Motion from the Ad Hoc General Education Committee to the WSU Faculty Senate --3-28-11
The Faculty Senate endorses the creation of General Education learning outcomes that (i) can be assessed for the purposes of accreditation, (ii) meet KBOR requirements and goals (Program Review), (iii) create transparency and clarity about the goals of General Education, and (iv) provide guidelines to the departments and colleges as they evaluate and modify their courses and curricula in the future.
Mission Statement (Draft)
Wichita State University is a diverse community united in a common desire for excellence in learning, teaching, scholarship, and public service. While there are many important reasons for a university education, one overarching purpose encompasses all others – to educate and mentor students to become responsible and informed citizens and leaders for our communities, our nation, and the world.
General education is the common element of the university experience and is the foundation which infuses and integrates the knowledge, skills, values, and reasoning essential for academic and personal success.
Outcomes for General Education (Draft)
Upon graduation, students will:
1. Have been introduced to the arts
2. Have knowledge of historical and contemporary global issues
3. Understand the relevance of professional and ethical responsibility
4. Have learned to use research and information tools
and be able to:
5. Communicate effectively in writing and speaking
6. Think critically and creatively
7. Solve problems
8. Demonstrate knowledge of mathematics and the natural and social sciences
9. Function collaboratively in multidisciplinary and in intercultural environments
Proposed process and timeline:
• That all departments review the drafts of mission statement and outcomes that have
been prepared by the Ad hoc General Education Committee, and provide feedback by Friday,
September 30th.
• Feedback from departments will be incorporated into a draft by the Ad hoc General
Education Committee and brought to the Senate for an initial reading by Monday, October
• After Senate approval, the mission statement and outcomes will be sent back to
departments. Departments that offer courses for general education credit will determine
how their current general education courses meet these new outcomes and how they are
assessed. Deadline will be Friday, February 24th, 2012.
• Feedback from departments would be incorporated into the general education requirements
and assessment process by the Standing General Education Committee.