Burning and Fire-vomiting Mountains,
Famous in the World:
With their Remarkables.
Collected for the most part out of KIRCHER’S
Subterraneous World;
And expos‘d to more general view in English, upon the Relation
of the late Wonderful and Prodigious Eruption of AETNA.
Therby to occasion greater admirations of the Wonders of Na--
ture (and of the God of Nature) in the mighty Element of Fire.
Res semper aliquid apportat novi.
None sadlier knows the unresisted Ire,
Then Thou, Poor London! Of th’all- raging Fire.
But these occasion’d kindlings are but Blazes,
To th’mighty burnings, which fierce Nature raises.
If then a Town, or Hills blaze be so dire;
What will be th’ last, and universal Fire?
Licensed and Entred according to Order.
London, Printed by J. Darby, for John Allen; and are to sold by him at the White Horse in Wentworth Street near Bell Lane; and by Benjamin Billingsly at the Printing-Press in Broad-street near Gresham College, 1669.
Table of Contents Epistle to the Reader and Explication of the Schemes Chapter 1. Of Subterraneous Fire-houses; That is, Abysses, or deep Storehouses of Fire: or, if you will, Aestuaries (that is, places overflown and raging with; or, as it were, Creeks of Fire) underground. Chapter 2. Of the Volcano’s or Ignovomous, that is Fire-vomiting Mountains in General. Chapter 3. Of the Manifold Volcano’s of Italy in Particular. Chapter 4. Of the Remakables of Volcano’s and their Eruptions in General. Chapter 5. Of the Remarkables of the Volcano’s of Italy, and their notorious Eruptions in particular,
&c. Viz. Chapter 6. Of the Prodigious and Wonderful Aetna in Special; and of the Vulcanian Islands adjoining |