What is an ITAC?


Under the direction and supervision of the US DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Industrial Training and Assessment Centers (ITACs) provide extensive energy-efficiency services to small and medium-sized manufacturers in the United States.

Twenty four ITACs serve all the regions of the United States. ITACs provide energy, water, waste and productivity assessments for clients in their respective regions.

Our ITAC team is an experienced team of Oklahoma State University faculty members and students. Dr. Hitesh Vora serves as ITAC Director. At any one time, we have a staff of six to ten students ranging from Ph.D. to M.S. to B.S. students. We have affiliates at Wichita State University (Dr. Mehmet Bayram Yildirim and Dr. Deepak Gupta). We are funded by the United States Department of Energy.