- Anil Mahapatro and Dinesh Singh, Biodegradable Nanoparticles are Excellent Vehicle
for Site Directed in-vivo Delivery of Drugs and Vaccines, Journal of Nanobiotechnology,
9:55, 1-11, November 2011
- Begum S. and Weheba G., Statistical Techniques for Analyzing Customer Feedback, Journal
of Management and Engineering Integration, Vol. 4, No.2, pp.129-134, 2011,
- Byeng D. Youn, Chao Hu, Pingfeng Wang, Resilience Driven System Design for Complex
Engineering Systems, Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(10), 101011(15), October 2011
- Hijazi, A, Sachidandan, S., Singh, R. and Madhavan, V., A Calibrated dual-wavelength
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measurements, Meas. Sci. Technology, 22(2), 10.1088/0957 – 0233/22/2/025106, Feb.
- Kashani, M.S. and Madhavan, V., Analysis and Correction of the effect of sample tilt
on results nanoindentation, Acta Materialia, 59, 883-895, Feb 2011
- Keskinturk, T., Yildirim, M. B. and Barut, M. , A Modified Ant Colony Optimization
Algorithm for Load Balancing in parallel Machines with Setups, Computers and Operations
Research, 39, pp.1225-1235, 9/29/2011
- Lu, D., M. Overcash, M. Realff, A mathematical programming tool for LCI-based product
design and case study for a carpet product, J Cleaner Production, 19(12), 1347-1355,
- Overcash, M. and J. Twomey, Structure of Industrial or Corporate Sustainability Programs,
Intl J Sustainable Engineering, 4(2), 109-114, 2011
- Pingfeng Wang, Byeng D. Youn', Chao Hu, A Generic Probabilistic Framework for Structural
Health Prognostic and Uncertainty Management, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal
Processing,, November 2011
- Pingfeng Wang, Chao Hu, Byeng D. Youn, A Generalized Complementary Intersection Method
for System Reliability Analysis and Design, Journal of Mechanical Design,133(7), 071003
(13), July 2011
- Rahul Bhure*, Tarek M. Abdel-Fattah, Carl Bonner, Felicia Hall and Anil Mahapatro,
Stability of Phosphonic Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) on Cobalt Chromium (Co-Cr)
Alloy under Oxidative conditions, Applied Surface Science,13, 5605-5612,January 2011
- Safaie N. and Weheba G., A Fully Bayesian Approach to Verifying a Shift in the Process
Average, Journal of Management and Engineering Integration, Vol. 4, No.1, pp.129-136,
- Taina D. Matos*, Nacole King*, Lauren Simmons*, Charmaine Walker*, Aliecia R. McClain,
Anil Mahapatro, Fred J Rispoli, Kevin T. McDonnell and Vishal Shah, Microwave Assisted
Lipase Catalyzed Solvent Free Poly-Caprolactone Synthesis, Green Chemistry Letters
and Reviews, 4 (1), 73-79, May 2011
- Tarek M. Abdel-Fattah, Jon Derek Loftis* and Anil Mahapatro, Nanosized Controlled
Surface Pretreatment of Biometallic Alloy 316L Stainless Steel, Journal of Biomedical
Nanotechnology, 7, 794-800, July 2011
- Yildirim, M.B., Nezami, F.G.* and Masud, A. S.M., A Fuzzy Multicriteria Generation
Expansion Planning Model, International Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Making,
1/ 2, pp.133-154, 2011
- Ashkan S. Jahromi*, Janet M. Twomey, Michael R. Overcash, Bayram Yildirim, Fernando
Valenzuela*, Tyson J. Elsken , Nicholas O. Thomas*, Ashlee N. Mcadam*, and Amin Esmaeil*,
Energy Consumption of VA Hospital CT Scans, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable
Systems and Technology, Chicago Ill., CDROM, 12/10
- Ashkan S. Jahromi*, Janet M. Twomey. Overcash, M., Yildirim, M.B., Valenzuela*, F.,
Elsken , T., . Thomas, N.*, Mcadam, A.* and Esmaeil, A.*, Energy Consumption of VA
Hospital CT Scans, ISST, Chicago, IL, , 5/15/2011
- Ashkan S. Jahromi*, Janet M. Twomey. Overcash, M., Yildirim, M.B., Valenzuela*, F.,
Elsken , T., . Thomas, N.*, Mcadam, A.* and Esmaeil, A.*, Hospital Radiology Department
Overhead Energy Estimation, ISST, Chicago, IL, , 5/15/2011
- Ashkan*S. Jahromi*, Janet M. Twomey, Amin Esmaeili*, Fernando Valenzuela*, Bayram
Yildirim, Michael R. Overcash, Hospital Radiology Department Overhead, Energy Estimation,
IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Chicago Ill.,
CDROM, 12/10
- Byeng D. Youn, Chao Hu, Pingfeng Wang, Resilience-driven System Design of Complex
Engineering Systems, ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference
& Computer and Information in Engineering Conference, Washington DC, DETC2011-48352
, , August 28-31, 2011
- Deshpande, A., Madhavan, V., and Adibi-Sedeh, A.H., Model for the indentation force
in metal cutting, Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution/SME,
Corvallis, OR, , June 2011
- Esmaeili, M. A., Twomey, J., Yildirim, B., Overcash, M., *Jahromi, A., *Thomas, N.,
*McAdam, A., and *Dominquez, F., Environmental Impacts of Healthcare Services : X-Ray
Services, IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Chicago
Ill., CDROM, 12/10
- Ghazi Nezami, F.* and Yildirim, M.B. , A Nonlinear Approach for Integrated Marketing-
Economic Production Quantity Problem, IERC 2011, Reno, NV, , May 2011
- Griffing, E., M. Overcash, R. Ligon, LCI of a sulfonylurea herbicide and allocation
of chlorine chemistry, American Chemical Society Conference, 2011, Washington DC,
16 p. , June, 2011
- Hapaala, K., M. Overcash, J. Twomey, Life cycle tools for manufacturing, Boeing Sustainability
Meeting, Portland, OR, 17 p., March, 2011
- Huffman, B., Yildirim, M.B. and Uner, H. , Identification and improvement of medical
care inefficiencies at a resident clinic, GRASP 2011, Wichita, KS, , April 2011
- Kalla, D., S. Corcoran*, J. Twomey M. Overcash, Energy consumption in discrete part
production, ASME 2011 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference
(MSEC2011), Portland, OR, 6 p., June, 2011
- Keskinturk, T. and Yildirim, M.B, A genetic algorithm metaheuristic for Bakery Distribution
Vehicle Routing Problem with Load Balancing, Inista 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, , 7/15-18/2011
- M. Realff and M. Overcash, Life Cycle Assessments, Sustainable Packaging Coalition
Meeting, San Diego, 44 p., March, 2011
- Mirzaei, S. and Krishnan, K.K., A MINLP Formulation of Energy-Efficient Location Routing
Problem (EELRP), IERC Conference, Reno Nevada, , June 2011
- Mirzaei, S. and Krishnan, K.K., Supply Chain Network Configuration with Time Dependent
Demand, IERC Conference, Reno Nevada, , June 2011
- Pingfeng Wang, Byeng D. Youn, Chao Hu, Ensemble of Data-Driven Prognostic Algorithms
for Robust Prediction of Remaining useful life, IEEE Prognostics and Health Management
Conference, Denver, CO, Page(s) 1- 10, DOI: 10.1109/ICPHM.2011.6024361, June 20-23,
- Pingfeng Wang, Prasanna Tamilselvan*, Krishna Krishnan, System Reliability Assessment
within Multilevel Component Supply Chain Networks, 2011 Industrial Engineering Research
Conference, Reno, NV, Paper ID: 525, May 21-25
- Prasanna Tamilselvan*, Pingfeng Wang, Byeng D Youn, Multi-Sensor Health Diagnosis
Using Deep Belief Network based State Classification, ASME 2011 International Design
Engineering Technical Conference & Computer and Information in Engineering Conference,
Washington DC, DETC2011-48352, , August 28-31, 2011
- Rahul Bhure*, Tarek M. Abdel-Fattah, Carl Bonner, Joseph C. Hall and Anil Mahapatro,
Surface Modification of Cobalt Chromium Alloy via Phosphonic Acid Organic Nanosized
Thin Films, Electrochemical Society National Meeting, ECS Transactions, Las Vegas,
91-95, May 2011
- Realff, M., M. Overcash, M. Realff Transparent & Representative Life Cycle Inventory
and Assessments, DuPont Technical Meeting, Wilmington, DE, 55 p., June, 2011
- Realff, M., M. Overcash, Transparent & Representative Life Cycle Inventory and Assessments,
Albemarle Corporation Technology Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, 50 p., April, 2011
- Taina D. Matos*, Tarek M. Abdel-Fattah, Carl Bonner, and Anil Mahapatro, In Vitro
Corrosion Inhibition of Magnesium Alloy via Organic Nanocoatings, Electrochemical
Society National Meeting, ECS Transactions, Las Vegas, 97-101, May 2011
- Twomey, J. and Overcash, M., (Invited) Toward an Operational Definition of Industrial
Sustainability, Annual Industrial Engineering Research Conference (IERC), Reno, Nevada,
CDROM, May 21 – 25, 2011.
- Twomey, J. Overcash, M., (Invited) Lower Hospital Service Costs: Operational Decisions,
Environmental Impact Information, and Medical Outcomes, INFORMS 2011 Midwestern Conference
"Analytics for Competitive Advantage," Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, , August
1-2, 2011
- Twomey, J., *Jagannath, D., and Wang, P., “A Generic Reliability and Risk Centered
Maintenance Framework for Wind Turbines,” , Annual Industrial Engineering Research
Conference (IERC), Reno, Nevada, CDROM, May 21 – 25, 2011.
- Twomey, Overcash and Yildirim, Malzahn, EAGER: Energy Use in Healthcare Services,
NSF Grantees Conference, Atlanta GA, CDROM, Jan 11
- Whitman, L. and Huffman, J., Developing a Capability Maturity Model for Enterprise
Intelligence. Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, Milan, Italy, 2011:
- Whitman, L. and Mead, E., A Lean Enterprise Model for Document Control, Proceedings
of the 18th IFAC World, Congress, Milan, Italy,2011: .
- Whitman, L. E., Reynolds, K. V., and Toro-Ramos, Z. (). Service Learning in Engineering.
Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Midwest Section Conference,
Russellville, AR:, 2011