Guidelines for Registrar to evaluate Transfer Courses for General Education -- rev. 4-6-11
The following guidelines will be followed for the review of transfer courses for
General Education credit.
a. Transfer courses from regionally-accredited institutions outside the state of
Kansas may be assigned a General Education attribute by the Registrar if they are
at least 3 credit hours, and if
i. their title and content is similar to one of WSU's General Education courses or
ii. the course is similar in title and content to one or more that have been evaluated
for transfer General Education credit by academic departments.
b. Courses that do not meet the above criteria will be referred by the Registrar
to the appropriate department for evaluation, along with an appropriate course description
or syllabus. Basic Skills and Further Studies courses will always be referred to the
appropriate department. The General Education Committee and the Registrar hold the
expectation that departments will complete evaluations or request more information
within a two-week time period.
c. The Registrar will provide regular updates on courses approved for General Education
credit to the General Education Committee.
d. Reevaluations of general education courses previously approved for transfer credit
can be requested at any time by departments, while acknowledging that commitments
made by advisors to students will be honored.
Guidelines for Registrar to evaluate Transfer Courses for General Education
The Registrar will utilize the following criteria to evaluate Transfer Courses for
General Education credit:
a. Transfer courses may be assigned a General Education attribute if they have been
completed at a regionally accredited institution, are at least 3 credit hours, and
i. their title and content is similar to one of WSU's General Education courses or
ii. the course is similar in title and content to one or more that have been evaluated
for transfer General Education credit by academic departments.
b. Courses that do not meet the above criteria will be referred to the appropriate
department for evaluation via* the General Education Standing Committee along with
an appropriate course description or syllabus. Basic skills will always be referred
to the appropriate department via* the General Education Standing Committee. The Committee
holds the expectation that departments will complete evaluations or request more information
within a two-week time period.
c. The registrar will provide the General Education committee a list each year of
the transfer courses that have been assigned a general education attribute.
d. After 3 years, reevaluations can be requested for general education courses previously
approved for transfer credit.
*via means the Registrar sends requests to departments directly, but with the General Education Standing Committee's authority clearly indicated on the evaluation form. (The form is worded as a request from the Committee even though it is an action done by the Registrar.) Upon return of the departmental evaluation, notification is forwarded to the Committee by the Registrar.