Building Blocks for Sustainable Communities

Each year the EPA provides technical assistance to about 3 communities to help them address the threats of natural disasters by providing tools and guidance to help them take action to protect the people, economy and quality of life in these communities.

Environmental Impact Bonds allow communities to share the risks and rewards of financing large projects based on outcomes.

General Obligation Bond

General Obligation Bonds provide local governments the ability to borrow money to fund infrastructure projects, typically for a low-cost, tax-exempt rate of interest.

Green Bonds provide local governments the ability to borrow money to fund environmental, sustainable infrastructure projects, typically for a low-cost, tax-exempt rate of interest.

Greening America’s Communities

Each year the EPA helps 3-4 cities and towns develop an implementable vision of environmentally friendly neighborhoods that incorporate innovative green infrastructure and other sustainable design strategies.

Revenue bonds are municipal bonds that finance income-producing projects.

Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program

The National Parks Service’s (NPS) River, Trails and Conservation Assistance program supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the nation by providing a wide range of services and skills.

Rosin Funds’ Environment Program

The Scherman Foundation provides funds to nonprofit organizations, through the Rosin Funds’ Environmental Program, for innovative projects that have a transformative impact on a critical environmental issue.