Sept 19, 2016

4th Congressional District Debate

Miranda Allen (Indep)
Gordon Bakken (Libertarian)
Dan Giroux (Dem)
Rep. Mike Pompeo (Rep)

Moderator: Tim Brown, KAKE-TV

photo of four candidates debating

April 23, 2015

Duane Goossen
Senior Fellow at the Kansas Center for Economic Growth
"Challenging Financial Times in Kansas"

Photo of guest speaker with donor

September 19, 2013

Sandy Praeger
Kansas Insurance Commissioner
"Implementation of the Affordable Care Act"

photo of Sandy Praeger with donor


April 12, 2012

Dan Glickman
Executive Director of the Aspen Institute and
Senior Fellow at the Bipartisian Policy Center, Washington DC
"Is Bipartisianship Possible in the Current Environment?"

photo of dan glickmanphoto of dan glickman with donor


September 23, 2010

4th Congressional District Debate
State Representative Raj Goyle (D) and
Republican National Committeeman Mike Pompeo (R)

Moderator: Tim Brown, KAKE-TV; Panelists: Rhonda Holman, Wichita Eagle, Rebecca Zepick,, and Michele Gors, CEO of KPTS.

photo of Raj Goylephoto of Mike Pompeo