Agenda for Faculty Senate Meeting Monday, February 14, 2011
Clinton Hall 126 3:30 pm
Note room change for Spring 2011
I. Call of the Meeting to Order
II. Informal Statements and Proposals
III. Approval of the Minutes:‚Ä® the meeting December 13, 2010, --
IV. President's Report
• KBOR – new admission standards --
• KBOR – discussion draft from the Transfer and Articulation task force --
• Faculty Survey of Student Engagement --
V. Committee Reports:
* Rules Committee -- Steven Skinner, Chair
VI. State budget update: Provost Gary L. Miller
VII. New Business
1. Proposal to approve a B.S. in Engineering Technology (1st reading):
Denise Celestin, chair Academic Affairs committee; Larry Whitman, director of Engineering
Education, College of Engineering
VIII. As may arise