive a replay. The best thing that can happen is that the email will lead to a conversation, that can help you with your admission. 
  • Please reach out to the graduate coordinator or faculty directly. Having an intermediary person can adversely affect your chance of getting admitted due to the regulations and also could provide a negative impression.

Funding Opportunities 

Research Assistantships

  • Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs) are offered to support a research activity. You may be offered an GRA position by an institute or faculty member from another department or an EECS faculty member. If you are supported by an EECS faculty member, they would serve as your Ph.D. advisor.
  • Typically, GRAs are offered to students who have completed one semester of coursework at Wichita State. This give an opportunity for both the student and the faculty to have a good understanding and student showing commitment to the specific research.
  • If a faculty member believes that the student can be productive in the research, they may be offered a GRA position in their first semester.

Teaching Assistantships