Wichita State University Retention and Student Success Plan
“The WSU Graduation Partnership”
The WSU Graduation Partnership is a collaborative Reshaping initiative that has been three years in the making and will involve students, faculty and staff throughout the university community. The Graduation Partnership’s goals are:
• Increase retention-rate of first year, full-time freshmen by 10% (from 70%-80%)
by 2020
• Increase the six-year graduation rate of first time, full-time freshmen by 10%
(from 40%-50%) by 2020
• Develop metrics to measure the graduation rates for transfer students and increase
these rates by 10% over the same ten-year period.
The Graduation Partnership Action Items (listed in order of increasing student interaction
with the university)
1) Revise Freshmen orientation program to include faculty participation
Targeted to begin in summer 2011
2) Pro-active Advising for Incoming At-Risk students
Originally piloted in August 2010
3) Install and Deploy Grades First Early Alert System
Pilot with Athletics department in spring 2011
4) Revise Introduction to the University Course (WSU 101) and expand to include all
incoming freshmen
Expansion of offerings will begin in academic year 2011-12
5) Increase Supplemental Instruction for at risk courses
Will begin expansion in spring 2011
In addition to the initiatives outlined above, the Provost’s Office will work with
the faculty leadership and academic advisors to promote the following policy changes:
• Course Pre-requisites for Gen Ed courses
• Basic Skills within 24 hours
• Increase faculty interaction with incoming freshmen
• Evaluate and revise late enrollment policies
• Degree planning within departments