Minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting Monday, May 10, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT: Anderson, J. Bennett, T. Bennett, Brooks, Bryant, Celestin, Decker, Hemans, Henry, Hershfield, Horn, Klunder, Lewis-Moss, Miller, Mosack, Myers, Pickard, Rillema, Rokosz, Ross, D. Russell, L. Russell, Scherz, Skinner, Smith-Campbell, Soles, Spurgeon, Strattmann, Taher, Thompson, Yildirim

MEMBERS ABSENT: Baker, Baldridge, Craft, Dale, DeSilva, Driessen, Hu, Kreinath, LeZotte, Moore-Jansen, Wolf, Yeager

MEMBERS EXCUSED: Bolin, Carruthers,


I Call of the Meeting to order: President Soles called the meeting to order at 3:30

II. Informal Statements and Proposals:
Senator Russell shared information from a notice dispersed by Bill Wynn regarding incomplete grades; the notice is contradicts what is in the bulletin; Russell has contacted Keith Pickus about notice.
It was announced that the Office of Academic Affairs had released an alert and that the campus should be cleared by 4:00p.m.

III. President's Report:
President Soles announced a special senate meeting will be held in 209 Hubbard, May 17, 2010. It is an open meeting; both the old and new senate will receive notices and information to determine vote regarding the Physics degree and Gernotology. There will probably be no new information about budget.

IV. Committee Reports:
A. Standing Committee Annual Reports:
1. Academic Affairs – reports were accepted
2. Faculty Affairs -- reports were accepted

The meeting was adjourned at 3:45
Respectfully Submitted
Johnnie Thompson, Secretary