Faculty Senate Executive Committee Agenda
Monday, February 21, 2011, 3:30 pm, Morrison Hall Room 002
1. Discussion items
a. Agenda for the Senate meeting of February 28th
i. Graduation Partnership
ii. 2nd reading of the B.S. in Engineering Technology
b. Senate elections – update
c. Discussion document from the KBOR Transfer and Articulation Working Group, 2nd
version of February 17th – handout
i. Appeal process for transfer credit – handout
ii. Proposed procedures for the Registrar to evaluate General Education transfer
equivalencies from the General Education committee
d. Proposal from the General Education committee to require prerequisites for Further
Studies courses
e. College of Engineering tenure-track positions in engineering physics
f. Faculty input on the HLC process – planning and budget committee
g. Tuition remission task force – handout
h. Request for faculty representatives to fill seats on the SGA Supreme Court – handout
i. Schedule special session of the Executive committee to discuss General Education
process for the senate
2. As may arise