Faculty Senate Executive Committee

Agenda for the meeting of October 4, 2010, 3:30 pm Morrison Hall Room 002

1. Approval of the minutes from the meeting of September 20th
2. Nominations to Senate committees
3. Consent agenda
a. Forward proposal to amend the charge to the Senate Scholarship and Student Aid Committee to the Rules Committee - attached
b. Forward proposal to create a B.S. in Engineering Technology to Academic Affairs committee - attached
c. Forward proposal from the Office of the Provost to have pre-requisites for some introductory General Education courses to the standing General Education committee for their discussion and recommendation
4. Discussion items - Senate agenda for October 11th
a. Proposal to endorse a policy to require the declaration of a major at the time of admission.
i. The proposal is based on the recommendation of the Faculty Senate Planning and Budget committee. The Office of the Provost has recommended a policy requiring a declaration by the end of the first year. Declaration of a major appears to be easier to administer at the time of admission.
ii. Recommendation: admission procedures should be in place to encourage (or require?) students to also identify 2nd and 3rd majors. The identification of other areas of interest would aid in advising and directs students to learn more about related areas of study.
b. Proposal to endorse a policy requiring completion of basic skills within the first 24 hours of enrollment at WSU.
i. Current policy requires the completion of basic skills within the first 48 hours. Requiring the completion of basic skills as early as possible will help ensure adequate preparation for other course work.
ii. Recommendation: amend to 36 hours. Some degree plans require 9 hours of course work per semester toward the major during the first year. Considering that WSU students enroll, on average, in about 12 hours per semester, a requirement set at 24 hours will be difficult for some students to meet. We want to avoid making exceptions routine.
5. Information items
a. Status of grievance policy approved by the Senate in March 2009
b. Draft of proposed changes to the charges of the Library committee from Bob Feleppa, chair
c. Early Warning System Software: demonstrations on Monday October 11, UCATS Conference Room – Jabara Hall, Room 233, contact Keith Pickus
6. Additional discussion items - time permitting
a. Discussion of creating proposal to prohibit late adds and late registration.
b. Discussion of proposal to assign faculty advisors at the time of admissions.