Capital Improvement Planning

Capital Improvement Plans are long-term planning documents that schedule major infrastructure improvements and spread the capital costs over many years to avoid large rate increases or getting into a bind when an unplanned capital project is required. CIPs cover installing new assets and rehabilitating or replacing current assets.

Community Improvement District

A Community Improvement District is a special purpose district whose property owners voluntarily tax themselves to fund public improvements or services to support the community and promote economic development

Development Impact Fee

The Development Impact Fee is a one-time fee assessed by a local government on new development to pay for all or a portion of the costs of providing public services to the new development.

Environmental Impact Bonds allow communities to share the risks and rewards of financing large projects based on outcomes.

General Obligation Bond

General Obligation Bonds provide local governments the ability to borrow money to fund infrastructure projects, typically for a low-cost, tax-exempt rate of interest.

Green Bonds provide local governments the ability to borrow money to fund environmental, sustainable infrastructure projects, typically for a low-cost, tax-exempt rate of interest.

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)

The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act’s purpose is to accelerate investment in our nations water and wastewater infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental credit assistance under customized terms to creditworthy water and wastewater projects of national and regional significance.

Neighborhood Improvement District

A Neighborhood Improvement District is a special taxing district whose property owners voluntarily tax themselves to fund public improvements or services to support the community. 

Public-Private Partnership

A Public-Private Partnership allows businesses to fund public projects that help them meet their social or environmental goals to ensure a future that is financially sustainable.

Revenue bonds are municipal bonds that finance income-producing projects.