~ Book 2 ~

Regarding wonders of the workings of the Earthly Globe

Section 1
1. Regarding the end and purpose of the Geocosm
2. The idea arising in the Divine Mind of Earthly Globe
3. Regarding the nature and the arrangement of Universal spheres or of the stars, and how they may flow into the World below.
4. Regarding the Sun and of the its marvelous Project, Forces and properties, by which it influences the Subterranean World.
5. Regarding the nature and the workings of the Body of the Moon
6. Regarding the measure of Earthly Globe towards Sun and Moon.

7. Regarding the external structure of the Earth, and its size.
8. Regarding Mountains of the Geocosm.
9. Regarding the secret arrangement of Mountains
10. Regarding the mountains in particular, and also the secrets about human uses of their arrangement

  • Of the water-holes or caves in Europe
  • Of the water-holes or caves in Asia
  • Of the water-holes or caves in Africa
  • Of the water-holes or caves in America

11. Regarding fire-vomiting or Volcano mountains.
12. Whether the Mountains may decrease with time, or whether they may increase anew, and regarding the wonderful transformation of the earthly parts.

  • Of Mountains and Valleys destroyed and born again.
  • The mountains with the march of time degrade; and the plains and valleys are elevated.
  • Penninsulas become Islands, and the Islands become Penninsulas
  • A country recedes into the sea, it rises again in another, where new islands and countries arise.
  • From this story than it lasted no longer possible as it belonged, appears clearer when the light at noon, the Earth in those times our nature is a whole different dispositions, as once the vile flood of world, or even of our times after the Flood.
  • Appendix. Geography of all the famous plains.

13. Regarding the Circling Waters or Ocean Geocosm, of the Seas through movement is communicated.

  • Of the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, and some Lakes of America, and the Atlantis Sea, consider some things worthy.
  • From the Mediterranean and Red Sea.
  • Result I. From this little example shows why and how, some lakes and rivers receive water, and do not issue water;
  • Result II. From here also show that almost no lakes have been some eight or some name, namely that of sorts, that is neither received nor rivers issue forth, and not wish to view a small it fit to grow from smoking and to decrease;

15. From the height of the mountains and the depth of Ocean and of the seas, where and the height of Caucasus Mountains, asserted by Aristotle, is studied.
15. Regarding the unevenness of the Sea, to which is joined the memorable history strengthening.
16. The measuring of the Sicilian Straight with authority accomplished in the Year 1638.
17. Regarding the Magnetic arrangement of the Earth, or regarding the *** Earth.
18. Geocosm or the earthly body is not very homogeneous, but is of heterogeneous nature; And regarding the wonderful variety of the things, with which the earthly body agrees, and where and what the actual substances it appropriates.

19. Regarding the more interior arrangement of the Geocosm, with the workshops and with the relationship to the parts of the human body.
20. Regarding Caves, openings and with the innumerable movements of the Earth.