Minutes of the meeting of the Faculty Senate Monday, May 9, 2011

Members Present: Ahmed, Anderson, Barut, Bennett, Bryant, Carruthers, Cele4stin, Close, Decker, GIbson, Hemans, Henry, Horn, Jeffres, Klunder, Kreinath, Matveyeva, Miller, Mosack, Rillema, Rjokosz, Rjoss, L. Russell, Skinner, Smith-Campbellk, Soles, Thompson, Yeager, Yildirim

Members Absent: Adler, Baker, , Brooks, deSilva, DiLollo, d'souza, Moore-Jansen, D. Russell, Smith, Strattman, Taher

Members Excused: Bolin, Hershfield, Lewis

I. Call to Order: President Hemans called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm

II. Informal Statements and Proposals:
a. President Hemans thanked everyone for their support this year.
b. Abu Masud made a presentation to the Senate on Plagiarism in found in some dissertations/thesis presented by students in the Graduate School. The council will be studying the problem and will make reccomendations to the senate at a later date."
c. President Hemans thanks all the Committee chair and members for all their work this year and noted that over 1/4 of the faculty are involved in committee assignments. He also thanked the Executive Committee members, the Planning & Budget committee members and the ad hoc General Education committee members for everything they are done.
d. President Hemans told the senate about the WSU Plan for tuition increases. He ask for a motion to endorse the report so that the process can continue and be presented to the Board of Regents the next week. It was endorsed by the Senate.

III. Old Business: none

IV. New Business: none

V. As May Arise none

Meeting adjourned at 4:16 pm