Vocal placements are painless and simply involve filling out the placement form and submitting a short video/audio file of you singing any short song. This can be with or without accompaniment. If you don't have another song prepared, you can choose to sing something familiar, like "Happy Birthday," "My Country 'Tis of Thee," a folksong, hymn, or anything similar.

Current Year in School (Fall 2021)*
What is your preferred voice part?*
If you feel comfortable on more than one, please choose the one with which you have the most experience.
Can you read music?
How would you rate your sight-reading ability?
Please indicate if you are studying with one of our voice teachers (New students may not yet know with whom they are studying)

Info About our Choirs

WSU music majors (voice emphasis) are required to complete an audition unless they have been previously placed and received communication from the Director of Choral Activities, Dr. Ryan Beeken. All voice majors will placed into the appropriate large ensemble by choral faculty. Students are able to sing in both a large ensemble (Concert Chorale, ShockerChoir, WuChoir) and Madrigal Singers if they wish.

Detailed descriptions of the Wichita State choral ensembles can be found here


    • ShockerChoir (tenor/bass) (MUSP 211D, 411D, 711D)
      • Meets M/W 12:30-1:45
    • WuChoir (soprano/alto) (MUSP 212D, 412D, 712D)
      • Meets T/R 12:30-1:45
    • Concert Chorale (MUSP 213F, 413F, 713F)
      • Meets M, T, W, R 12:30-1:20
    • Madrigal Singers (MUSP 211L, 411L, 711L)
      • Meets M/W 2:00-3:15
In addition to ShockerChoir or WuChoir, please select if you wish to be considered for Concert Chorale or Madrigal Singers.
Select as many as you would like. Voice majors are required to submit a placement form and will be placed into ShockerChoir, WuChoir or Concert Chorale. All may be considered for Madrigal Singers as well.