Refereed articles and maps
- Parcell, W.C., Dunham, J.W., 2020, Preliminary Surficial Geology of the Garden Plain Quadrangle, Sedgwick Co., KS, Open-file Report 2020, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Swanson, W.J.*, Wernert, J.A.*, and Dunham, J.W., 2019, Preliminary surficial geology of the Goddard quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2019-11, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Swanson, W.J.*, Wernert, J.A.*, and Dunham, J.W., 2019, Preliminary surficial geology of the Wichita West quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report 2019-12, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Baker, R. *, Woods, R. *, Post, S.D. *, Dunham, J.W., 2018, Preliminary surficial geology of the Wichita East quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2018-11, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Baker, R. *, Woods, R*., Post, S.D. *, Dunham, J.W., 2018, Preliminary surficial geology of the Andover quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2018-10, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L., * Post, S.D. *, Dunham, J.W., 2017, Preliminary surficial geology of the Sedgwick County portion of the Whitewater quadrangle, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2017-29, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L. *, Post, S.D. *, Dunham, J.W., 2017, Preliminary surficial geology of the Sedgwick County portion of the Sedgwick NE quadrangle, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2017-28, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L. *, Post, S.D. *, Dunham, J.W., 2017, Preliminary surficial geology of the Sedgwick County portion of the Sedgwick quadrangle, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2017-27, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L. *, Post, S.D., * Dunham, J.W., 2017, Preliminary surficial geology of the Sedgwick County portions of the Mount Hope and Patterson quadrangles, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2017-26, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
- Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L. *, Post, S.D. *, Dunham, J.W., 2017, Preliminary surficial geology of the Sedgwick County portion of the Bentley quadrangle, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2017-25, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L. *, Curtis, M.D. *, 2016, Preliminary surficial geology of the Maize quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2016-18, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
Parcell, W.C., Dinkel, G.L. *, Curtis, M.D. *, 2016, Preliminary surficial geology of the Colwich quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2016-17, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000
Parcell, W.C., Sinclair, J.T. *, Lahey, M.L. *, 2015, Preliminary surficial geology of the Valley Center quadrangle, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2015-14, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Parcell, W.C., Sinclair, J.T. *, Lahey, M.L. *, 2015, Preliminary surficial geology of the Sedgwick County portion of the Greenwich quadrangle, Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey, Open-file Report no. 2015-13, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Mancini, E.A., Morgan, W., Harris, P., and Parcell, W.C., 2013, Introduction: AAPG Hedberg Research Conference on Microbial Carbonate Reservoir Characterization—Conference summary and selected papers, AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 11, p. 1835–1847.
Warusavitharana*, C., Parcell, W., 2013, Sedimentary features, occurrence and cyclicity of microbialite facies in the Roubidoux and Jefferson City Formations of Missouri and Kansas, AAPG Bulletin, v. 97, no. 11, p. 1849–1870.
Mancini, E.A., Ahr, W.M., Parcell, W.C., and Morgan, W.A., 2010, Microbial Carbonate Reservoirs, AAPG Getting Started Series No. 19, CD-ROM/Adobe PDF
Parcell, W.C., 2009, Signs and symbols in Kircher's Mundus Subterraneus: Geological Society of America Memoir 203, p 51-62.
Parcell, W.C., and Parcell, L.M., 2009, Evaluating and communicating geologic reasoning with semiotics and certainty estimation: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 57, p. 380-390.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Ahr, W.M., Ramirez, V.O, Llinas, J.C., Cameron, M., 2008, Upper Jurassic updip stratigraphic trap and associated Smackover microbial and nearshore carbonate facies, eastern Gulf coastal plain: AAPG Bulletin, v. 92, p. 417-442.
Mancini, E.A., Obid, J., Badali, M., Liu, K., and Parcell, W.C., 2008, Sequence stratigraphic analysis of Jurassic and Cretaceous strata and petroleum exploration in the central and eastern Gulf coastal plain, United States: AAPG Bulletin; v. 92, p. 1655-1686
Parcell, W.C., 2006, Maximum flooding or maximum starvation? Exploring the development of the maximum flooding surface in carbonate systems with multi-valued logic: Stratigraphy, v. 3, n. 1., 14 p.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Ahr, W.M., 2006, Upper Jurassic Smackover thrombolite buildups and associated nearshore facies, Southwest Alabama: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 56.
Parcell, W.C., and Williams, M.K.*, 2005, Mixed-sediment deposition in a retro-arc foreland basin: Lower Ellis Group (M. Jurassic), Wyoming and Montana, U.S.A.: Sedimentary Geology, v. 177, p. 175-194.
Parcell, W.C., Williams, M.K.*, Haner, A.L.*, Ploynoi, M.*, and Mancini, E.A., 2005, Transgressive-regressive cycle characterization of the Jurassic Ellis Group, Wyoming and Montana: A model for predicting reservoir facies in northern Gulf Coast salt basins: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transaction, v. 55, p. 655-667.
Mancini, E.A., Llinas, J.C., Parcell, W.C., Aurell, M., Badenas, B., Leinfelder, R.R., and Benson, D.J., 2004, Upper Jurassic thrombolite reservoir play, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 88, n. 11, p. 1573-1602.
Parcell, W.C., 2003, Evaluating the development of Upper Jurassic reefs in the Smackover Formation, Eastern Gulf Coast, U.S.A. through fuzzy logic computer modeling: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 498-515.
Parcell, W.C., 2003, Examining the definition and significance of the maximum flooding surface through fuzzy logic modeling: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 53, p. 659-667.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Puckett, T.M., and Benson, D.J., 2003, Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover carbonate petroleum system characterization and modeling, Mississippi Interior Salt Basin area, northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA: Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 18, p. 125-150.
Parcell, W.C., 2002, Sequence stratigraphic controls on the development of microbial fabrics and growth forms; implications for reservoir quality distribution in the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover Formation, Eastern Gulf Coast, U.S.A.: Carbonates and Evaporites, v. 17, p. 166-181.
Mancini, E.A., Badali, M., Puckett, T.M., Llinas, J.C., and Parcell, W.C., 2001, Mesozoic carbonate petroleum systems in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico area in Petroleum Systems of Deep-Water Basins: Global and Gulf of Mexico Experience, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Research Conference, Gulf Coast Section, SEPM Foundation, p. 423-452.
Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2001, Outcrop analogs for reservoir characterization and modeling of Smackover microbial reefs in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico area: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 51, p. 207-228. [won Grover E. Murray Best Published Paper Award].
Parcell, W.C., 2000, 3D computer simulation of carbonate depositional facies distribution and productivity rates using continuous set theory to mimic geologists' reasoning: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 50, p. 439-450. [won Thomas A. Philpott Excellence of Presentation]
Mancini, E.A., Benson, D.J., Hart, B.S., Balch, R.S., Parcell, W.C., and Panetta, B.J., 2000, Appleton field case study (eastern Gulf Coastal Plain): Field development model for Upper Jurassic microbial reef reservoirs associated with paleotopographic basement structures: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 84, p. 1699-1717.
Parcell, W.C., 1999, Stratigraphic architecture of Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) reefs in the northeastern Gulf Coast, U.S. and the eastern Paris Basin, France: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 49, p. 412-417.
Mancini, E.A., Benson, D.J., Hart, R.S., Chen, H., Balch, R.S., Parcell, W.C., Wang, W.T., and Panetta, B.J., 1999, Integrated geological, geophysical and computer modeling approach for predicting reef lithofacies and reservoirs: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Appleton Field, Alabama: Advanced Reservoir Characterization for the Twenty-First Century, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Research Conference, Gulf Coast Section, SEPM Foundation, p. 235-247.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., and Parcell, W.C., 1999, Analysis of rift basins for optimum development: Mississippi Interior Salt Basin: Proceedings of the U.S. Department of Energy 1999 Oil & Gas Conference, 23 p.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Puckett, T.M., 1999, Modeling of the burial and thermal histories of strata in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 49, p. 332-341.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Benson, D.J., Chen, H., and Yang, W., 1998, Geological and computer modeling of Upper Jurassic Smackover reef and carbonate shoal lithofacies, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 48, p. 225-234.
Book reviews (refereed)
Parcell, W.C., 2006, Review: Exploring Geovisualization: Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Elsevier, p. 111. (reviewed and modified by editor; no compensation)
Parcell, W.C., 2005, Review: Fuzzy logic in geology: International Journal of General Systems, v. 34, p. 91. (reviewed and modified by editor; no compensation)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Abstracts and Extended Abstracts
Authors listed in order of contribution to publication.
Student co-authors marked with asterisk (*).
- Parcell, W.C., Parcell, A.S.*, 2020, A field camp experience with Minecraft: Gamifying field mapping, exploration, and discovery in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 52. No. 6.
- Ibarra, V.*, Burke, C., Demissie, Z., Doyle, K., and Parcell, W.C., 2020, Analysis of sedimentary deposits on Dickman's Point Beach, southwest Florida: Natural and anthropogenic influences, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol 52. No. 6.
Parcell, W.C., 2019, Early geologic reconnaissance of the southwestern United States by the U.S. Army Corps of Topographical Engineers, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 5
Bruce., D.*, Parcell, W.C., 2017, Elemental and mineral stratigraphy of mixed carbonate-clastic system: Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Geological Society of America South-Central Meeting Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 1
Bruce., D. *, Parcell, W.C., 2017, Chemostratigraphy of a mixed carbonate-evaporite-clastic system: elemental and mineralogical patterns in the Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring Formation, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No. 6
Mann, A.N. *, Parcell, W.C. , 2017, Disassociating Earth from morality: Rene Descartes’ understanding of Earth’s Interior, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 49, No.
Parcell, W., Lapeyre, C., Gilbert, C., Day, K., 2016, Elemental chemostratigraphic zones in the Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring Formation, northern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Program, Denver, CO.
Curtis, M., Morrison, E., Mourning, R., Bischoff, W., and Parcell, W., 2015, Reservoir characterization of the Johnson Zone within the Cherokee Group: Hubert Field Complex, Logan County, KS, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Program, Baltimore, MD
Curtis, M., Morrison, E., Mourning, R., Parcell, W. and Bischoff, W., 2015, Reservoir characterization of hte Johnson Zone within the Cherokee Group in the Owen Field Complex in Logan County, west central Kansas, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Expo, Tulsa, OK
Parcell, W.C., 2010, Evolution of creation: Athanasius Kircher's recognition of a changing earth through time: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
Parcell, W.C., 2009, Outcrops from Central Missouri as Analogs for Microbialite Facies in the Cambro-Ordovician Arbuckle Group of Kansas: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Abstract Volume.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., 2009, Outcrop Analogs from Western Europe for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of Upper Jurassic Microbialite and Associated Higher Energy Lithofacies in the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain, USA: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Abstract Volume.
Parcell, W.C., 2008, Visualizing Uncertainty in Carbonate Reservoir Models with Semiotics and Information Systems: Examples from Outcrop and Core Studies: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Abstract Volume.
Parcell, W.C., 2008, Multi-valued Logic Modeling to Visualize Conceptual Uncertainty in a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic System: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
Parcell, W.C., 2008, Multivalued Logic Modeling of Jurassic Microbial Reef Development: Petroleum Technology Transfer Council -Eastern Gulf Section, Workshop Notes, Jackson, MS
*Koralegedara, G., Parcell, W.C., 2008, Depositional Fabrics and Dolomitization In Microbial Reef Reservoirs at Little Cedar Creek Field, Conecuh County, Alabama: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
Mancini, W.C., Parcell, W.C., Ahr, W.M., Ramirez, V.O., Llinas, J.C., and Cameron, M., 2008, Carbonate Reservoir Characterization for Identification of Stratigraphic Traps: Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Abstract Volume.
Parcell, W.C., 2007, The influence of Athanasius Kircher's hermetic and neo-platonic worldview on Mundus Subterraneus: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
Parcell, W.C., 2007, MUNDUS: Digital archive of historical earth inquiry: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
*Koralegadara , G., *Moody , W., *Warusavitharana , C.J., and Parcell,W.C., 2007, Relationships between depositional fabric and reservoir quality distribution in microbial reef reservoirs, Little Cedar Creek Field, Conecuh County, Alabama: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs.
Parcell, W.C., 2006, Viewing the history of geologic thought through the lens of semiotics, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 38.
Parcell, W.C., 2006, Improved subsurface correlation of Middle Jurassic units in Wyoming and Montana with detailed outcrop descriptions, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 38.
Parcell, W.C., 2006, Reevaluating chert-bearing horizons as evidence of unconformities in the Middle Jurassic Ellis Group, Wyoming and Montana, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 38.
Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2006, Outcrop analogs for reservoir characterization of Jurassic microbial buildups, Gulf of Mexico, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 38.
Parcell, W.C., and Venhaus, J.C.*, 2006, 3-D sequence stratigraphic framework for the Middle Jurassic Ellis Group, Wyoming and Montana through correlation of outcrop descriptions, gamma ray profiles, and well logs: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Abstract Volume, p. 37.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Ahr, W.M., Llinas, J.C., Bearden, B.L., and Tew, B.H., 2006, New stratigraphic trap oil play associated with the Upper Jurassic Smackover microbial reef trend, onshore Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstracts Volume CD.
Venhaus, J.C.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2006, Outcrop gamma-ray profiling for improved correlation of Middle Jurassic units, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Kansas Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting Abstracts, p. 15.
Parcell, W.C., 2005, Integrated lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic, and gamma ray correlation techniques for improved sequence stratigraphic analysis of Middle Jurassic strata, Wyoming and Montana: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, p. 113.
Haner, A.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2005, Stratigraphic relationships within the Lower Ellis Group, southern margin of Belt Island, southern Montana: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 141.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Llinas, J.C., 2005, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous thrombolite and coral-thrombolite buildup development in shelf to ramp settings in the northern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstracts Volume, p. 85.
Ploynoi, M.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2005, Development of Middle Jurassic microbial buildups in Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 17.
Venhaus, J.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2005, Outcrop to subsurface gamma-ray correlation of Middle Jurassic units, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 37, p. 142.
Parcell, W.C., 2004, Clarifying 50 years of definitions ascribed to the maximum flooding surface with fuzzy IF-THEN classifiers and inference systems: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 36, p. 196.
Parcell, W.C., Kasten, L.*, Minks, K.*, and Williams, M.K.*, 2004, Mapping Middle Jurassic microbial buildups, Cody, Wyoming: implications for stratigraphic correlation of Middle Jurassic units across the Bighorn Basin: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A108.
Parcell, W.C., and Williams, M.K.*, 2004, Development of Middle Jurassic shallow-water microbial buildups in association with mixed carbonate and evaporite deposition, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A108.
Aurell, M., Badenas, B., Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Llinas, J.C., 2004, Use of Upper Jurassic coral-microbial and thrombolite reef buildups of northeast Spain as outcrop analogs for Upper Jurassic microbial reef petroleum reservoirs: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A7-A8.
Mancini, E.A., Llinas, J.C., and Parcell, W.C., 2004, Upper Jurassic shallow water thrombolites from the northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A91.
Williams, M.K.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2004, Stratigraphic framework for microbial buildups in the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian and Bathonian), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A148.
Parcell, W.C., 2003, Examining the definition and significance of the maximum flooding surface through fuzzy logic modeling: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 53, p 21.
Parcell, W.C., Kasten, L.*, Minks, K*., and Williams, M.K.*, 2003, Real-time digital mapping of the Indian Pass Quadrangle (1:24,000-scale), Cody, Wyoming with Tablet PCs: Geologic mapping for informed cooperation between city planners and mineral industries: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 70.
Parcell, W.C., and Williams, M.K.*, 2003, Thrombolite buildups in the Middle Jurassic Piper and Gypsum Spring Formations, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A132.
Aurell, M., Badenas, B., Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Llinas, J.C., 2003, Use of Upper Jurassic coral-microbial and thrombolitic reefal buildups of northeast Spain as outcrop analogs for Upper Jurassic coral-microbial and microbial petroleum reservoirs in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Abstract Volume, p. A5.
Kasten, L.*, Minks, K.*, Williams, M.K.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2003, Geologic mapping of Middle Jurassic microbial buildups in the Indian Pass Quadrangle (1:24,000-scale), Cody, Wyoming: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 35, p. 88-89.
Mancini, E.A., Aurell, M., Badenas, B., Parcell, W.C., and Llinas, J.C., 2003, Upper Jurassic microbial outcrop analogs for characterization of thrombolitic reservoirs in the northern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A112.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Puckett, T.M., 2003, Oxfordian carbonate petroleum system characterization and modeling: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, northeastern Gulf of Mexico, USA: American Association of Petroleum Geologists International Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, Abstract Volume, p. A59.
Williams, M.K.*, and Parcell, W.C., 2003, Stratigraphic relationships within the Middle Jurassic Gypsum Spring Formation (Bajocian and Bathonian), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A181-A182.
Parcell, W.C., 2002, Lithostratigraphic and paleogeographic comparisons of the Jurassic section in the Gulf Coastal Plain to the Jurassic Ellis Group in southern Montana and northern Wyoming: Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions, v. 52, p. 795.
Parcell, W.C., 2002, Correlation of Upper Jurassic carbonate and reef facies across the Burgundy and Ardennes Platforms, Eastern Paris Basin, France: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A136.
Parcell, W.C., and Williams, M.K.*, 2002, Stratigraphic relationships within the Middle Jurassic Piper Formation (Bajocian and Bathonian), Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 34, p. 281.
Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2002, Upper Jurassic Smackover carbonate shoal and reef reservoirs of the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain and outcrop analogs from western Europe: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts with Program, p. A110.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Badali, M., Llinas, J.C., and Puckett, T.M., 2002, Mesozoic thrombolite reef play, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A111.
Parcell, W.C., and Mancini, E.A., 2001, Integrated approach for correlation of Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian) strata between the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain and Western Europe: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 33, p. A78.
Parcell, W.C., 2001, Recognizing condensed sections and their significance in the development of reservoir-scale microbial reefs in Upper Jurassic carbonate sequences: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference Program and Abstracts Volume, Dallas, Texas, p. 38.
Parcell, W.C., 2001, Local, regional, and global controls on the distribution of Upper Jurassic reefs in the Eastern Gulf Coast, U.S.A. and Eastern Paris Basin, France: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A150.
Parcell, W.C., and Mancini, E. A., 2001, Upper Jurassic microbial reef outcrop analogs for Smackover reefs in the Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A150.
Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2001, Outcrop analogs for reservoir characterization and modeling of Smackover microbial reefs in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico area: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 85, p. 1704-1705.
Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2001, Integrated carbonate exploration approach for Upper Jurassic Smackover reef and shoal reservoirs, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A124.
Mancini, E.A., Badali, M., Puckett, T.M., Llinas, J.C., and Parcell, W.C., 2001, Mesozoic carbonate petroleum systems in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico area, in Petroleum Systems of Deep-Water Basins: Global and Gulf of Mexico Experience, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Research Conference, Gulf Coast Section, SEPM Foundation, p. 27-28.
Parcell, W.C., 2000, Classification of microbial growth forms and fabric in the Smackover Formation, southwest Alabama and implications for reservoir quality: AAPG/EAGE Program and Abstracts Volume, p. 49.
Parcell, W.C., 2000, 3D computer simulation of carbonate depositional facies distribution and productivity rates using continuous set theory to mimic geologists' reasoning: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 84, p. 1688.
Parcell, W.C., 2000, Documenting early highstand development of microbial bioherms in the Upper Oxfordian Smackover Formation with a 3D fuzzy logic stratigraphic simulator: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, p. A176.
Parcell, W.C., 2000, Distribution and controls on carbonate reservoir quality in the Mississippian Mission Canyon Formation, Carter Creek Field, Uinta County, Wyoming: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. 111.
Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2000, Upper Jurassic sequence stratigraphic framework for the northeastern Gulf of Mexico and Western Europe: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 32, p. A176.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T., and Parcell, W.C., 2000, Integrated biostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic framework: Key to sedimentary basin modeling: 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Abstract Volume CD.
Petty, A.J., Post, P.J., and Parcell, W.C., 2000, Field distribution and petroleum systems of the Andrew Formation (Albian) and James Limestone (Aptian), Mobile, Main Pass, and Viosca Knoll areas, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A115.
Puckett, T.M., Mancini, E.A., and Parcell, W.C., 2000, Source rocks, maturation, and seals in carbonate systems of the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. A120.
Parcell, W.C., 1999, Stratigraphic distribution of Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) reef and carbonate facies from the northern margin of the Tethys Sea: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A183.
Parcell, W.C., 1999, Stratigraphic architecture of Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) reefs in the northeastern Gulf Coast, U.S. and the eastern Paris Basin, France: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 83, p. 1360-1361.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Puckett, T.M., 1999, Multidimensional burial and thermal history modeling of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, in Multi-Dimensional Basin Modeling: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference Proceedings, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 3 p.
Mancini, E.A., Benson, D.J., Parcell, W.C., and Puckett, T.M., 1999, Upper Jurassic Smackover carbonate exploration strategies in the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. 87.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., and Parcell, W.C., 1999, Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentation rates in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin, eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: Southeast Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 31, p. A28.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., and Parcell, W.C., 1999, Modeling of the burial and thermal histories of strata in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 83, p. 1358.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., Parcell, W.C., and Benson, D.J., 1999, Key to exploration in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin and related sub-basins, eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting Abstract Volume, p. 87.
Mancini, E.A., Benson, D.J., Hart, B.S., Chen, H., Balch, R.S., Parcell, W.C., Wang, W.T., and Panetta, B.J., 1999, Integrated geological, geophysical, and computer approach for predicting reef lithofacies and reservoirs: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Appleton Field, Alabama: Advanced Reservoir Characterization for the Twenty-First Century, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Research Conference, Gulf Coast Section, SEPM Foundation, Abstract Volume, p. 33.
Parcell, W.C., Mancini, E.A., Benson, D.J., Chen, H., and Yang, W., 1998, Geologic and computer modeling of 2-D and 3-D carbonate lithofacies trends in the Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) Smackover Formation, Northeastern Gulf Coast: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. A338.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Benson, D.J., Chen, H., and Yang, W., 1998, Geologic and computer modeling of Upper Jurassic Smackover reef and carbonate shoal lithofacies, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 82, p. 1786-1787.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Crow, C.J., 1998, Upper Cretaceous sediment accumulation in the eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 30, p. 49.
Mancini, E.A., Benson, D.J., and Parcell, W.C., 1998, Fracture porosity and stylolites in Upper Jurassic Norphlet sandstone and Smackover carbonate deep gas reservoirs, northeastern Gulf of Mexico: Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists Symposium, p. 365-368.
Parcell, W.C., 1997, Controls on catch-up deposition within the Middle Jurassic Sawtooth and Piper Formations, southwestern Montana and northcentral Wyoming: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 29, p. A274.
Parcell, W.C., 1996, Depositional environments and facies changes of the Middle Jurassic Sawtooth and Piper Formations of southwestern Montana and northcentral Wyoming: Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section Meeting Abstracts with Programs, v. 28, p. 34-35.
Reports published by others (e.g. Federal agencies, trade associations)
Parcell, W.C., in preparation, Topical Report Year 3, T-R Cycle Characterization and Imaging: Advanced Diagnostic Methodology for Petroleum Reservoir and Trap Detection and Delineation: U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Progress Report for Year 3.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Hart, B., 2005, Topical Report Year 2, T-R Cycle Characterization and Imaging: Advanced Diagnostic Methodology for Petroleum Reservoir and Trap Detection and Delineation: U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Progress Report for Year 2, DE FC26 03NT15409, 95 p.
Mancini, E.A., Benson, J., Blasingame, T., Ahr, W., Archer, R., Hart, B., Llinas, J.C., Parcell, W.C., Panetta, B.J., Morgan, D., Tebo, J., Chapman, R., Schneeflock, R., and Strahan, R., 2004, Integrated Geologic-Engineering Model for Reef and Carbonate Shoal Reservoirs Associated with Paleohighs: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico: U.S. Department of Energy, Final Report, 430 p.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Hart, B., 2004, Topical Report Year 1, T-R Cycle Characterization and Imaging: Advanced Diagnostic Methodology for Petroleum Reservoir and Trap Detection and Delineation: U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Progress Report for Year 1, DE FC26 03NT15409, 38 p.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., Puckett, T.M., and Llinas, J.C., 2001, Topical Report 4, Basin and Petroleum Migration Modeling of the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin: U.S. Department of Energy Report, 46 p. and Appendix (on CD).
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., Parcell, W.C., and Llinas, J.C., 2001, Topical Reports 5-8, Smackover petroleum system (source, reservoir, seal and trap) and underdeveloped Smackover reservoirs in the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin: U.S. Department of Energy Report, 60 p. and Appendix (on CD).
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., Parcell, W.C., and Panetta, B.J., 1999, Topical Reports 1 and 2, Basin Analysis of the Mississippi Interior Salt Basin and Petroleum System Modeling of the Jurassic Smackover Formation, eastern Gulf Coastal Plain: U.S. Department of Energy Report, 332 p. and Appendix (on CD).
Project Reports and Guidebooks
Mancini, E.A., Morgan, W.A., Ahr, W., Parcell, W.C., Dias-Brito, D., Harris, P., 2012, Microbial Carbonate Reservoir Characterization, AAPG Hedberg Research Conference, Houston, TX.
Parcell, W.C., 2008, Multivalued Logic Modeling of Jurassic Microbial Reef Development. Petroleum Technology Transfer Council -Eastern Gulf Section, Workshop Notes, Jackson, MS.
Parcell, W.C., 2006, Topical Report Year 3, T-R Cycle Characterization and Imaging: Advanced Diagnostic Methodology for Petroleum Reservoir and Trap Detection and Delineation: U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Progress Report for Year 3.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Ahr, W., 2006, Upper Jurassic Smackover thrombolite facies and reservoirs, Vocation, Appleton, and Little Cedar Creek Fields, southwest Alabama: Eastern Gulf Petroleum Technology Transfer Council Workshop, Tuscaloosa, AL, 168 p.
Parcell, W.C., and Vanderburgh, W., 2005, Fuzzy Geology - Using Many-Valued Logic to Represent Uncertainty in Stratigraphic Data Sets: Multidisciplinary University Research/Creative Projects Award, Final Report, 3 p.
Parcell, W.C., 2005, Instructional and Safety Material for Field Geology in Montana and Wyoming, 238 p.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Hart, B., 2005, Topical Report Year 2, T-R Cycle Characterization and Imaging: Advanced Diagnostic Methodology for Petroleum Reservoir and Trap Detection and Delineation: U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Progress Report for Year 2, DE FC26 03NT15409, 99 p.
Mancini, E.A., Benson, J., Blasingame, T., Ahr, W., Archer, R., Hart, B., Llinas, J.C., Parcell, W.C., Panetta, B.J., Morgan, D., Tebo, J., Chapman, R., Schneeflock, R., and Strahan, R., 2004, Integrated Geologic-Engineering Model for Reef and Carbonate Shoal Reservoirs Associated with Paleohighs: Upper Jurassic Smackover Formation, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Department of Energy, Final Report, 430 p.
Mancini, E.A., Parcell, W.C., and Hart, B., 2004, Topical Report Year 1, T-R Cycle Characterization and Imaging: Advanced Diagnostic Methodology for Petroleum Reservoir and Trap Detection and Delineation: U.S. Department of Energy, Annual Progress Report for Year 1, DE FC26 03NT15409, 38 p.
Parcell, W.C., 2003, Geologic Map of the Indian Pass Quadrangle (1:24,000-scale), Cody, Wyoming, U.S. Dept. of Interior, USGS Mapping Grant Final Report (Map), 1 map.
Parcell, W.C., 2002, Modeling the Controls on the Decline of Coral Reefs in the Shelf Lagoon of Belize with Artificial Intelligence Techniques (4D Fuzzy Logic Modeling), University Research/Creative Projects Award, Final Report, 5 p.
Parcell, W.C., 2002, Instructional and Safety Material for Field Geology in Montana and Wyoming, 117 p.
Parcell, W.C., and Mancini, E.A., 2001, Smackover Microbial Reef Detection and Characterization, Eastern Gulf Petroleum Technology Transfer Council Workshop, Tuscaloosa, AL, 206 p.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., and Parcell, W.C. (eds.), 2000, Carbonate Reservoir Characterization and Modeling for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Discovery and Recovery, AAPG/EAGE Joint International Research Conference Programs and Abstracts Volume, 68 p.
Parcell, W.C., 1998, Smackover burial and thermal history, in Smackover Carbonates of Southwest Alabama: Eastern Gulf Petroleum Technology Transfer Council Workshop, Tuscaloosa, AL, 22 p.
Mancini, E.A., Puckett, T.M., Parcell, W.C., Crow, C.J., and Smith, C.C., 1998, Sequence stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous strata of the Alabama coastal plain: Alabama Geological Society Field Trip Guidebook, 41 p.