Faculty Senate Meeting Agenda for 5/8/2017, 3:00pm-4:30pm
1. YMCA Feedback forum, Dr. Teri Hall, 3pm-3:30pm
2. Calling the faculty Senate meeting to order: 3:30pm
3. Informal statements and proposals
4. Approval of the minutes
5. President's Report
6. Committee Reports
a. Executive committee
b. Planning and Budget committee
c. Library
d. General Education committee annual report
7. Old Business
8. New Business
a. Teaching Evaluation Policy-second reading
b. Weapons Policy Syllabus Statement
Concealed Carry Policy
The Kansas Legislature has legalized concealed carry on public university campuses.
WSU's Concealed Carry Policy can be found here: https://wichita.edu/?u=wsunews&p=/weapons_policy_documents
If you believe there is a violation of this policy, please contact the University Police department at 978-3450.
c. Graduate faculty policy, Dennis Livesay
d. YMCA feedback, Teri Hall
8. As May Arise
Meeting Agenda for 5/8/2017 4:30 – 5:00
[2017-18 Senators voting]
1.Call to Order
2. President's Statement
- Welcome New Senators
3. New Business
a. Introduction of candidates for officer positions
b. Election of Officers
c. Election of Senate Budget and Planning Committee members (Humanities, Natural
Sciences, Health Professions, Education)
d. Appointment of Ombudsperson
4. As May Arise