Agenda for the Meeting of the Faculty Senate

Monday, April 24. 2017 CH 126 3:30 - 5:00

1. Calling the meeting to order

2. Informal statements and proposals

3. Approval of the minutes -- Monday, April 10, 2017

4. President's Report

5. Committee Reports
i. Standing Committee Annual Reports:
Court of Academic Appeals
Faculty Affairs
Faculty Support
University Admissions & Exceptions
Undergraduate Research
University Tenure and Promotion

Provost's Evaluation Survey- Pending distribution

6. Old Business

7. New Business
i. University Promotion Guidelines for Teaching Faculty-2nd reading -- ( also attached to the agenda notice)
ii. Teaching Evaluation Policy - 1st reading (also attached to the meeting notice)
iii. Evaluation of Teaching effectiveness: redoing SPTE?
iv. YMCA Q&A Session Dr Teri Hall, VP Student Affairs

8. As May Arise