Laboratory for Soft Matter Research
Current Projects
- Plant protein based functional materials
- Multifunctional polymer nanocomposites for energy storage and thermal management applications.
- Relaxation of polymeric materials
- Polymer Rheology
Research Facilities
- Materials Processing
- Branson 450 sonifer (Emerson Industrial)
- Branson 2800 sonicator (Emerson Industrial)
- Air convection oven (VWR)
- Vacuum oven (Across International)
- Planetary ball mill (Columbia International)
- Stirring hot plate (Fisher Scientific)
- Square film applicators (Gardco)
- Polymer synthesis apparatus
Materials Characterization
- Hioki IM 3533-01 LCR meter with LT-4203 Parallel Plate Test Fixture (Hioki and Lambient Technologies )
- Radiant Precision LC II ferroelectric tester with high voltage test fixture (Radiant Technologies)
- Matsusada AMJ-4B10 high voltage amplifier (Matsusada)
- Delta Design 9023 Temperature Chamber with 9010 temperature controller and L CO2 cooling system (COHU, Inc)
- OHAUS Pioneer Analytic Balance (OHAUS)
Dr. Bin Li's research is also supported by ME composite Lab and College of Engineering at wichita State University
Current Students
- Ph.D. students
- McCord Cox
- Zhuoyuan Zheng
- Mater Students
- Aasish Jaiswal
- Ransilu Pattiyage
- Soheil Rashidi