
Adopted by the membership of the Kansas History Teachers Association, April 1, 2006

Article I — Name

The name of this organization shall be the Kansas Association of Historians (KAH).

Article II — Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the study of history through the encouragement of research, publication, teaching, archival work, and public history through periodic gatherings of historians and students. KAH encourages communication and fellowship within a diverse community of history professionals, students, and others who have an interest in history.

Article III — Membership

Membership in the Association shall be open to any person who is interested in history.

Article IV — Legal Status

The Kansas Association of Historians (KAH) is a 501c3 not for profit educational organization, and its net earnings shall not inure to the benefit of its members, trustees, officers, or any other private persons. In case of the dissolution of the organization, the officers shall dispose of such assets to a not for profit educational organization.

Article V — Officers

Section 1

The elected officers shall be the President, Vice-President, and the Secretary -Treasurer.

Section 2

The President shall preside at the official meetings of the Association and at sessions of the Executive Committee, and will perform all other presidential duties specified by the Constitution. He/She may appoint special committees or taskforces to engage in specific tasks or to assist in planning and organizing the annual meeting.

Section 3

The Vice President shall be elected by the membership each year, and after completing one year of service shall succeed to the office of President at the next business meeting.

Section 4

The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain the minutes of official meetings, and shall keep and preserve Association records and documents. He/She shall maintain financial records and accounts, and will report on the Association's financial status at the annual business meeting.

Section 5

There shall be an Executive Committee composed of the officers, the immediate past President, and nine elected members. Elected Committee members shall serve three-year terms, with three new members joining the Committee as three veteran members retire at the close of each annual business meeting. In case an Executive Committee member is not able to serve, the remaining Executive Committee shall appoint an interim member to serve until the next annual business meeting at which time a new committee member may be nominated and elected.

Section 6

In the case of death, disability, or resignation of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the Presidency. The new President and the Executive Committee shall then determine what changes, if any, need to be made in the agenda and/or venue of the upcoming annual meeting. The new President shall also initiate the nomination process for a new Vice-President. If the Vice President for any reason is not able to serve, the Executive Committee shall appoint an interim President and Vice President to serve until the next business meeting.

Article VI — Elections

Section 1

A Nominating Committee of at least two members and a Chair shall be appointed by the President. The Committee will nominate candidates for the office of Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Executive Committee.

Section 2

The Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, and the Executive Committee, shall be elected at the annual business meeting by a method determined by the President.

Section 3

Upon the early resignation of an officer, or an Executive Committee member, other than the President and Vice President, the remaining Association officers and Executive Committee members shall nominate an interim replacement to serve until the next annual business meeting at which time a permanent replacement will be elected to serve the remaining term.

Article VII — The Transaction of Business

Section 1

The annual business meeting shall be open to all members of the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain business meeting minutes, which shall be reviewed by present members at the next annual meeting for their approval.

Section 2

Motions or resolutions shall require a simple majority vote for their passage.

Section 3

The Executive Committee is empowered to conduct routine business on behalf of the KAH. Amendments to the constitution or the bylaws require approval by the membership. Financial decisions determined to be critical to the organization shall be approved by the membership.

Article VIII — Amendments

The Executive Committee, or two-thirds of the membership in a written petition, may propose amendments to this Constitution. Petitions for amendments shall be presented to the Executive Committee at least three weeks prior to the annual business meeting. Such amendments will be considered during the annual business meeting for discussion, refinement of language, or revision. The final proposed amendment will require a two-thirds majority for ratification.

Article IX — Adoption Of Bylaws

The Association may adopt bylaws to specify procedures for holding annual meetings, to define any duties of officers not contained in this Constitution, to modify operating procedures so long as they remain consistent with this Constitution, to constitute and empower permanent or recurring committees, and to authorize awards and prizes. New bylaws or amendments to existing bylaws, may be proposed by the Executive Committee at the business meeting, or by the petition of five members, said petition shall be presented to the Executive Committee at least three weeks prior to the annual business meeting. Passage requires a majority of members present and voting at the annual business meeting.

Article X — Ratification

This Constitution, upon approval by the Executive Committee, shall be submitted to the membership, and upon certification by the Secretary of such approval, by two-thirds of those voting, shall go into effect immediately.


Bylaw I — Awards And Prizes

KAH offers annual prizes for the best scholarly papers in the field of history written by students at Kansas colleges and universities. The awards committee, appointed by the President, may exercise its judgment in determining whether to give or withhold an award. In the event of a tie, the award may be split between two student entrees. The awards carry a cash payment to be fixed by the Executive Committee and an award certificate for the author(s).

Bylaw II — Honorary Memberships

The Executive Committee may extend honorary membership status to persons it identifies as "friends of KAH." Honorary members might include former residents, scholars specializing in Kansas or Great Plains history, KAH donors, or other interested parties. Honorary members may attend business meetings, but may not cast votes.

Bylaw III — Dues

Attendance at an annual meeting and payment of the annual meeting fees constitutes membership in the KAH. To maintain their "good-standing status," members who are unable to attend an annual meeting and do not remit conference fees will be asked to pay annual dues of $8.00. In addition, persons who have not attended an annual meeting but wish to become a member may do so by paying the annual dues of $8.00. The Executive Committee may revise the amount of annual dues, to be ratified by a majority vote of the members at the annual meeting.

Bylaw IV — Executive Committee Meetings

The President may call interim Executive Committee meetings as needed to conduct routine business of the KAH.