Agenda for Faculty Senate Meeting Monday, May 2, 2011
Clinton Hall 126, 3:30 pm

I. Call of the Meeting to Order

II. Informal Statements and Proposals
Statements from Senators on General Education

III. Approval of the Minutes: minutes of the meeting April 25, 2011:

IV. President's Report: FY 2011 budget update

V. Committee Reports
a. Rules Committee - Steve Skinner, chair
2011-12 Committee Appointments:

  • Academic Affairs-- Mary Walker, University Libraries
    Court of Academic Appeals - Frank Rokosz, Education, Laura Zellers, Business, Ray Hull, Health Professions
    Faculty Affairs -- Chris Rogers, LAS Math
    Faculty Support -- , Krishna Krishnan, Engineering, Ginger Williams, University Libraries
    General Education -- Ikram Ahmned, Engineerinbg, Natalie Grant, LAS Social Sciences, Steve Brady (Basic Skills)
    Honors -- Larry Spurgeon, Business, Elaine Bernstorf, Fine Arts
    Library -- Daniel Bergman, Education, Amy Baker, Fine Arts, Robet Feleppa, LAS Humanities
    Rules -- Clyde Stoltenberg, Business, Cathy Moore-Jansen, University Libraries
    Scholarship and Student Aid -- Melissa Mallon, University Libraries, Gamel Waheba, Engineering
    Undergraduate Research -- Macad Chand, Business, Lynn Goldberg, Health Professions

VI. Old Business:
1) Proposal from the Executive Committee: Transfer Appeals Process for students and institutions (second reading): ; Appeals form --

VII. As may arise