Fairmount College Curriculum Changes

Fairmount College Curriculum Committee Governance Definition

LAS Curriculum Change Process

1. Department faculty and/or Department Curriculum Committee discuss, review, and if approved, send the proposal electronically to the Department Chair through CourseLeaf Curriculum (CIM).

Note: When creating new courses, please contact Sally Fiscus at sally.fiscus@wichita.edu in the Registrar's office for available course numbers.

2. LAS Curriculum Committee reviews submitted forms in CIM.

3. LAS Curriculum Committee meetings are called when a minimum of 3 proposals for new courses or programs are received by the committee  members

  • Requests submitted less than one week prior to a scheduled committee meeting may be held until the next meeting to allow adequate time for distribution and review of all relevant forms.

4. Committee approved forms forwarded to next appropriate committee through CIM.

  • All LAS change forms must be submitted to the Dean's Office by Friday, Oct. 4, 2019 in order to be included in the 2020-2021 undergraduate and graduate catalogs.
  • Forms will still be accepted and reviewed by the committee after this date, however we cannot guarantee that any forms submitted after the 4th will be included in the new catalog.

Additional Information

If you have any questions regarding LAS curriculum changes, please contact Joyce DalPorto-Ward at joyce.dalporto-ward@wichita.edu or 316-978-6659.