Laboratory for Soft Matter Research





Current Projects

  1. Plant protein based functional materials
  2. Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites for energy storage and thermal management applications.
  3. Relaxation of polymeric materials 
  4. Polymer RheologyMorphologies of PVDF/2-ME Denatured Soy Protein



Research Facilities

  1. Materials Processing
  2. Branson 450 sonifer (Emerson Industrial)
  3. Branson 2800 sonicator (Emerson Industrial)
  4. Air convection oven (VWR)
  5. Vacuum oven (Across International)
  6. Planetary ball mill (Columbia International)
  7. Stirring hot plate (Fisher Scientific)
  8. Square film applicators (Gardco)
  9. Polymer synthesis apparatus

Materials Characterization

  1. Hioki IM 3533-01 LCR meter with LT-4203 Parallel Plate Test Fixture (Hioki and Lambient Technologies )
  2. Radiant Precision LC II ferroelectric tester with high voltage test fixture (Radiant Technologies)
  3. Matsusada AMJ-4B10 high voltage amplifier (Matsusada)
  4. Delta Design 9023 Temperature Chamber with 9010 temperature controller and L CO2 cooling system (COHU, Inc)
  5. OHAUS Pioneer Analytic Balance (OHAUS)

Dr. Bin Li's research is also supported by ME composite Lab and College of Engineering at wichita State University

Current Students

  • Ph.D. students
  1. McCord Cox
  2. Zhuoyuan Zheng
  • Mater Students
  1. Aasish Jaiswal
  2. Ransilu Pattiyage
  3. Soheil Rashidi