WHY GEOLOGY - Fall 2024 Course Offerings


students in field
Experiential Learning


  • Geology is the study of Earth systems and interactions between its solid materials, atmosphere, ocean, and life. Geologists study modern Earth systems as well as reconstruct the natural history of the planet.
  • A grounding in geology is essential for solving problems and providing historical context for climate change studies, pollution and waste disposal, and civil engineering investigations. As an applied science, geology frequently employs tools and concepts from chemistry, biology, mathematics, and physics.
  • Geologists work to understand Earth processes, structure, and its evolution, through field work, rock description, mapping, geophysical techniques, chemical analysis, physical experiments, and numerical modeling.


Fun Classes


We know how this can end! Plant a tree, save the world.

GEOL 200. Introduction to Environment and Sustainability

3cr. General education math and natural sciences course.

Explores variety of environmental processes and contemporary environmental issues, including overviews of the science behind these issues, technology and policies developed to address them, the ethics that underlie how these issues are evaluated, and the impacts to human society. Course is part of the certificate in environment and sustainability, but all WSU students are encouraged to enroll

lost world

Most loved and misunderstood creatures we've never met!

GEOL 301. Dinosaurs: Fantastic Beasts and Lost Worlds

3cr. General education math and natural sciences course.

Examines the origin, evolution, behavior and extinctions of dinosaurs and related creatures of the Mesozoic, as well as their relationships to the natural environment. Students examine the geologic record and the tools used by geologists and paleontologists to determine geologic ages, ancient environments, the evolutionary history and extinction of dinosaurs, and dinosaur behaviors. Mechanisms of global change ranging from plate tectonics, climate and asteroid impacts are discussed.




What is this place ?!

GEOL 102.  Earth Science and the Environment 

3 or 4cr. General education math and natural sciences course.

What shapes the Earth's physical environments, what are impacts of human activities on modifying the environment, how do we use and abuse natural resources, and a survey of natural environmental hazards.





Tornadoes, hail, and heat! Oh my!

 GEOL 235.  Meteorology  

3cr. General education math and natural sciences course.

Atmosphere and its properties and the various phenomena of weather. Brief survey of important principles of physical, dynamic, synoptic and applied meteorology.

swimming dino

Surf the depths of the ocean!

GEOL 310.  Oceanography  

3cr . General education math and natural sciences course.

Examine ocean basins and sea water; dynamics of waves, tides and currents. Survey the physical and chemical properties of sea water, diversity of life in the oceans, economic potential, law of the sea, and the effect of people on the marine environment.


Global climate change - you think this is new?!

GEOL 312.  Historical Geology  

4cr. General education math and natural sciences course.

Review of earth history and how it is preserved in the rock record. Survey major physical, biological and tectonic events in the history of the earth. Includes discussion of the origin and evolution of life.


You think that canyon is grand? Hold my beer!

GEOL 430C.  Geology of National Parks  


Examination of National Parks from a geologic perspective. The landscapes of U.S. national parks result from movements of large tectonic plates of Earth’s outer shell. Mountains, volcanoes, shorelines and various types of rocks develop through interactions along plate boundaries, or where a plate moves over a hotspot. Course is intended for college and university students who have had no previous geology courses.


The "day after tomorrow" is gonna look a lot different!

GEOL 430D.  Mass Extinctions  


Mass extinctions have punctuated the geologic history of this planet. This course compares the similarities and differences between past extinctions and the modern world.

field work

Get outside! Offline is the new luxury.

GEOL 540.  Field Mapping Methods  


Field mapping methods with special reference to use of level, compass, barometer, alidade and airphotos. Field trips required.


meg will
Applications and Skills


  • Geologists work in natural resource companies, environmental consulting companies, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and universities.
  • Many geologists do field work at least part of the time. Others spend their time in laboratories, classrooms or offices. Because the discipline is so broad, you can find a specialty that fits your interests and lifestyle preferences.

Department of Geology

1845 Fairmount St., Box 27
Wichita, Kansas 67260
