A stormwater incentive program is a tool for communities to encourage developers, homeowners, businesses, etc. to incorporate stormwater best practices into new developments or redevelopments in order to meet runoff or pollutant reduction goals.

Environmental Incentives or Pay-for-Performance

Environmental incentives, or Pay-for-Performance, is an economic incentive program that links payment to measurable outcomes. Environmental incentives focus on project effectiveness not the lowest-cost.

Clean Water State Revolving Fund - MO

The Missouri Clean Water State Revolving Fund provides communities a permanent, independent source of low-cost financing for a wide range of water quality infrastructure projects.  

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)

The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act’s purpose is to accelerate investment in our nations water and wastewater infrastructure by providing long-term, low-cost supplemental credit assistance under customized terms to creditworthy water and wastewater projects of national and regional significance.

National Fish Passage Program

Through the National Fish Passage Program, the USFWS provides financial and technical assistance to reconnect aquatic habitats through the removal of barriers.

Public-Private Partnership

A Public-Private Partnership allows businesses to fund public projects that help them meet their social or environmental goals to ensure a future that is financially sustainable.

Credits are given to property owners who reduce their property’s stormwater runoff. Some programs allow credits to be sold or traded to other property owners.

Tree Resource Improvement and Maintenance (TRIM) Grant

The TRIM program is designed to help Missouri communities initiate and improve their efforts to care for publicly owned trees.