Student Organization of Social Work (SOSW)
The purpose of SOSW is to develop and maintain communications among social work students, faculty, and the general public and provide a means for united action on issues of social concern. SOSW also provides undergraduate social work students with many opportunities to become involved on campus and in the community through volunteering, serving on committees, and becoming elected officers.
Through SOSW, you are given the opportunity to work with (and get to know) your social work peers, faculty and community - which can be one of the most rewarding and beneficial things you do while in college. We are a group of individuals committed to the same cause - helping others. Getting involved in SOSW will be worth your time!
The officers of the Student Organization of Social Work encourage all undergraduate social work majors to join SOSW.
Top 10 Reasons to Join SOSW
- Help implement the mission of SOSW through committee membership.
- Be a part of the end of the year Social Work celebration banquet.
- Attend exciting and informative workshops.
- Participate in awesome fundraising activities to help our community and the School of Social Work.
- Print for free in the student lounge.
- Help with organized volunteer opportunities.
- Receive discounts for Social Work workshops and the annual Social Work POWER Conference.
- Obtain special recognition for Outstanding Achievement.
- Be first to know about invaluable brown bag lectures on a wide range of social work topics.
- Network with students, faculty, staff, and community experts.
Meeting & Membership Information
Join ShockerSync. This will provide information on meetings, activities, communications about SOSW, photo albums, etc.
How to Become a Member
- Complete the information at the bottom of the membership form.
- Attach membership dues and turn in to the School of Social Work office in 525 Lindquist Hall.
- Fill out a committee sign up sheet located near the SOSW Information Board on the 5th floor of Lindquist Hall.
Officers for the 2022-2023 School Year
President: TracyTruong
Vice President: Donna Tran
Faculty Advisors: BreAnn Gilkey, LMSW