Directed Reading: English 850
In order to undertake a Directed Reading, a graduate student should first discuss with the Graduate Coordinator the suitability of the directed reading for the student’s plan of study. If appropriate, the student then solicits the efforts of an instructor who is willing to direct the course. In consultation with that instructor, the student develops a prospectus that functions as a syllabus, including a statement of purpose (intended research field), the method of evaluation, and a preliminary bibliography. You may use the template provided below or create one of your own (working with your instructor). In addition, the prospectus must include a cover sheet with appropriate signatures: the student, the instructor, and the graduate coordinator. The prospectus must be approved prior to the student’s enrollment in English 850 (preferably during the semester preceding the one in which the student intends to enroll). Under most circumstances, no more than one directed reading would be approved as part of a student degree plan.
» Download the Directed Reading Prospectus Template (Word)
» Download the Directed Reading Signature Cover Sheet (Word)