Agenda for the meeting of the Faculty Senate

May 9, 2016, CH 126 3:30pm

1. Call to order

2. Informal Statements and Proposals
Recognition of Jeri Carroll (Curriculum and Instruction) Served the university in many capacities on committees and special boards. FS President 2000-2001; Presidents Medal for Distinguished Service-- Mat 11, 2016, Marcus Welcome Center, room 104, 3:00 - 5:00

3. Approval of the Minutes of the meeting April 25, 2016

4. President's Report

5. Committee Reports
A. Executive Committee, T&P Boyer Model
B. Planning and Budget, Peer H. Moore-Jansen
C. Standing Committee Annual Reports:
Faculty Affairs
General Education
Scholarship & Student Aid
Ten;ure & Promotion

6. Old Business
A. Tenure Ad hoc committee – Charge
B. Proposed Tenure & Promotion model -- (2nd reading)
Background Paper on the UniScope Model of Scholarship
7. New Business
SGA Resolutions

8. As may arise

9. Adjournment