Papers/ Presentations/ Poster Sessions
Mouzon, G., Mehmet B. Yildirim, M, and, Twomey, J. ìOperational methods for minimization of energy consumption of manufacturing equipmentî, (submitted), International Journal for Production Research.
Yildirim, B., Twomey, J., Whitman, l., Liao, H. and Ahmad, J. ìA framework to collect, assess and reduce energy consumption of manufacturing equipmentî to be submitted to Journal of Machining Science.
Yildirim, B., Twomey, J., Whitman, l., Liao ,H. and Ahmad, J. (2006) A Framework to Reduce Energy Consumption of Manufacturing Equipment, Energy 2030: International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies, Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Drake, R., Yildirim, M.B., Twomey, J. T., Whitman, L. W., Dr. Jamal Ahmad, J. and Lodhia, P., ìData Collection Framework On Energy Consumption In Manufacturing,î Institute of Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, FL, 5/21-24/2006
Whitman, L., Twomey, J., and Patil, A. (2006). "Greening the value stream: Towards an environmental index," Proc. of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill And Knowledge, May 22-24, Nancy France.