High School Program
October 19, 2019
8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Wichita Marriott Hotel
Salon 1 & 2
8:30AM – 9:00AM Coffee & Registration
9:00AM – 11:30AM Symposium, Part 1
- David Trombold, Wichita Collegiate School, Topic: Collaboration project in environmental science
- Alan Oberly, Newman University, Topic: What freshman college students know (& should know): From a college professor’s perspective
- Dr. Janelle Torres y Torres, Western Governors University – Missouri, Topic: What Division Chem Ed offers educators
- Maricar Harris, Wichita Collegiate School, Topic: TBD
- Sherri Rukes, American Association of Chemistry Teachers, Topic: Teaching resources – AACT website
11:30AM – 12:30PM Lunch & Learn
- A facilitated discussion about classroom practices
12:30PM – 2:30PM Symposium, Part 2
- Melissa Hill, Vernier, Topic: Vernier probes in the chemistry classroom
- Amy Clement, Olathe North High School, Topic: TBD
- Dr. Norman Schmidt, Tabor College, Topic: How to prepare students for the National Chemistry Olympiad
- Gissel McDonald, Neil McLeod, Matt Lundy, Spring Hill High School, Topic: Hybridizing educational strategies
2:30PM – 2:40PM Wrap up evaluation