Community Responses to Sexual Assault
(CRSA) Research Group
Director: Dr. Rachael Goodman-WIilliams
The Community Responses to Sexual Assault Research Group focuses on understanding and improving how communities respond to sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence. Our partners include rape crisis centers, sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs), and law enforcement agencies. We work to understand the interactions between survivors and the systems that respond to them, and to provide research that can inform policy development and systems change. Additional areas of research include posttraumatic stress, informal social support, trauma-informed research methods, mandatory reporting policies, and organizations' decision-making related to the implementation of violence prevention programs.
If you'd to hear more about the type of research that happens in the CRSA lab, listen to this episode (link below) of the Just Science podcast where Dr. Goodman-Williams and her community partner, Dr. Jessica Volz, were interviewed about their work exploring why sexual assault survivors may have forensic evidence collected and choose not to make a police report at that time.
Faculty: Dr. Goodman-Williams
435 Jabara Hall